Consensual Sex - Page 273

WEDNESDAY I’ve lost the trail of the wand. There are magical traces scattered all over the city, which could just be other wizards doing their thing, but most likely it’s my wand being taken all over the place
An old hard cock is just as good as a young hard cock. One day I, Steve and Jim were sitting in the lunch room at work when Jim asked me a strange question
The series of stories are in the order: 1. Boyfriend forced to watch me being used. 2. My mom, boyfriend, and me. 3. Morning sex. 4. This one. Note: this is probably the longest of all the stories I wrote so far
"The score is 40-15 and its championship point yet again for the invincible Andy Cruise!" The crowd roared their approval as Andy served for the championship. Serving his trademark ace, the opponent could only look to the sky with a resigned look and accept defeat graciously
Mike was very late boarding the plane. It was a long flight and now he almost had no time to find a place for his luggage. He looked at his ticket and found his seat was in the corner at the last window seat of the plane right in front of the restroom
From Lonely Housewife to Perverted Slut Chapter24 Sorry for taking so long to work on Chapter 24 for those who have been waiting. If you didn’t like the first 23 Chapters I strongly suggest not to read this chapter
Lots of magnificent and exciting sex like we used to have. Trim your pubic hair so you have hardly any
Fbailey story number 657 My Daughter’s Panties When Charmaine was ten years old, my wife was killed by a drunk driver. The insurance paid off very well so that I could become a stay at home father. I took care of my little girl as she grew up and matured
The Girl of My Dreams I awoke with a start and sat bolt upright, my heart racing and a lump in my throat. I cussed out loud and lifted my shirt to wipe the dripping sweat from my face. I had been dreaming. Dreaming of a girl I had not yet met but hoped one day I would
I have been reading some graphic novels lately for one of my graphic design classes at university and one of the major novels studied is DC comics Teen Titans. While reading them it occurred to me that the writers had made it too unrealistic
Aid in Africa Part Two : Trish Trish followed Mgwabe deeper and deeper into the sinister complex, as they wove through large well furnished rooms. The walls seemed to hide strange truths as Trish followed the man through what seemed to her to be a medieval Moor castle
Cathy engages in a 69 and enjoys the toy I bought her. This led to a visit to the sex shop. Sunday morning we slept late and had brunch. Normally we would rush off to the shops but it was more relaxed this day. I was sure she was still thinking about last night. I know I was
Kelly She knew he was coming. He told her last night. He told her to wake up at 7:00, get naked, unlock the door and get back in bed. It was 6:45. She loved the tease. Rule #1 was no touching herself after midnight last night
“Benjamin…” Samantha’s soft voice called out to me again. Oh man, this night just keeps getting better and better for me
(Hey. So this is the account also for Xlander if you know me. So yea enjoy reading as I come back to this.) I sit down in my seat tapping my foot to the song that’s playing in my mind. I look around the class to see some of my “friends” as they like to refer themselves as