Blackmail - Page 13

"Please keep your seatbelt on till plane is fully at a complete stop, Por favor, sigan el cinturón de seguridad hasta que el avión está a una parada completa" the women speaking with sexy Latin voice maybe early 20's over the planes intercom
The next day her ass was still pretty sore from getting reamed by Morris' thick cock, and her pussy hadn't fully recovered yet either. She gave her husband the cold shoulder when he tried to kiss her goodbye, but he didn't seem to notice much and left for work as usual
We sat in Cole’s garage, smoking a giant blunt. Me, Sarah, Cole, Chris, Salem, Samm, and Tyler. We all sold drugs. Last year, We all worked at a coffee shop called, “the magic bean”. It was owned by a guy called Mr. J. as it turned out he was a big dealer
------ Women interested in learning more about submission please see my ad here: ------ Bird and the Blonde Bird was hungry and his feet hurt. His feet always hurt on Saturdays and Sundays, when he worked the register at the local big-box store
out their camera phones and started taking snaps if my still unaware 16 year old girl, ‘ no doubt to send to their drinking buddies along with some lurid heading underneath’, I tugged harder on my cock I just couldn’t help it, I could just barely hear them talking, I listened had heard them say…………
I had been in college for only a few months now, and already I was beginning to feel lonely and isolated. I’d never been much of a social butterfly in my life; I’d always kept to myself save for a few close friends
Chelsea Rollington was puzzled by her recently deceased Mother’s finances. Growing up it seemed that her father was often involved with business investments that went bad, and also liked to gamble at the casinos and the racetrack
Debbie had dialled the police station desk three times. Each time as a voice greeted her she had hung up
I sat on my porch, looking at the Garcia’s front window across the street. Windows, actually, and wow, were they ever broken. Burst out from the inside, and a piece of furniture laying on the front porch, to boot
Jenna threw her overnight bag over her shoulder. " be back tomorrow mom" she yelled up the stairs. "Like she cares" Jenna said to herself when she hadn't heard a response. She grew up with her mom and she used the title lightly
Poster's notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too
Yvonne by SteveBriton I am attempting to learn how to write stories that will appeal to women and appreciate any suggestions, especially suggestions from women, who can tell me how to make my stories more appealing to them
Raising Her GPA I loosened my paisley tie with my right hand as I brought the three finger glass of Jameson up to my lips with my left. It was ten after five and I sat back into the chair to relax as best I could
Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter Thirty-Eight – Ginny Goes Black Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author
Author's Note: So this is my fursona. And my personal fantasy. Enjoy. I run my padded fingers through my belly fur, feeling the softness. I pant a little, squirming as I look in the mirror. My purple eyes look back at me