Consensual Sex - Page 220

First Time For Everything Disclaimer: I Don't Either of these people, they own themselves

CHAPTER 1: A NEW BEGINNING September, 2005 I rubbed my eyes and stared out at the open road ahead of me, Kings of Leon was on the stereo and my window was open just a crack to let in fresh air
Hell Hath No Fury… Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and poor Derrick had yet to come to that conclusion. He’d get his in due time, Gabby and Jacob would see to that
Vickie and I are 30 years old and have been happily married for 5 years. So far we are childless though it has not been for lack of trying. Vickie is blessed with a knock-out body. She weighs about 115 pounds, and is 5’6”. She has beautifully shaped, B-cup breasts
Who Me.. a Wizard III The Queen In a gilded cage hanging from the ceiling of a large somewhat cavernous dungeon and suspended over a black abyss. Was a very dejected and angry lady The Queen

({*}) ({*}) ({*}) Marie Ormond was glad to be leaving for college. She was tired of all the gossip, and not having any friends. It was a small town populated by smaller minds. Marie loved to write fiction, especially erotic fiction
Fbailey story number 466 Their Older Sister Was Fine I took an early retirement due to the economy and besides they offered me an early buy out so I took it
My last story was about my record of ten quickies in one day
This is in continuation of my series 'Happy b'day Rachael'. Its not necessary to read the earlier parts in order to understand this one but it would be better if you read those too.Thank you for all the comments and constructive criticism is always welcomed
Pat says: Soooo convenient Nikki says: Well I managed to do a couple of things too Nikki says: You know.

A small bell dinged and the televisions in the cabin dimmed and muted as the flight attendant’s voice came over the speakers announcing their descent into London

My mom and dad split up a couple of years ago. From what I heard it was about sex. Dad was not man enough to keep Mom happy and after 17 years she eventually got fed up and let him know that he wasn't big enough or good enough and she was sick of faking it so he left

I opened the front door and walked through the entryway, “Hello?…Caroline?” I paused and listened for a moment; a tree branch knocked against the living room window in a metronome like beat, tap…tap…tap. No other sound could be heard
Fbailey story number 435 Naked In My Backyard Getting Fucked There I was naked in my backyard on my hands and knees getting fucked from behind by my husband. My breasts were handing and they were slapping around everywhere from the jostling that they were receiving

I’m sorry for the delay, my computer got a virus in the middle of writing, but I finished yay! This is part two to “Nicole and her mother’s Boyfriends”