Enema - Page 5

Tales of an American Geisha-Slave-Boi Disclaimer Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel () Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words

Daniel marched the family into the unremarkable, remote, signless building. The door opened to a small empty waiting room. At the end was a clouded plexiglass divider separating a person from the room. Daniel walked over to the window enthusiastically, Sarah his wife followed quietly

Lockdown had been going on a long time. My consultancy business was on hold, and I needed a new source of income. I'd already started blogging and had lots of followers on Instagram. But that really wasn't bringing in any money at all

My name is Charlie. The year I turned 18, my body filled out and it seemed as if overnight I had curves. My mom had to take me shopping for new bras and clothes because hardly anything fit anymore. I was 5' 6" and athletic from the dance I had been doing my whole life

“Please, just let me go. I didn’t mean this.” Lucy pleaded, shaking. She was naked, cold and scared. Her hands were tied in front of her, and the rough material burned her arms. She was in a cellar of sorts, but it was clean, and very bright. “We made a deal, Lucy

This isn't intended to be a coherent story. This is just a summery of things I like to do with the chicks I am with and a summery of what might be in the fiction (and some true) stories I write
Last One To Know, chapter 13 We were all totally exhausted and it was getting late. Beth and Shannon went to Phil’s bedroom, Tammy and Mark headed for his bedroom and Mom, Dad, Kay and Dave all headed out together and I stayed with Sue

Chapter 3: Angela's Birthing and an Accident It had been 9 months and Angela's pregnancy with the half horse and half woman child was in its final stage. All of my hard work (and some magic) had paid off and birthing would start soon
The Start. I would kiss you and slowly undress you kissing you all over as I go, then we could go take a shower together where I would soap you up and massage your breasts and between your legs probing your pussy with my fingers
Chap 2 Our sex life was reborn after that first night with Kevin. Tara asked me about it. “Are you ok that another guy fucked me?” “Absolutely honey, it was incredible. Deep down we still are the two in this marriage, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy sex
Erica was pretty adventurous during our playtime. She had made suggestions about anal sex and offered none of the upturned-nose type behavior some people have with it. She had taken a rather vigorous anal fingering and had no problem with analingus when I performed it on her

I knew meeting strangers from the Internet could be dangerous, but you never think something will happen to you I suppose I was arrogant, or naive, or too horny and excited to think things through. I should never have met him in a strange town, in a remote crappy little hotel

As I sit here thinking how write this, I have a rather large orange sitting comfortably inside my colon. I usually push it halfway out then pull it back in. It will usually suck in really quick snapping my anal ring shut
The Medical Alternative Kaylie was a bad girl. Often she was in trouble as a kid. Her parents always thought she would grow out of it, but things only got worse when she hit high school. Now she had barely graduated

The Club Chapter 9 – Guy Fawkes Night It was Guy Fawkes Night and we were out at the Dr.'s house in the countryside for fireworks. I was told I would be used for various displays and entertainment throughout the night and I admit I was excited but nervous