Discipline - Page 11

The Technician = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Convicted of terrorism, Vicki is sentenced to penal slavery Vicki, a young woman who works for a large department store, figures out a way to bypass the electronic return tags on expensive dresses sold by the store where she works
Chelsea Rollington was puzzled by her recently deceased Mother’s finances. Growing up it seemed that her father was often involved with business investments that went bad, and also liked to gamble at the casinos and the racetrack
This is a complete work of fiction, and has no correlation to any specific person, place, or event
Chapter 2 When I woke up, I could hear the shower running, and Hana wasn't in bed. I laid back and just relaxed for a moment, thinking about how we met
I am self-employed as a business marketing analyst. My job is stressful and usually very busy. As my own boss though, I take off time whenever I want to. This particular day I have taken off to go fishing. I’ve gone to a stream, I know of, in the Santa Monica Mountains
We eventually arrived at a residence…and I had to assume that it was her home. Much like the home we just left…her home was beautifully landscaped. It was huge in comparison to my home…she drove into the garage and turned off her engine
With a loud click it's door unlocked. It laid in bed for a minute dreading the day the ahead. A week had passed since it was taken by it's master in the kitchen. Since then it spent every moment thinking of a way to escape. It tried very hard to remember being free
Chapter Eight: Lessons Learned The Hard Way Angel, Rich, and Emily sat silently in the truck, outside of the motel. Emily was looking out the back passenger window at the fairly vacant motel
Even looking at her sleeping turns me on. I took off the blanket so I can see her body and off the air conditioner so she won't get too cold. Slowly, i took off her pantie and I took a good look at her pussy. I stuck my tongue out and start to lick her pussy
Farmhouse Slave Wife-Part 1 My husband and I live on a 10-acre farm in a rural area the nearest house is 5 miles away. My husband Jim is a large dominant man and I love that about him. The house we live in was his parent’s house and when we first got married I had a lot to learn
Chapter one (I excluded a lot of the details of how Kaleb and Miranda formed a deeper relationship before they met) It will explain in the middle of the first chapter. I may add them in when the story is over. This is a love/rape/kidnap/forced fantasy story
I've written this story from the point of view of a married woman. For the record, I am a middle aged married man who likes to write porn stories in my spare time
It was a warm summer day over at stalkers island and the leader of the island was giving a speech on the island address when suddenly a pink Cadillac zooms by and smashes his private limo. His personal guards usher him inside where they are ordered to punish the owners of that car
I wait patiently in the seat by your office door to be ushered in for the interview, wearing a tight black skirt, stockings and a white blouse. I’m really nervous, this is my first ever job interview, I hope I get it
The next morning, after I had watched Judge Cooke fucking his daughter, she and I went down to breakfast. As we entered the formal Dinning Room, Judge Cooke stood. He walked over to pull the chair our for me to be seated. He then did the same for his daughter, Sharon