A Guy and His...? 68 Confrontation

Jake Freemon - Main character
Gen - Jakes first Jinn - sex Jinn
Jinn - What the genies are called
Tommy Sinclair - Friend of Jake’s and fellow worker
Mary - Boss’s daughter
Juno - Jakes big Boss and Mary’s Father
Jinn Council - Council of major Jinns
Yasmen - Gen’s mother
Hakiem, Doctor - the Jinn doctor (aka Hime)
Rasmir - Gen’s father
Rosalinda - Jake’s second Jinn – Once called Dreama
Rashala - Gen’s niece and Jake’s 3rd Jinn - elite Jinn
Tankena - evil brother of Rasmir
Sheeka - former evil female Jinn Jake’s 4th Jinn
Akeesha - Sheeka’s twin sister
Inger - Mary’s Jinn, Akeesha’s lover
Rita - older female and one of Juno’s sisters Tina - Rita’s daughter
Trully - second Jinn doc Rasmir’s little sister
Nyrae - Juno’s powerful Jinn
Nuha - Leader of Deadly Trio
Abla - sister of Nuha member of Deadly trio
Fatin - sister of Nuha third member of trio
Tyrin - neighbor of Nyrae’s parents
Aahil - one of the twin Jinn princes
Aalee - other twin Jinn prince
Amira - Jinn Princess sister of twins
Al-Mazhab - King of the Jinns
Qistina - Ex Queen of the Jinns, the Leader
Marie - Juno’s ex - wife
Kasha - Marie’s ex-powerful Jinn
Zahra - evil elite Jinn working with Marie
Qaseem - Jake and Sheeka’s baby
Tilda - Jake and Nyrae’s baby
Tanaya - Jake and Rashala's baby
Aaliyah - Jake and Amira's baby
It had been two weeks; two weeks that Zahra had been fighting her mirror twin. Two weeks that she had been fighting a slowly losing battle. Frustrated she tried to chant the love magic to no avail. It seemed to make the bitch of her twin somehow stronger. Damn it! If this kept up she would lose, that wasn't about to happen!
Zahra's mirror twin smiled feeling all the frustration that Zahra was. She could slowly feel her control starting to build. Soon she would be able to be out more than a few minutes at a time. She hoped that whatever Master Jake had in mind worked, she had no desire to go back in ever again. She'd been dominated by Zahra for far too long.
She cursed herself again for giving up like she had all those ages ago. She'd never known the absolute pleasure that Master Jake had shown and given her. Rubbing her fingers between her thighs, she felt the slight tremor Master Jake gave her. Oh, just to feel that one more time she knew that she could pass happily. Shaking her head sadly she felt that was the only conclusion to all this.
Jake was still trying to find where Marie had gone. It was strange even with all the power all his Jinns had no one had any inkling as to where she was. Sighing he rubbed the talisman calling the doctor. Damn he was feeling bad he just hoped he wasn't having a relapse of the dark magic again.
Hime appeared an almost frantic worried look on his face. He'd been monitoring Master Jake and his Jinns as requested by all the parents and Master Jake. Nothing could happen to Master Jake. So much happiness had returned to the Jinn dimension, he wanted nothing to end that.
After looking around Hime bowed to Jake. "Is all well Master Jake? I was quite worried when I felt nothing. I..." Hime started then stopped when Jake threw a hand up quieting him.
Jake had been listening himself, now connected to all his Jinns, plus Akeesha, Amira and Mary. He wasn't always able to be with them as closely, so he'd had all of them attune him to all of them. True it made for a few more headaches, but it provided him with feeling even closer to them.
Rashala had surprised him a week ago when she kissed him bowing slightly, telling him it was time. Then like with the other two she had laid down giving birth to a girl. A girl that he'd named Tanaya making Rashala proud. Now here it was a week later, two hard weeks for Jake here he was hearing another voice.
[Father?] Jake heard the voice of his newest daughter Tanaya. [Something appears to be wrong.]
[Wrong?] Came Jake's reply a new worry and fear about his children spreading through him. [The doctor is here with me, are you ill?]
[My brother and sister are well father. We are afraid that something is wrong with our sister. She has not responded of late, has her mother the princess not mentioned anything?] Tanaya urgent and worried thoughts told Jake.
[No, though I will check immediately!] Jake thought then turned to look at the doctor. "We have to go doctor, I'm afraid something may be wrong with the baby princess Amira carries." Hime's eyes went wide as Jake took hold of the doctor's sleeve both vanishing.
Appearing inside the royal palace, King Al-Mazhab was about to speak when he saw to look of concern on Jake and the doctor's face's. Even as they were rushing toward Amira's rooms, the king was not far behind them.
Amira looked up from what she was reading when she heard the commotion down the hall.
