Fantasy - Page 256

I awoke to the sound of humming. I was slowly coming round and recognised the humming as that of a woman’s. I opened my eyes and was greeted with a straw thatched roof. I moved my head and took in my surroundings. I was clearly in some house that I knew was not my own
9. Day Three Tina had slept very little. She was in fact becoming very weak. Even if she had been given food of sorts, the spread-eagled position she had been in the past 48 hours was taking its toll on her. The stench of her own waste in the cage was nauseating
My phone vibrated along with the sound of the tone to indicate a message had been received
It all began years ago, when we were first introduced. At the time, my Alyssa and I loved to hang out with a large group of her friends, and that’s when I first met Fiamma
When I was ten years old I lost my parents in an car accident, at the time I was with my babysitter. All I remember is being picked up by these people in suits, and being taken to a home, I never knew what or how it happen
PART 3 It’s Thursday and Ed and Sheila still haven't called so I go to the swinger site and send them a message when I see they are online. I ask if they decided not to meet us as they haven't called. She doesn't write back for five minutes or so and my heart sinks
˜You look stunning tonight I remarked. She smiled. Ginger's dress was purposefully revealing. She is perfect, well kept, thirty five year old with a body deserving of attention. Ginger had taken after her mother, a stunningly elegant woman
I'm both a workaholic and a sex addict. Those two things combined has made marriage an impossiblity. My five marriages lasted for various lengths of time resulting in beautiful children. My current marriage works since my wife Mina is very active in charity work,and modeling
At 6AM I woke up to the sound of the alarm on my phone alerting me that it was time to get ready for work. At first I had no idea where I was until I opened my eyes and saw four naked girls around my body
My day started like any other day.. alone and sexually frustrated. My girlfriends work hours have her getting up for work and she is gone before I even begin to think about waking
You know, my wife definitely is the love of my life. And beautiful! 5 feet 5 and blonde, I have always regarded myself as a lucky man. Donna has ALWAYS turned heads but I trust her 100 percent at least I used to
For once, I didn’t feel like immediately returning home. As I looked down at Stephanie’s naked, petite body, I knew I had to at least experience a little more of what things could have been like
"You ain't gonna believe what I just found on the internet.” It was the first words my brother, Bill, spoke when I answered the phone. “Do you have your laptop handy?” “Sure, hold on a second… okay, I got it, what’s up?” “Go to XNXX.COM, it’s a helluva good porn site
Kyle and Jill Madigan were happily married with two beautiful daughters aged 15 and 12 in the summer of 2012. They had a good marriage and were very much in love. They had married in 1996 and their daughter Layla was born a year later
It had been only a few hours since I’d gotten to Matt’s house, and we had already gone from awkward conversations to lusting over each other’s bodies. After a few minutes of heavy breathing, hands groping the other’s cock, and the occasional soft moan, I pulled my hand away