Consensual Sex - Page 216
Fbailey story number 327 Teaching My Daughter To Drive When my daughter was six months from becoming sixteen and getting her learner’s permit I started her automobile education
Chapter 3. This bit is a bit boring to begin with but this is what happened and if you want just sex theres always porn vids XD lol. I hope you enjoy this part as much as the other 2. I did struggle writing this one so it might be a bit naff. Looking forward to comments good and bad
Angie set her alarm, and climbed into bed hoping it would not be another sleepless night as she shut her eyelids. Lying there with jumbled thoughts racing through her mind, she remembered thinking Jack to be the perfect mate
>>>>>> I drove us to the diner Tuesday morning. I could tell that Rosie was antsy. She told me of her feelings as I drove into the diner’s parking lot. “I’m nervous, Steven. What if I’m not pregnant?” “I don’t know how you couldn’t be

Gina The Loving Nave Wife falls into depravity It was 10 pm on Friday night, Gina was just returning home from another long shift at the hospital. “I hope he’s done something today.” She thought to herself as she approached the front door

=================================== Ch 21 The sound of a text message wakes me, and groggily I reach over to check it. Shanna and Gina had kept me up most of the night, and then when Nancy had come in. .
I woke, arms wrapped around a beautiful woman. The kind of perfect spooning position that you could never pull off if awake. Her soft hands were cradling mine against her smooth skin. She pressed the one to her breast

It was the night before April Fools that I found myself sleeping deeply after two hours of making love to Allison, Renee, and Jessie with the wives watching with delight. My dreams have been the average with my father and May visiting telling me how proud they were of me

Due to the abuse from spammers and other idiots, I have restricted the comment section to members only. Please feel free to PM you comments to me
It was a rough hour of driving before I got onto a major interstate and I was feeling lonley so I tried to call the girls and no one answered. Tried everyone and no one answered. I was alone for now

It was midnight when she started screaming. Ellen groaned. Stephen sat up but she grabbed his arm. "No!" she said. "We agreed." "Honey, for God's sake listen to her. She's terrified!" Ellen turned on the beside lamp. "I don't care. She has to learn

The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 16. Enjoy

"Come on boys let's take our seats and settle down," Jenna said to her class of twenty two boys, "we've got a lot of things to cover this afternoon, so let's get cracking
“Or another day.” I realized that David was talking to me and looked up. “Huh?” He laughed. “Here I am, making plans for the rest of the week and you? You don't even pretend that you are listening.” Guiltily I avoided his gaze, looked down on the table instead

For the past five years, I’ve been consistently laying down the pipe for my aunty Ellen. I’m currently 25, and she’s currently 55