Fantasy - Page 186

The Devil's Pact, The Tyrant's Daughter Copyright 2015 Chapter Three: The River Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading! Tuesday, August 11th, 2071 – Chasity “Chase” Glassner – Sierra Nevada, CA The sun rose, shining through my window
In the late seventies my mom and dad split. My dad had found himself a young woman and ran off with her, leaving me, my mom and my sister to fend for ourselves. It took Mom 6 months to find him and another six months to get a divorce
Chapter 6: Amends The next day, Harry awoke in a somber mood. He went to lunch all by himself and wondered when he was going to be called into Dumbledore's office. Every time an owl flew by, he thought it was going to stop in front of him and give him bad news
At Andrea’s house, she and Kathryn were having coffee and talking about men and sex. "I never have trouble attracting guys" said Andrea, "but the ones I pick never seem to do it for me. Since my marriage ended it seems I’ve become much fussier about the type of guy I go for"
The Fall of Paradise: Chapter Two Glossary: Seraph- An angel. What the winded people call themselves. I somehow never got around to putting that in the first chapter. Lios & Lupos- Werecats & Werewolves. Walk on two legs or four very aggressive. Patriarchal tribal society
Kim and I continued getting together, and Linda had joined in twice. One late morning I got a text. Kim asked me to drive over immediately if I could. I was there in 3 minutes. There was a man in the middle of the street yelling. Linda and Kim were standing on Linda’s front porch
So I was driving down I-81. I was about 3-4 miles from the Ironto (Virginia) exit heading South. I drive a big ol' box truck. It's really a Dodge 3500 pick up, but instead of a pick up bed, I have a 12 foot long box on the ass end
Flight after Fantasy Good morning, this is your 9 o'clock morning call. I sit at a desk in front of a large mess of papers. I dial. Typical, I wonder what the change is this time? At last I connect on the phone, -the appointment is 10
Note: ——I am NOT the author! There are several authors actually, I’m not so certain that any one of them is the creator, but I know it’s not me. I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here
Becky’s School Days Becky Halewood had been attending St.Swarthmore private school since she was 10 years old. Now at 15, she had spent a great deal of these important formative years here, an especially great deal as St.Swarthmore’s was a boarding school
*This story was inspired by watching the Veteran Day tribute to the soldiers on ESPN. It showed soldiers coming home to their families after being gone for long periods of time. So I decided to do a tribute myself. The characters in this story are based on real people
My full time job is as a female medical assistant to a leading urologist in a major city. I sought out a career in this field mainly due to my fascination with penises. One of my patients recently hired me on the side to tutor his 16-year old son
Chapter 1: Today is a good day. After months of negotiating I finally got it, the raise i’ve been waiting for. Unlike most people, I actually really love my job. What I do is fun, the people I work with are great, well most of them at least
Chapter 39 THE EXPOSE Inside The Secret Life Of A Lesbian Slut - The Dirty Secrets Gay Women Don't Want You To Know - by Ingrid Pellman When I first met Laura, she was naked, crying and being fucked by a dog
*An imagining of what could have been between Lou and Will. I do explore a few a scenes that actually took place in the book but I tweak some details to fit with this story. This chapter does have kind of a weird ending but I felt for the situation and Wills condition, it made sense