Consensual Sex - Page 298

It is a Saturday-morning. I have taken a long shower and decided also to shave my balls again. I still have an erection of shaving when I walk out of the bathroom while drying my face with a towel
"oh yes jack," Carol Hynes was riding my dick as I layed back on my cot with every thrust i could feel her wet cunt rap down on my hard shaft
8 months later down the long road: February 2015 It's the middle of February and I’m walking down Bourbon Street. Seems Mardi Gras is in full swing as the locals and tourist are yelling and cheering. My thoughts go to the last 8 months of all that I have learned and done
Fbailey story number 525 Fuck My Daughter Please Several of us Senior Citizens volunteer to keep an eye on the local playground. It wasn’t getting much use with the hooligans and druggies hanging out there all the time
He was sitting on the floor cross legged completely absorbed with something on TV, not paying attention to anything else. I was feeling antsy, bored, restless and I couldn't find anything to keep me entertained and my cousin's focus on the TV irked me for some reason
A Day In The Life Part 2 A bright flash. The sound of thunder. By the heavens she missed Miami. Sure hurricane season was a problem, and it did rain every day, but that was nothing like the thunderstorms of the Midwest
It was only one month ago I had the most exciting moment ever. It started one day at school, when I was listening to a manatory sex ed speech about do's and don'ts. I'm pretty sure we all have gone through it at least once
Poor Barry Once upon a time, there was a young man named Barry, who was very sad and lonely. He wasn’t alone though. He and his lovely mother lived in a large, new home by the ocean. This new house was filled with Barry’s aunts, his cousin, and his grandfather
Tony should have been on seventh heaven after that experience. But one thing nagged at him. "Whywhy did you kiss my feet?" "I am parachi, you are karaiyar. For centuries my people have prostrated themselves before you." "No! I don't believe in the caste system
Typical Thursday in Orlando, bright sunshine, hot and humid. Backpack slung over my shoulder as I make my way to school. Senior year has finally arrived! Taking my usual route, crossing the street when the light signals I have the right away
One Hot Night It was the weekend, and I had been looking forward to this night for weeks. My best friend, Will, had moved back to our home town after living out of state for close to ten years. He had gotten a band together and tonight was the bands first gig
Beautiful Niece Kaylee Ch. 12 I walked into the office with a spring in my step, humming an old Motown tune. My receptionist looked up surprised. I took a few awkward dance steps, then a really horrible spin. I ended up facing her with both fingers pointing out
Nancy had just returned home from work when her younger sister, Ann, called her cell phone. She answered and after an initial exchange of pleasantries, Ann cut to the chase
His name was Thomas and he was traveling the kanto region with his Pokémon partner Charmeleon. Thomas was tall and wore a green short with blue jeans and sneakers. He had a backpack that held his pokeballs and other useful items. His Charmeleon was an odd one compared to other trainers
When Mike woke up Tuesday morning, with Candy in the bed next to him sleeping heavily, he grinned. Today Zoë got back into town. He checked the alarm clock (6:34) before turning over and looking at Candy. Once his worst nemesis, now his fuck buddy, Candy was not as attractive as Zoë