Authoritarian - Page 5

Author's Note: Now, I did write all of this. This is my own writing. However, this story is very influenced by the story Isabelle's Awakening on literotica by Jasmine30

If you haven’t read the story entitled “Shannon” then you might want to read it before you read Shannon II. You will have a better understanding of the characters and the continuity of the story

I'm a 28 year old woman, slightly taller than average height, with a body thanks to years of yoga and regular gym visits. Chris lived on the third floor of our brownstone, with my boyfriend and I living on the first
PART 2 You should read “3D Radio” before reading Part 2, in order to get the context. Warning: This story starts slow, building the characters and plot (but it gets pretty hot later on)
My story starts off like this… My ex leaves me with my infant daughter Raven… My beautiful Raven is now 18 years old with long jet-black hair and is a tad on the bigger side Not obese by any means but still she is carrying quite a bit of weight

Her eyes shut even more tightly at his threatening words. She wasn't a virgin but she wasn't terribly off from it. She'd only had one serious boyfriend and a single one night stand

Copyright 2019 by tcs1963 All Rights Reserved Edited by my friend, takemedown MORNING AFTERGLOW My Point of View by tcs1963 I open our bedroom door, looking inside, I see you're still sleeping. Since the beginning, I have always loved to watch you sleep
Bill and Anne both heard the sound of Johnny's truck pulling back behind the barn. She wanted to stop fucking right away and get dressed, but Bill knew that putting the truck away meant washing it first, and that was at least 20 minutes
hree - by Anon As previously reported in Parts One and Two, I had the great good luck to be running an Officers’ Leave Centre in Seoul (senior officers only) and soon after arrival had met Miss Lem, who was operating her School For Homeless Girls, which was actually a thinly disguised bordello

Ian was finally free! After 8 months of court trials and police investigations, he was free. Ian was 15 years old with a strong athletic build light brown hair and brown eyes. he also has 212 I.Q. so he was able to do anything he put his mind to

After the three of them got cleaned up, they went to their respective rooms to recover. James laid on his bed, reliving the events that had transpired today. He thought about how it felt when he had jacked off, and the intense pleasure running through him as he came

“OK Alexis,” Johnathan said, feeling quite smug “Good thing you have the afternoon off, ‘cause this is going to take a while. Now you step up and bend over that bed.” Alexis was still very hesitant and trying to get out of this. “Mr
PROLOGUE Barbie Bergen drove her Toyota slowly through the howling blizzard, on her way to a Christian Youth Camp. The rest of her friends were already there, gathered for a weekend ski trip at a nearby resort

For a long time I was really confused about what I wanted since I'm only 20 and hadn't much experience with these things. I knew I was submissive, but I'm also pouty and like to be treated like a little princess

A Reasonable Deal (Pt. 5) Chapter 1 There was a light knock on the door, and Danielle opened her door to the night air, and a pretty girl. Jamie was standing in the door, her backpack—with laptop, notebooks, and a couple history books packed into it—was swung over her shoulder