Consensual Sex - Page 295

NO ONE IN THIS STORY ENGAGES IN SEX WHILE UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN Brady Harrison and Liam Chandler met each other in the sixth grade and became best friends. They played on the same football team in junior high school and high school
Over the next few days, things were as usual at school. I would hang out with Tyler a bit, flirting with Mr. Lopez when I had a chance, and swinging my ass for Mr. Anderson for no good reason. I didn't even like Mr. Anderson, but it was a turn on having his attention
I had just spent a weekend away, filming and doing photo shoots. By now a lot of my films had come out and were all over the internet. All of the teen magazines that I had done photo shoots for were all out as well
This is the end of the story. It takes a much softer feel which may disappoint some of the readers who liked the rough feel of the other stories, but that is simply how I feel the story needed to end. I hope you like it and as always i welcome your comments
Summary of Part 1: Mr. Keys, otherwise known as Coach K by his volleyball players, finds himself attracted to Alex, his team captain. Though he has always treated her in an indifferent manner he soon finds out the reason for it and tries to avoid it
Neil starts to educate his wife Cathy but because of the porn she had been watching in secret he wondering how much education she needed. Having suggested a “69” I wondered if she knew what it was or wasn’t she feigning ignorance. She certainly seemed eager
Trapped in an elevator ( GB, Stranger, Teen, Interracial, Public, Rape (?) ) Hi, I'm Sherri. I'm a 32-year-old married white female. I am 5'6" and have a nice body - maybe I could loose a couple of pounds. My husband is John and he is a super guy
Ian was loving his new life. It cost him about $1 ½ million dollars, but he was free. He arrived here about a month after he said his last “good bye” to Heather and was already making his plans. He moved to a small town on the southern U.S. on the Caribbean coast
“What the fuck is going on here!?!?” said Tim, the senior captain. “We can explain-” I began. “-Alex!? Are you two naked!?” said Tim. He reached forward and knocked our clothes out of our hands, revealing our dangling junk
Be nice its my first story and theres alot of teasing and kissing so if your not into it look elsewhere
I awoke suddenly. My heart was pounding, yet I couldn’t figure out why. There was also a sense of excitement, but the reason for its presence was impossible to identify. I lay there for a while, staring up at the ceiling as I struggled to figure it out
Mick fucked me repeatedly over and over. His huge cock going in and out in a rapid pace. "You like that, faggot? You like my big juicy cock in your tiny hole?" He demanded. I couldn't answer. My mind was consumed with his cock filling me in and out like a pistol
I knew where I was as soon as the blue light penetrated my eyelids. My eyes flew open, but I was disappointed to see I was the only person in the room. The white light doused me then, and I could feel the energy leaking from me, as it built up my body
Margret arrived in Hong Kong on a sweltering late summer evening in 1894, having taken the long voyage from England
Fbailey story number 504 That’s My Wife I stumbled upon a web site where pictures of girlfriends and wives get posted for the entire World to view. I looked through the previous weeks worth of postings and found one girlfriend that was the spitting image of my wife