"Amira!" Jake was shouting as he was running down the hall. A wide smile breaking out on her face.
"I am here my love." She shouted, then heard two, no, three sets of footfalls racing her way. A moment later Jake burst into her room with the doctor, both wearing looks of concern. "My love is something wrong?" She asked her own concern growing.
"I'm not sure Amira I just received a message from Tanaya. None of the other children have heard from your baby." Jake stated looking at Amira closely.
Tears started to fall from her eyes, "I haven't felt the baby move in almost two days." Turning toward Jake the tears started more freely. "I am afraid that the baby may not survive, as I may not either. I wanted so badly to have your child Master Jake. Now I fear I may no longer see you either. I wanted to make you proud of me, now I fear that you will despise me."
Jake shook his head as he gently held Amira's face kissing her tenderly. "I will always be proud of you. Now lay back let the doctor try and save the both of you."
A surprised Amira nodded as she lay back staring at Jake the whole time. "Thank you my love though, I am afraid."
"I'll stay with you the whole time Amira, I'm not going anywhere." Jake told her as the doctor stretched his hand over her. He stayed like that for a while then he passed over her again. A sad look came to his face as he started to shake his head.
[Father?] Came a very weak voice. [I am here though; I am so weak I am so glad that you are here now.]
Shocked a moment Jake reached out grabbing the doctor, and then he placed another hand on Amira's stomach. Almost immediately he felt the baby sigh. The doctor's eyes got wide as he started to pass his hand a third time over Amira.
"Yes, I can feel the baby now. Whatever you're doing Master Jake keep it up. The baby is growing stronger by the moment." Hime said as he kept his hand unmoving for a few minutes. "It feels that the baby will make it now, I..."
Amira's eyes were large as she looked at her belly, then Grabbed Jake. "My love I think that it is time. Doctor I am so afraid the baby feels so weak still, will she make it?"
Hime smiled as he also felt the soon to be emergence. "I believe as long as Master Jake is here all will be fine."
"I feel that way also. Thank you for coming to me today my love." Amira said kissing Jake.
[I thank you also father.] The thoughts of the baby said.
With that a head appeared from Amira's vagina, then the rest of the girl as she arose from Amira. With a prideful smile as the baby settled in her arms Amira looked to Jake.
A huge smile lit up Jake's face as he stated. "She is as beautiful as her mother." Here Jake leaned down kissing the both of them. A loud booming then a huge fanfare sounded. With that the council appeared smiles on all their faces.
"So it appears that the royal prophecy has come to pass." Rasmir stated as he and the rest of the council bowed to Jake.
"So the next generation of Royalty has appeared." King Al-Mazhab proclaimed with a loud clapping of his hands. Amira smiled then kissed Jake back thanking him.
Jake nodded then walked out to talk to the king. "So have you given any thought to my plan?"
The king was taken aback a moment lost in the happiness of the moment. "I will always have doubts Master Jake. Not so much for the plan as I do for the one we gave the power to. They were already weak when we started; I hope that they can hold out that long to reach Zahra. Unfortunately with the amount of power we know I had to give them, meeting her, is the only thing that will save them."
"Shit!" Jake suddenly shouted. "I hadn't thought that it would take that much power. I know that she WAS an elite Jinn at one time though, I thought her power had weakened."
King Al-Mazhab sadly shook his head. "I had tried a few times to remove her power. At one time I had actually removed a portion of it, though as you saw she has other ways of gaining power. No, your plan is sound though we haven't a lot of time to implement it. With the full maximum power of a Jinn in a human body that wasn't prepared as it should be? I fear the end is very close."
Jake nodded his head as he was deep in thought a few moments. "As powerful as you are, you haven't found them either I take it?"
A small smile crossed the king's lips, "I didn't say that now did I?"
Jake's eyes and mouth opened wide as he stared at the king. "What!? From everything I was told no one knew where they were!"
The king nodded his head, "no one else, no, I have located them. The only problem is they are well within the human dimension. As you well remember there are conditions that we cannot go against. You remember that even an elite Jinn only has so much power. Therefore revealing ourselves still isn't allowed to non-masters."
Jake let out a sigh of near defeat, "So pretty much when we do this it's mostly on me." Jake nodded to the king, “'bout like most of my life. Then again I didn't have the love and support that I do now."
King Al-Mazhab could only stare at Jake after these words. How could no one not want to follow as wise and generous human as Master Jake. It had indeed been a very long time since he had viewed the human dimension. Had the humans really declined to the point that they really were no better than beasts? If that was true why was Master Jake really willing to true?
"So tell me King Al-Mazhab, you said you hoped that the one you gave the power lasts 'til they meet Zahra. It's already been two weeks now since you powered them. How much longer can they last before they succumb?" Jake asked really afraid that he already knew the answer to the question.
