Blowjob - Page 413
3 Weeks Later. I woke up at 4 AM i took care of my usual morning routine and got dressed. I walked into the "Living room" as it came to be called. Walking over to the fridge behind the bar to get the creamer for my coffee. I opened it up and looked in the right
I spent most of my morning reviewing applications for my latest modeling job. I was surprised at the response of my newspaper ad. Finding one attractive girl to model swimsuits would be an easy task, out of the 100 applications I received

Sometime during the night, Sarah figured out exactly how she would start dominating Gail. When Sarah woke up the next morning, she was still aroused from her dream about dominating Gail, and let her fingers slide down her stomach and into her waiting pussy

Seven Days of Heaven: this is the first part of a 7 part story. This girl i like was coming to visit me and one night i had a dream about it. after i wrote the dream down i decided i wanted to keep going with the rest of the week. so here it is

"Ready to go home?” she asked while trying to open the door "Yeah" I said with a scary tone in my voice. As soon as I got inside the car I took out my headphones and ipod from the bag . I quickly clicked on the song and the raised the volume so that I can avoid her

of these waring factions along the east coast of Africa, and governments controlled by dictators had claimed the territorial waters well passed the twelve mile limit! They were off southern tip of Somali not far from where the Vattendaul women had been kidnapped by pirates almost six months earlier

Following her fight with her parents, Tiffany did not come home. She stayed over at her friend Katie's house instead. Jon was worried about her but he had no way to contact her. It was not until school the following day that he got to see her

He was just explaining how he could make multiple versions of himself. He had built a machine that, when he stepped inside, would allow him to create multiple versions of himself with pure thought

Wesley stood outside the front door of his new house, contemplating not going inside at all. He had lived with his mom in a rundown apartment ever since her divorce from his father

She was beautiful. Dante smiled to himself as he looked over his birthday present. Pale as the moon with dark chestnut hair that rippled past her shoulders and with eyes the colour of pale violet; she was the living embodiment of his fantasies
I was just out for a walk when i was aproched by two guys and asked if i had a smoke, i said sorry i dont smoke a started to walk away. Everything seemed ok as thay walked away as well. About 10 min latter i herd some sounds behind me and turned to see the same two guys behind me

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the “Harry Potter” characters. These stories are strictly for ‘entertainment’ purposes. Don’t sue me, I have no money

Darius was right back where he started. He was sitting alone at the scummiest bar in Brink, all dolled up hoping someone would pick him up. Of course someone would-they always did. There wasn’t a man alive who could resist his big sapphire colored eyes

(Hello! This is my first story. I was inspired by a guy who also wrote stories her

Today was always going to be a bad day, or so I thought. Catherine and I had argued since getting up, a continuing argument about whether we were ever going to have children. Cat was all in favour, I was dead set against it