Alien - Page 29

I was walking home from a friend's graduation party and I admit I was more than a little drunk. But hey, I was eighteen, a young, good-looking female, and if I wanted to party, I partied. But that night would be a night I would never forget
0250 Tendra 1000 - Sherry 0999 - Zan - still lost -------- Known and OR numbered ------- 0501 - Thaddeus ???? - Lena --------- Lieutenant Colonel Randall Jimison still couldn't believe what was happening
Because of all the positive feedback, I've created a second part! Thank you to all those who commented and/or gave a positive rating! And, if I continue to get such encouraging results, I'll begin to write a third part as well
1 Sophie stood in front of the door, willing herself to give in and knock. It wasn't that she was scared of what or who was behind the door. There were few things that Sophie Meyers feared, and her nerdy classmate would never make that list. Still, something made her pause
In the CAW 24 thread, Pars001 asked: "also can it have a sci fi mystery or alien romance theme? after all I am strange" My response was: "How about treaty negotiations between the <insert name here> alien race and the humans
The Mission Beneath the I-12 underpass, the huddled form was barely visible in the twilight as I headed home from stocking up on a few essentials before the predicted storm front arrived
Lt. Jessica Rodenberry has been just about the greatest space pilot that has even allowed himself to enlist into the Star Corps in order to defend the entire territory of the United Galaxies against any possible threat against such an organization
Chapter 3 Containment Breach. March 27, 2016 5:19 pm. “Warning to all research teams and military personnel, according to reports from the mainland there is a high probability that we may encounter a hurricane in the next two to five hours
He looked down at his unconscious captive, allowing a smile to draw up one corner of his mouth. Everything had played right into his hands
Contact with alien life didn’t really change peoples’ lives so drastically as they make out in books
The Academic and the Nymphomaniac. An erotic Science Fiction, Comedy. In your English Language my name is David (Beloved) Patterson (Fathers Son), literally
d ------- 0501 - Thaddeus ???? - Lena --------- -------------- I have had a few readers ask how the Tendraxians were able to access the A
Fifty rounds per minute, the A4 held close to his chest, the air five feet in front of him as thick as blood, dark with smoke and fog, debris from a city slowly going back to its primordial roots
Time Eternal Dozing to the hypnotic mechanical hum of the twin-engined Piper, I drifted back to the erotic memories of the previous night and the voluptuous chocolate Chiquita with whom I had the good fortune of spending the warm tropical night with
It had been almost 12 hours and Mary had been following the progress of Rear Admiral Joseph Hartwell. After sending him to Abrir Oculta Providence to retrieve Derrick's family she could only wait. Checking in on Derrick every few minutes there still hadn't been any improvement