"As you asked I have been watching them constantly. At first there was really no change, now it appears that the power is starting to stress the body for more and faster than we at first thought. Two perhaps three more of your weeks if the stress continues as it has. If we could reduce it somehow they might have a better chance."
Jake started to think with a worried look on his face. Could they really reduce all the stress? That seemed almost impossible in the human dimension. Shaking his head Jake decided he had to find a way 'til they found a way into Marie’s sanctum. He was sure that Marie had it guarded as closely as she could. He'd have to have a look before they did anything to provoke the bitch wife of Juno.
It was two weeks later Jake was starting to become frustrated. So far nothing was able to even get close to her place. He'd sent both magical and human like visions there only to have them destroyed well before they got close. Finally he got a message, though brief, from the mirror Zahra.
[I am now in more than half control. I have been weakening the protection; you must come soon before Mistress Marie discovers me.] Then it was gone.
Jake went to all his Jinns to discuss what he was going to have to do. He also stressed the fact that it had to very soon or they would lose their chance. Though they really didn't like it they all agreed that they really had no choice.
The next day deep within Marie's building Nuha was lounging around after an hour pleasantly pleasing Marie. Still unable to admit that she was a prisoner Nuha flexed her power feeling something strange right before she was rapidly shut down. What in the name of the great Jinn had that been? It had felt like the power of an extremely powerful Jinn, a Jinn that Zahra paled next to.
Shaking her head she could swear the power was familiar, the thing is she'd not felt power like that since the ex-queen had been alive. Was it possible that the bitch queen was still alive? No, there was no way that was possible. She and her sisters had felt the queen snuffed out in seconds. Then who was this? The amount of anger behind it was also familiar; she just put her finger on it.
A plain looking man had walked to the building with every disguise that Jake's Jinns could put around him. Stopping at the front he asked to see the owner as he was an old friend. How in the hell had he made it past? He was certain that a fight would have ensued as soon as he was close enough.
He'd had to wait an hour before a thin woman appeared from the elevators. Jake took a deep breath as he thought well here we go. As the thin woman moved toward Jake he hoped that all the preparation they all had done paid off.
The woman stopped right before the man looking him up and down. The she sneered at him, "my boss says that she doesn't know you from Adam. I suggest you leave here while you still can. Trespassers tend to get violated." As the woman started to turn the man started to laugh. The woman whirled back staring at Jake like he was crazy. "Well, I warned you."
"My, my, my, Marie," The man stated freezing the woman in place. "Still trying to be something you aren't. Yet inside you're still an ugly, homily, unlovable bitch! Still thinking you are a thin, sexy bitch, when in fact you're just a bitch!"
The woman smiled as she waved her hand, "Goodbye ass wipe it wasn't nice to know you." Suddenly the woman was frozen in place, and then she found that she couldn't talk either. Then the worst thing of all she couldn’t 'hear nor talk with her mind.'
She was suddenly turned to stare at the man she'd just been talking to. "Yeah, I know, it sucks. After all this is done we'll decide what to do with your ass."
It was at that moment that Zahra appeared firing several bolts of energy at the man. Her mouth dropped open as they not only stopped several feet from the man, more than a few were returned one hitting her catching her by surprise. She started to reach for her mistress when several bolts struck her protection driving her to the wall behind her.
Growling she lashed out only to be pinned back against the wall even tighter. Who in the name of the great Jinn was this? He felt like a Jinn an extremely powerful Jinn. A thin smile crossed her face as she continued to struggle to release herself. It was at that moment she felt the Jinn power siphoning. There was no way that King Al-Mazhab could gotten past all her precautions.
Screaming louder she felt the blocking spell snap up as her power drain started to slow then finally stop. A few moments later she felt them slowly, very slowly start to return.
Not that far inside the mirror Zahra watched in horror as the siphoning effect was reversed. This was the end she could feel it even with her control there was no way she could stop it. The amount of power that the man contained would make Zahra unstoppable. Crying out Mirror Zahra reached out trying to disrupt the siphoning effect.
She suddenly felt Master Jake nearby, how? She nor Zahra had felt anyone like him approaching except for... With almost all of her being she clawed to the surface pushing a screaming, thoroughly pissed off Zahra out of the way.
The man saw that Zahra had stopped firing, "so you are in control, good." Walking up to her he grabbed her.
"NO! You have to get away; now that it has started this body will take all your power. With us this close it will be accelerated. Please go before you fall victim to her." Mirror Zahra told the man.
The man stood still a moment then he shimmered as Jake replaced him. "I was counting on her trying to siphon the power from me. You'll see why soon, now I suggest you kiss me. That should hasten it, don't you think?"
Mirror Zahra couldn't speak as Jake started to kiss her, then her eyes wide she started to return the kiss hungrily.