Exhibitionism - Page 3

Part 3 We got in the car to head home and immediately started making out and rubbing the others crotch. Rebecca’s pussy was wetter than I have ever felt it. I easily slid three fingers deep in her hole and she moaned in delight, humping my fingers as we kissed
BigBoy 2 Bigboy-Chapter 2 Well it's Thursday finally, I arranged for twelve of my friend's to show up around 9am.. Lisa is due around 9:30, Hopefully she doesn't get cold feet.. Well she didn't, She arrived actually five minits early lol Eager girl.
Im a married woman who gets uncontrollably horny when I’ve had a bit to drink. This is a short version of a day at work that my husband will only know about if he finds this story online
i first saw him in the lounge car, playing cards. i noticed he was tall. i like that. i also noticed he was super cute. i invited myself to play gin rummy with him and started flirting almost right away
My name's Jenn, I’m 19 now but this is a story when I was fifteen, the year I learned to love girls and accept the consequences I first began to see the light at party/dance at my girlfriend's house.
Eva rekindles her dislike of clothes

While to the average judgemental person restricted to the boundaries of our current society something such as incest would appear extremely taboo and perverted, they do not realize how beautiful and natural it can be

Megan: Can I please go in and get a shower now sir? Megan stepped into the shower wincing from the pain she was feeling in her bum now that the adrenaline had worn out from her earlier experience with Mr Johnson
Randy has always been admired by the ladies, with a 6'4" frame carrying the bulk of muscles that being a farm hand will give you would have been enough by itself. He also has a gorgeous mass of natural blond hair and baby blue eyes to boot

Re-cap: Eve and her girlfriend were silently caught, by their swim coach, having lesbian sex in the school showers. Eve noticed her coach watching and masturbating

Part 9 - Conclusion Chapter 9A A week later, Sid left for another of his business trips and both girls began missing him even before he left. When he came back three days later, he brought Bill with him. Bill was a young, slim man who was introduced as their tutor

I stayed on my stomach, dazed, while feeling my uncle’s cum dripping slowly from my asshole down my balls and pooling on the sheets around my throbbing cock. I was average length. My dick, or clit from now on, was 5 inches but thick

Terrill is sitting in a sleazy bar talking to the leader of a local gang. Jorge is one tough looking dude with tats on his face and arms and big, muscular biceps
The steady trickle of rain could be both seen and heard around us. The large picture windows of the apartment made it difficult for us to escape the gloomy, overcast skies around us. I sat on the couch watching television as you read Cosmo at the nearby table

This story is one of great change. I went from a horny 18 year old dark red haired 6 foot girl, to a cum slut with a need for hardcore sex seen only in porn. If you have read my story anniversary, this is the story of why I'm like that