Blowjob - Page 368
I was walking to school thinking about my goals for the day when my thoughts were pierced by a feminine voice. “Hey, hot stuff.” Lila said as she bounced up alongside me. Great I thought to myself
Nika came into the bedroom looking for her father. She was worried about him, that he drank a lot of vodka and whiskey
When Moonshadows first misson, brings him the love of his life, things can only go up from there, or can they? 2 Years Later..They have been inseperateable.. As Moonshadow woke up, he got up straight away and brushed his hair extra nicely

The Slaver Gets his Wish Chapter 5 The Outing Part 1 I was munching on a tuna salad sandwich as I planned our evening, making reservations at our various stops for the evening. Loreena had banshee upstairs, getting ready
When I was 19 I had my first gay experience. I had been with a girl for two years or so and we had just broken up. I had been fantasizing about sucking cock, and getting fucked, since I was 18 or younger
One day some hot young eighteen year old chicks were at the local mall talking about consensual sex between two consenting adults. “Last night Josh was feeling down, so I knelt down over him and evacuated my bowels into a glass mixing bowl for him. He just loves that
This is a true story about me fucking my best friends sister. Lets call my friend Tim, lets call his sister Chelsea. Me and tim have been friends for a while now, and I never really thought much of his sister. She was 3 years younger than me, so I never had any real interest

It all started last Saturday. I had just come back from work, and I knew I was going to have the next day off, so I decided to relax. I came home, fixed myself a quick meal, watched some of the game on the T.V, and sat there on my sofa
This was one of my other ideas for this CAW, that I didn't use. If it had been a CAW entry, it would have been different, more prom, less drama, no interstitials and without the first ending. Also I'd have disguised the characters. This is a sequel to my previous CAW entry "The Essay

I quickly try to find something, anything to cover up the writing. I can hear someone coming. I can’t find anything at all. I prepare myself mentally. I’m going to have to fight. I can possibly take three out quickly but any more and the odds start to drop

"Come here babe." I grab you and push you against the wall. "Where do you think you're going? I waited all day for this. Take off your shirt before I do it my self." You look me in the eyes and see me bite my lip. "Take it off I said"

For seven years I was a faithful and dedicated wife to my loving husband. This is the story of the one day that became my first step down the path to Slutsville. We had been high school friends and dated for most of his senior year. I went to one local university and he to another
It was dark outside as he headed up the garden path. Alex climbed the few steps which lead onto the patio and made his way across towards window where what little light there was, filtered through from the lounge to leave its dulled glow on the wet patio paving

Naira let out a soft pleasurable sigh, she’d never in the fullness of her imagination expected it could ever be like this
I awaken, turning onto my side to avoid the glare of the sun as it pierces the curtains, invading our personal space with its sharp rays. I take your beautiful face in, glowing with the light of the sun. Brushing a strand of hair out of your face, I press my lips against yours