Consensual Sex - Page 236
My name is Scott, I'm 23 this year. I'm pretty normal, 5' 10 and 170 pounds. I'm not bad looking but I won't be a model anytime soon. I'm pretty nerdy I guess but that's in these days for some odd reason. I work at Telecom company as an engineer
fluky dogs| Part 02: Escape Form The Sewers| by Mogrim [Chapter 1] As the footstep grew louder, the three friends panicked. If he is a cop, who surely he is, he’d have a gun, and all they have is a replica gun. If they try to use it, the cop will fire at them

Two weeks had gone by since the wildest hour of my life

I turned 13 years old today. Brice and I asked Daddy and Mom to take us to the beach for our birthday. We love it there, we have a beach house, and our birthday being on summer has us right on vacations. We drove there and got installed for the week

Young Fun #2 Info that was in #1. I am 6 years old. A girl, her name is Suzy, the same age as me lives next door. She has two older sisters. One, Jess (about 13) and the other Robin (about 11) not talked about so far..
Ashley-Nicole though going into this it was going to be 1-2 quickies and a big payoff. That was wrong, but at the rate this guy was going, it was OK, because she now figured was going to be a Helluva ride

Alex gazed up at the menu, his arms crossed as he decided what to have for lunch. He had just arrived at The Yellow Submarine, the best eatery he'd discovered within walking distance of campus
Lisa 30 year old petite Latino never married young woman. She is about 5' 5" without heels, wearing 4" stiletto heels, she is 5' 9". She is petite, her body is beautifully proportioned
Thursday Night – And So It Begins Until the door bell rang around 8 o'clock on Thursday night, I had completely forgotten that Barb had told me her sister was coming to spend a long weekend with us. Barb got up saying, "Oh, that's Sue

Hi, my name is Debra and this is a snippet of my life. My main job is a very boring, pays the bills, call centre gig. Making everybody’s life a bit more miserable

Fbailey story number 400 NOTE: This is much longer than my normal stories. The Lady Past The Woods When I was in high school I got an idea for my photography class from a Relaxation CD that Mom had given me a few years ago
Prologue She wanted to remember. The hookah was a beautiful piece. It stood at 4 ½ feet. Dark red… it always was her favorite color. This hookah was her personal prize. It only had one hose, one smoker. She pulled the airtight box from its hiding place and opened the lid
My first time having sex in a public area. I have always wanted to do it, but you know, I just have not found the right girl to do it with. Well the sophomore year of my college semester, I found that girl in a very unusual place
“What the hell do you mean I have to kiss her? I don’t see that in my script!” “I had the screenwriters put in a love scene, kissing, necking, lovemaking, all the fun stuff

My sister Scarlett and I sat in silence in the tall grass, watching our bobbers float motionlessly on the glass-still water. I don't think they'd drifted an inch in the past hour. There was no breeze. It wasn't too hot, though, because of the clouds