Death - Page 6
Norm stood back to admire his work. Clarissa lay in her satin lined casket, dressed in her white silk gown. Her hands, folded at her waist held a single rose. Her dark hair was draped gracefully about her shoulders, framing her peaceful face

I decided to load the bike into the truck. I had portable ramps but Rex had a big one there at the shop. It was easier to use, so I backed the truck up to the ramp. I loaded the bike and strapped her tightly to the truck with cargo straps. We drove on over to the motel
Misty 2 Snake was pissed and kept slamming his cock deeper in my asshole, “Snake, I mean it man, this bitch was telling the truth. He father is some big wig with some crime syndicate. Spencer called, he says this guy controls most of the drugs coming into Texas

Chapter one: Five out of six Devil pulled the trigger despite the coach's pleas for his life. He had heard the same words probably a thousand times and probably in a thousand different languages. He didn't give a fuck, hadn't since he was a kid

Here's the sequel been working on it all weekend. With everything put in its definitely longer than the first one. Open to feedback and suggestions. If you haven't read the first Chapter I strongly advise you do. On that note! Rick returns: Son's revenge 2 8 years later.

--------------- Victim – Chase Cervera Age – 22 Date of Birth – November 3, 1989 ----------------- “Wake up, Chase
*Author's note- This is mine, do not steal. This is chapter 6 of the series, if you haven't read the others I suggest you go do so. This contains flashes of non consent and murder, I do not condone, nor should you go out and do it

Carrie moaned louder than she has ever had in her life. This intensity of his thick dick pounding away in her ass filled her with mind numbing pleasure to the point where she didn’t care about anything anymore

*Author's notes-Again this is mine. Do not copy, characters and events are mine. This story get gory, if you don't like blood and guts, then I wouldn't read past part 8. I don't like murder, so don't do it ladies and gents. This contains 3 different POV's, it will tell when it changes

I made this story for someone who requested a 'emotional' story. Failing that, I came up with this. this is an adaptation of a work by Koyaanisqatsi. The last paragraph won't be understood unless you read The Champion's Companion Ch.10 at the very least
He was lying on the cold slab in the middle of the room. He was alone. I walked slowly over to him, thankful that the mortician had allowed me to see him this late at night. I gently pulled the sheet off him and stood back, admiring his body. He was beautiful, even in death

The year after the hanging involving a drug dealer, a murderer and a prostitute; in 2040, the eight accused young women and girls enter the dock and sit down, throwing nervous glances at the five judges looking down at them
The following story is true, and accurate, as best to my recollection. If it was fiction, it would have had a much happier ending. “What are your intentions with my mom?' Those were some of the first words I can recall hearing from the beautiful 10 year old

Mariah I Mariah stood in line anxiously, waiting to hear her fate. Her graduating group was today’s batch to be assigned their designations by the Bureau of Resource Distribution. She found some comfort in the presence of her best friend Alan, standing in front of her
'NO!' Béla awoke with a start. The curtained canopy overhead told her she was in her own bed at the manor. She looked down at herself. Her belly was smooth with fresh, new skin