Drug - Page 13

Two friends kidnapped Ann and her best friend Kylie where tied down in a small damp room, their collars were connected to a leach and a metal ring on the wall and their hands were bound together behind their backs. Ann’s muscles were sore and painful
It Was a normal day when i got to school,Football team practicing,People studying,classes going on,people just going on with their normal buisness,now i was a teen in 10th grade in high school,i was 16,black auburn hair,a bit muscley,5
Oh my God! I could barely believe what I just saw. I’m not going to lie because it was super-hot and next thing I knew I was jacking off to a cold shower
I hate road trips when I’m not driving. I love the road, but I was grounded on the way up to Jersey for my grades. I couldn’t wait for the break, though. It was Christmas at the beach. The name’s Joe. 6 foot, average everything, brown, blue eyes. I guess I’m average Joe
College Girl 2 Trisha “Trish” Coldman is a short wiry young woman. She likes to say she's athletic but she doesn't work out much and can't stand the sports scene. She likes it better in quiet settings and while she is active its better in the mountains or forest
Rogarth held Daemon. He held Daemon with his arms grabbed and arrested him by his coarse hands; legs whose strength equalled more than Daemon’s arms clasped the poor boy in all woe of what was about to happen
Drug Addict I travel an awful lot for business and practically live in my car and in motels. I had only gotten into that particular little town that very morning. I had already met with my contacts, concluded all of my business, and had settled in for a peaceful night
My sister Bri invited me and my girlfriend over for a party at her and her husband's house. Now, we've been over there quite a few times for long nights of drinking and eventually just passing out and waking up with a killer hangover. You know, the usual
The weekend started like many others at college, a frat party at the Point that continued on campus to the Quads where many of the younger frat members lived. It was my second year of college and this was the first real frat party of the semester
When I was younger I would have never fantasized about this but as I grow older and still play around a bit. I am completely curious about sucking a penis and swallowing it's sperm
I had just turned 18 at the time, and my first credit card was burning a hole in my purse. I decided one day to skip afternoon classes and head downtown to do some heavy. There had been some sort of problems with the subways earlier so it was standing room only in the car I boarded
Saturday 12:00 AM “Fuck-“ I was cut off by the wall hitting my back behind me. His hands had me by the tits, shoving me against the wall. My fingers locked on his shoulders to keep from slipping off the dresser; funny clinging to source, I thought
By Jefferson from wolfspub CHAPTER TWO "Rebbecca Part One" Thursday December 14 When Dave woke up the next day, he didn't plan to use the SLuT9 on anyone
wake up Wednesday morning, my hair and make-up a mess, and roll out of bed, landing on my ass. It wakes me up a little, but not much, and I get up to take a shower. I grab a towel and open my door, walking down the hall to the bathroom and stop dead in my tracks
First of all, this story has themes of incest & drug use. If this bothers you, then you obviously haven't read the first three chapters, and won't enjoy this. This chapter has a lot more story, and a little less sex