Cum Swallowing - Page 199

This is part two of a story originally posted here on June 16. 2011, involving a near-immortal man who calls himself John Smith, and a young woman he re-names Azelia after he takes her as his life-mate. They are members of the clan of Us, a race of beings somewhat like vampires

Early morning around 4am a black BMW pulls up into a quiet suburban neighborhood. To the right of the car are white houses with white picketed fences that look like they've all been cut from the same cardboard box..

I walked down the hall. As I passed my step-daughter's room I heard a moan. The thought of sex never entered my head. My first thought was that maybe she had fallen or something and was injured. I opened the door

NB: Sorry for taking so long to upload this part but here is part 3 of Dan’s adventure. As always if you haven’t, read the previous story. Otherwise enjoy ;) I called my dad to come and pick me up after my fruitful adventure at Courtney’s place

I found this story somewhere on this site and just did a second draft of it. Enjoyed the premise, so all props to the original author, just wanted to try something different. Amateur Night It was one of those nights where my wife and me went for happy hour in the afternoon
I woke up on Saturday morning with that normal morning boner men always got. It was early in the morning and nobody was up so I took the time to measure my cock. It was now 6.5 inches not bad for a 16 year old I thought. I pulled my boxers back up and went down downstairs

Sissy the Redhead: Mamma’s Home Pt III I couldn’t wait to get out of the car when I pulled in out driveway. A six hour drive home from picking up my sixteen year old son from his father’s, and the whole time I felt his eyes on my legs and chest

My wife and I had always wanted to travel the world. After only a few years of being together we saved up enough to pay for a small cruise along South America coastline. Little did we know it would be so much more

adopted part 6 "Ungggh! No! Don't fuck my pussy again, Walter!" Patty gasped. "It's a sin! You know it's a sin to fuck your adopted mother!" Walter paid no attention. He was on top of her now, holding her legs open, trying to stuff his big cock up her pussy
Philip drove slowly through the evening traffic, caught in the tail end of the rush hour. He should have said he would get round to Barbara’s an hour later than he had done. Forgetting that it was Friday night and rush hour was always busier on a Friday night

Born and raised on a farm in a small village in puttalam, I certainly was not prepared for the fantastic things that have happened to me in the last year. I was a virgin when I married nihal right out of high school

Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter Twenty-Nine – Hogsmeade Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author

Rick went off to bring their car over to our site, Sue happy to talk about her feelings during her anal sex fuck, told us that when they swung before the other couple were only into straight sex, no kink, no doggy or kissing, and although she enjoyed it, knew she wanted more

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This is a continuation of Charlie's life. I will be posting her 'adventures' in a non-chronological order, just as they come to me. But I'm really wanting to go a bit further with this story, and maybe make it into several parts