Consensual Sex - Page 316

Normally, when people talk about a mans cock they describe length as if it is the sole metric of judgement. But what struck Kiara more than anything was the significant thickness of the shaft presented before her. Her first thought was a significant worry that it simply wouldn't fit
Short erotic story by James burns Twincest is best. James was the male counterpart, of a set of un-identical twin siblings. His twin sister, Danielle, shared his love for almost everything

Fbailey story number 621 The Camera When I saw the sun glint off a bright shinny object I bent down and picked it up. It was a camera and a pretty good one too at fourteen mega-pixels. I slipped it in my pocket and kept walking home from school

I didn't ever think it'll happen this way, nor this bad. I guess you can say it's a weird thing once you get caught. You never know what to expect, what they'd do, how would they act. It all comes as a big shock to you, like getting hit in the stomach with a bowling ball

************************************************************** This is part one of a series of stories called the Isabelle Chronicles. Some of these stories are real, some are semi-real and some are just fantasy

“Lets go!” exclaimed the bus driver to which Keegan replied under his breath with an “about time”. Keegan and his high school marching band were off to the playoffs. Their football team had done great that year and were gunning for a state title
Note to readers: Not a lot of sexual stuff in this one, still building the relationships a bit, so if you're looking for the big bang, you'll have to wait for the next chapter Chapter 4. When I woke up I was lying on my side and looking straight at Jennifer
Oh my God, you’ll never believe what I found!” Sara said as she burst through john’s door. She was 5’4” with auburn hair, a cheerleader’s body, and the most beautiful blue eyes. At least that’s what john thought

Alice Loves Anal 3 by Will Buster Alice learned oral sex quite quickly. She learned to relax her throat and gulp rapidly to ingest her patron’s spunk almost without losing a drop. It was even more enjoyable when he ate her cunt while she sucked cock
CHAPTER 21 Alisha poured another cup of coffee and went out onto the patio. She sat down and watched a small group of deer as they grazed near her home. She thought to herself how all the things she had dreamed of were beginning to happen
Essex Girl by Vanessa Evans Part 01 Okay, so I’m an Essex girl. I may be blonde and reasonable looking but I like to think that I’m not your stereo-type Essex girl. I’m slim, and have small breasts and I have a degree in Forensic Accounting
Fbailey story number 278 Fantasy Panty I’m a fourteen-year-old girl. My father caught me masturbating and watching one of his triple-X porno movies
I walked in and heard sounds of sex coming from my wife. At this point I figured she was just online and using one of her tools to get off, but that changed when I heard the grunt of a man. I stopped in my tracks

Wolf heard the knock at the door that he had been expecting soo much, he ran to the door and opened it up to see bear standing before him smiling. “Come in” said wolf to the smiling bear who obliged and divested himself of his shoes and bag. “So shall we begin” asked wolf nervously
How Traditions start – part 10 An original story by Starrynight. I apologize for the long wait. It's been a hectic couple of months. Hope you enjoy the story and will try to publish the next installment soon