Blowjob - Page 281

"Are you sure this looks okay?" Alice blushed as she presented herself in front of her speachless boyfriend, Damien. She bit her bottom lip and looked up at him from behind her red curls, which came up and over her shoulders. Mostly covering her round, plump breasts
Chapter Five part 2 Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters are under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual immaturity of the main characters
It was going to be just another fun night. I was finishing fitting my wig and started outlining my lips with lip liner, and followed up with some Revlon red lipstick. While not great looking, I had a great pair of lips when painted with lipstick
This is a multi-part story so please read the others first. Thanks for all the great feedback, and feel free to give me advice to help my writing. Enjoy :) I couldn't believe the night still wasn't over yet, but I slowly nodded and felt Will direct me towards the bed
Inside my stomach that desire started churning again. That fire in my loins started burning and I wanted to feel his cock deep in me again. I quietly and gently snuck out of his arms and knelt in front of him
Chapter Sixteen The last day of school seemed to be dragging on forever as Lindsey sat in Math class. She just wanted to go to Ellie's hotel room and relax. Summer was going to be so great. She rubbed her abdomen. Jordan was sitting next to her
Fencing I’ll never look at that fence the same way. And in a playground, no less. I just hope it rains before someone leans against it or tries to climb it. Sticky chain link. Cum, saliva, pussy juice, maybe a little blood. We’re driving past a park
"Tell me one more time why are we traveling by bus?" Adrianne asks me, putting her bag on the top shelf. "Because we’re truly trying to experience the summer," I answer, taking out my notepad and a pencil. "Experience the summer? On a shitty bus!?" "Yeah. The road, people, heat
I stopped by my sister’s room to ask her if she had money to pay back the twenty dollars she borrowed three days before. She was lying on the bed, on her stomach looking at her smart phone
Debra was in a daze for several days. She'd had the best orgasm EVER, and with a BLACK guy. That she was conflicted was a gross understatement. She would just die if anyone back home found out. Back home? Ohhhhh. When her mother found outOH HELL, IF her father found out
"He is here!" someone shouted. The entire Nordish royal family, along with a stream of several dozen local nobles and officials, streamed out to the castle gate. Tetenia, the princess, walked briskly alongside her father, King Ulsan, and her mother, Queen Verena
In school, there was a boy named Michael. He was in my PE class. He was just perfect. He wasn't that tall (only 5ft 4") but he had a perfectly smooth body, with nice abs, he also had amazing legs, which made me drool whenever I saw them. His face was just amazing
(If you have not read Part 1 it would help to read it to get the background and continuity. However, I will give a short introduction below.) INTRODUCTION My wife and I had taken a 7 to 9 day vacation in a cabin on a lake in the northern part of the state for the past 20 years
The Ice Maiden This is based on a true story, A few years ago I was working at a company in Central London as an IT contractor. One of the best things about my job is that you get to meet everyone in the company
--=Awkward Anne - Chapter 3=-- Anne couldn't remember the dream she was having, other then it was one of the best of her life and had left her feeling warm and at peace