Blowjob - Page 291
I walk up behind you, slip my hands around your waist, and pull you close. I start slowly kissing your neck. I don't care who sees. You tilt your head to the side, so I can get to your ear better. I start licking inside your ear while I move my hands up to your beautiful tits
Sticky Sweet Victoria wiped the sweat from her brow as she locked the door to her office. It had been another hard day at work, and the rising temperature wasn't soothing her already tense body

Step Daughters' Desire chapter 2 Chapter one showed the beginning of Frank and Janis. This is the continuation of the story. Frank and Janis had a date lasting one weekend
Sasha’s dreams were some of the most pleasant she’d ever had. They weren’t about any specific one thing, just a peaceful place at a peaceful time. For some reason she woke up, she glanced at the clock and saw it said it was only three in the morning

His name was Cedric, he was thirteen had tan skin, dark brown wavy hair, and eyes as blue as the ocean, he had a girlish figure, and a soft voice, Cedric was always trusting, especially of me, I was like an older brother to him, I'm sorry I've gotten ahead of myself

Building up to be a really sort of interesting story. Back at Dana’s apartment, Abigail lifted her head up from between Dana’s legs, wiping away much of the fluid that had gotten on her face as Dana breathed heavily on her bed
Pam Jam I have one hot sister. Pamela is a younger version of Pamela Denise Anderson the babe from Baywatch. At fifteen years old Pam is one hot little sexpot too. She is five feet four inches tall and about a hundred and ten pounds. She wears a 32-B bra and is a cheerleader
Chapter Two-Linda I found another girl, Linda, a very petite little thing, at a local club. She had raven black hair, about shoulder length, nice apple sized tits, and a pretty ass. I soon discovered she was a true Blow-Job Queen
It was way back when me and my sister still lived together. When we were young my parents got a divorce and both me and my sister lived with my mom. My dad had already found a girfriend and my mom was still looking. My sister Megan was 14 at that time and I was 16

I knocked on the door and was greeted by a worried face. "I just don't have it, I'm sorry" she said. I knew she would get paid next week, but my balls were heavy and aching for a release. "I warned you last time" I said quietly as I stepped in through the door and closed it behind me

Unfortunately, a few weeks after my last threesome with my cousin and girlfriend, he moved further away from us. There was a job opening at his brother's auto shop and it paid fairly well. The bills were rolling in so it seemed like a good time to find a better job

Hello! Thank you for clicking on this story. A few notes: As you might have guessed from the title, this is not the first entry in this series. For those looking for a quick wank, this series may not be for you, as there will also be quite a bit of story and character involved

PART FIVE: CONTROL I got up the next morning and walked Renee to her car before heading to work. The problem that was developing was that each time Renee tried one of these new crazy things with me, she thought I would just be with her from then on and leave Amanda alone for good
Tony couldn’t stop thinking about Coach Simms. As much as he tried that fateful night at his house haunted Tony. When he would close his eyes he would see over and over again Simms’ thick black cock as it moved closer to his face. Tony was mortified at what he had done
My parents had a group of friends that they had been with since they were in high school. This year they all decided to rent out a villa in the Bahamas for a week together. I was 13 years old and a brain in school but had no experience with females at all