Blowjob - Page 439

I was about six when my mother died. It was a car crash; she and the driver didn't survive. My father disappeared after that and his personal assistant, Margaret, raised me. She was a sweet woman, about forty years old now. She was around 5'11 and weighed no more than 150
I despised being in this ruined gallery of tutelage, we were jammed here because the finger of God shredded through our little town of nothingness and demolished our school
This happened when I was 11 years old, my sister Julie was 15. First heres a little background. My family lived in a large house about 10 miles from town in the middle of nowhere. Mine and my sister's rooms were were seperated by a hall and our shared bathroom
"Jesse! Were Leaving, Were Leaving the house to you! Take good care of it and No parties!" my Mother Diana Yelled from downstairs. "Okay Mom! Have a good Trip! I'll see you on Sunday and I'll have no More than Maybe ten parties!" i Laughed at my own joke
When I was in my teens, my sister Ivana Marie, (“Ivanka”,), was killed after experimenting with drugs at college. We held a private funeral at the church my family attended
OFFICE FUN INTRODUCTION This is a story of discovery and adventure for a mature woman, mother of two twin girls, and divorced. This is a story about a woman who finds excitement, thrills, and a part of herself she had never known and certainly never had the opportunity to recognize
The Fantasy of Rape This, is a rather interesting subject, and can be very different depending on ones point of view. That is, male or female. I have a friend that works at a Adult Video Arcade, and has also worked at a large adult theater
It was a warm summer day when John finished mowing the yard. He was about to go inside and clean up when the moving truck pulled up to the house next door. it was followed by a black Tahoe that pulled into the drive
Ana had been married for 20 years. She had a basically good husband and marriage, but, when she was married, she had had very little sexual experiences. Her husband, James, had a 6 inch cock
I didn’t set out to fuck Leanne, she was an 19 year old girl that I’d seen in my local shop a few times
“Ivysaur, that’s enough come back!” I activated my Pokéball and recalled Ivysaur. I may have been doomed, but that didn’t mean I had to let my trusted companion get mauled any further than she already had been. The victorious Tentacruel hissed his anger at being denied his meal
One of the many inevitable things that come with buying a house, is frequenting Do It Yourself stores. A lot
Military School Adventures – Chapter 2 Disclaimer: This story is not intended for inappropriate audiences. If you are too young to be reading this or this story is illegal where you live, then please do not go any farther
After a stressful couple of months, I am finally able to get some time off. With perfect timing, my friend Betty mentions one day that her brother owns a cabin deep in the woods and it is fairly close to a very isolated lake
Introduction:This is the first entry in a diary I assigned my newest and favorite slut-in-training to write about her nastiest sexual fantasies. Jenny-Slut is a curvy, pale skinned redhead with massive tits and stunning blue eyes