Blowjob - Page 412

The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 16. Enjoy

In a recent story WHILE YOU WERE AWAY I described how my lady Julie had been gone for more than two weeks and I was so horny without her. She told me not to fuck anyone while she was away and I didn’t, even though I was hanging out for it
The urgent sound of the hooter reverberated through the open window as Yvonne's tongue and lips worked slavishly on my cock. "The taxi's here," I clarified in hoarse tones, catching the look as my fianc?glanced up momentarily

Louise A Stag Party by Diomedes050465 Louise had known James for nearly two years before she had agreed to actually marry him. She supposed now that it was totally inevitable that she would since she could not imagine life without him
I was watching her try out the new game I just got, she couldn’t keep any consoles in her house… something about trying to impress boys. If only they knew she was a total dork when she could get her hands on the controller. “Sarah?” I asked

Drink up mother Arthur exclaimed as 52 year old Sonia who was on her knees opened her mouth & drank her only son's urine . Last night they had fucked most of the night away She was naked except for her spiked heels which Arthur always had her wear

Part 4, Jill's first man. I didn't hear from John until Thursday. He called me at work to confirm our date for Saturday. Of course I said yes. I got home that night to find Lisa was sick. Let doctor Jill take care of you my girl
As I pulled up to the house that I had written down from the e-mail, I thought about all that could happen, and what everyone would think if they knew. I gathered up my courage and walked up to the doorbell, ringing it twice. A man of about 25 answered, who I knew to be Dave

to the deal Ryan had made with Winston and George, she assumed Ryan was bringing the kids down to watch her fuck these 2 thugs, like the slut she had been, it disgusted her to think of them touching her, or that she had to at least pretend to enjoy it, yet she would do anything to make it up to Ryan

I sat down to write a part two of this story and was gonna start off with a recap of what happened last time from dad's perspective, but it kinda took over and well, this is what came out Hope you enjoy, I still plan on writing more chapters soon so stay tuned
as i slowly got up from between ross' legs my mouth still full of his creamy young cum, i could see he had enjoyed himself. his eyes were glazed, chest flushed, and breathing slowly starting to settle

Nancy Cherry walked through the familiar halls of her small-town hospital as she looked at the charts on the clipboard she carried. The attractive young nurse had been born and raised in this small, mountain village. The only time she had gone away was to attend college
Hi I'm Adam 21years old. This is going to be a part of a series BUT each story can be stand alone stories. All of the stories I am going to be making are completely true. -Any feedback is welcome. **Toronto, Ont** this is part 3 I've been seeing this guys Steve for a while now

“Books cannot be killed by fire. People die, but books never die. No force can abolish memory.” -Franklin Roosevelt *** It started with a play

The comment section has been restricted to members only due to spammers and other idiots. Please feel free to PM your comments to me. Lucky Mann Stolen Pleasures The sun had nearly set. A warm spring Friday in northern Indiana was coming to an end