Blowjob - Page 232
NOTE FROM AUTHOR: -Again a work of fiction and my 2nd Porno. I gave this one more thought instead of breezing through it like I did with my last one. I imagined myself living out the scenes, experience it for myself. Please let me know what you think
Chapter 19 A PHOTO OF LAURA It was Monday and nothing felt real to Laura. Her tits felt strange and wrong without the painful chains on them. She had prostituted her girlfriend, had her girlfriend raped, and implied she would let it happen again
Truck Stop Fun He dropped me off at the truck stop and told me to go and make some money so we could keep the room we were now living in. Shaking and afraid I walked slowly into the men bathroom with me head held down

Getting handed a name and a picture is one thing; finding out everything I can on someone is a job for a team. Thank god that I have people to help with this nonsense. I left Escalante at the diner after our meal and went home with some serious speed

Frank School starts next week, but cheerleading tryouts are tomorrow. I am so nervous as this will be the first sport I have tried out for, but everyone says I am ready

Fiona & Alice's loyalty is rewarded with a house party. I woke up at around 10:30am the following morning and I still felt exhausted from the previous night’s activities late into the night

This isn't intended to be a coherent story. This is just a summery of things I like to do with the chicks I am with and a summery of what might be in the fiction (and some true) stories I write

to one side and slipped his finger into my wet cunt, he whispered into my ear that the party was moving back to the army barracks, he put his arm round me and guided me to the door I looked for my girlfriends and they were gone so were the guys they were with I assumed everyone went to the barracks

“I just don’t know what to do with you, honey.” May slammed the riding crop against her wife’s upturned pussy. Susan choked on a shout of pain and almost fell out of the strenuous crab pose she was holding
During my 8th summer I had gotten my 14 year old brother and our next door neighbor, Danny, to let me in on their secret game, a game of secret sex that, I was told, if discovered would land us all in reform school

Kristina Is Pimped Out By The Tire Repairman by rutger5 (An original story- copyright 2011) The warm water cascaded down Kristina’s back before falling to the floor of the shower and flowing to the drain

more with each stroke she makes on m y cock! I feel the familiar tingling in my balls and know I will not last much longer, I whisper, " please slow down, not yet" she lowers herself all the way down and lifts my lips to hers and kisses me hard, deep and her tongue goes deep as well as mine does

This is an extreme fantasy. If you are at all interested in brutality, sadism to an extreme that has no other end but death, then read on. This is the first chapter in a series of stories about a 16 year relationship between a 15 year old runaway and her 42 year old lover

Unable to cope with Jessica’s revelation, Shelly lies comatose as the Orange Bubble moves to Washington D.C. to protect the president
This is a fictional more ways than one. If you aren't a fan of cheating wives, then perhaps choose a different category of stories. Introduction My good friend Kelly and I were warming ourselves up for TJ