Consensual Sex - Page 284
It had been 2 weeks since the party where my sister had unknowingly sucked me off. The days that followed the party, Sara seemed to be almost flirtatious with me. I was sure she knew it was me in the darkroom. I would catch her walking around in her night shirt or bikini

I Remember Vida I just could not breathe like that. It started off OK, if you call having a woman sit on your face OK, but she kept scooting forward. If my head wasn’t in the way she would have been sitting on her heels

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its characters. X - X - X - X - X The day at the office was exhausting, the documents just kept on coming his wrist hurts from signing too many papers

“Phoebe, wake up!” Nina Dobrev yelled as she shook her sleeping friend, Phoebe Tonkin. “Wake the fuck up!” “What!?” Phoebe yelled as she awoke. “You aren’t going to believe what just happened,” she said with a huge smile on her face
You couldn't keep your eyes off my titties My wife and I served as liaisons for some friends who had a small cabin for sale around the corner from us, on a dead end road. Ours was the closest house to theirs so we kept an eye on things for them anyway

Lost and Forgotten 12/20/2010 Author's Note: None of this is real. This may or may not be based on something real, but even if it was (and I'm not telling if it is real or fake) obviously names would have been changed, and locations shifted
Word had gotten out about Marlena’s encounter with her students at the end of the fall semester. Some of the faculty, as well as students had been gossiping ever since. It was mostly pieces of the story and because it changed so many times there was nothing the school could do about it
My friend Bob called me on Tuesday and asked me to meet with his accountant Betsy. Apparently she was considering an offer to run accounting for some out of town firm and he felt I might be able to help her evaluate the offer
The Way of the War After the War VI I drifted peacefully down toward the ground. The few seconds after your chute opens and the instant before you have to prepare to land is the most peaceful time a person can go through

Beth My wife and I became acquainted with Beth at a local game room, where a person can sit down, spend fifty dollars, and come out with five dollars worth of merchandise
-Hey everyone! For those of you who waited for a sequel, I apologize. Life got in the way, but I’m grateful for your patience. I have ideas for a third chapter as well, enjoy!- Michael was at the gun range close by the Sheriff’s Department

I came up with an alternate ending to the story and decided to post it. You can decide which one is more fitting. It was the first day after vacation, and everyone was following his or her morning routine

I come into the bedroom. It's very dim with only sputtering candles for light. Your back is to me and you just put a Moody Blues CD in the player. 'Nights In White Satin' is starting to play. Justin Hayward is writing letters he'll never send

When we arrived home, I immediately threw on some shorts and a tee shirt and took the family dog out for a walk. I told my husband to go to bed and wait for me and I would let him know what I decided for him when I returned
Chapter 3 Well here, he was the third day on the job and already had half of the complex repaired or so he thought. Ed said he had to go back to see what was wrong with the leak that he fixed the day before for Miss. Pam Price