The Meeting_(0)

The Meeting
Anyone who knows me, even a little, will know that I used to be a regular member of a sex forum and would get very involved with writing sex stories, posting naughty pictures and join in with extremely contentious and lively debates. Despite my diminutive stature, my attitude was not of a meek and mild person. That was the public persona and it was a good escape from my real life.
Anyone who knew me better on that site knew another part of me, the real me and I could count on my fingers, the people who I allowed to know that Rachael. We’d share personal stories of our lives, photos of the most intimate nature and we’d even chat on messenger when we were away from the site. The people who knew me the best, I could count on the fingers of one hand.. with two fingers amputated! This story is about one of those three, John, a guy that I truly thought that I’d never, ever meet.
I live in a sleepy village in the beautiful Cheshire countryside in Great Britain. It’s a wonderful place to live, I have a great family, super job and my life is good. At the time of this story, I’d been unceremoniously dumped by my boyfriend because his sister in law made some horrible comments about me and he found it easier to ditch me than to be a man and defend me. C’est la vie!
Now I mentioned my job in the last paragraph and I had worked damned hard to get where I was at this point and at 22 I was earning well above an average salary, drove a £50,000 company car and was the envy of many people. I’m not being smug about that, just very proud of my achievements! The other cool thing about my job, being a Personal Assistant to the managing director of a software company, was that we travelled a lot. In the main we covered all of the UK but we also do a lot of trips in Europe and occasionally, America.
Anyway, back to being ditched..
Paul had left me and as usual, I was online trying to cheer myself up a bit. John was having his own issues and his wife had recently moved out. He said that the only difference when she left was that his grocery bill had halved as they’d not slept together for over six months. I really felt for him and jokingly I said, ‘I’ll have to come over and cheer you up!’
He replied, ‘I’ll book you a flight to Wisconsin for tomorrow!’
I laughed out loud as I read his message but not for a reason you’d think! In ten days time I was flying out to Wisconsin with my boss and for all the time we’d talked, I never thought to ask in which State he lived. I knew that my next comment wouldn’t be believed but I went with it anyway.
‘You aren’t going to believe this but me and my boss are flying out on the 23rd September, to a little place called Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin to see a client who does security installations.’ To add to the truth, I quickly added, ‘Peacock Securities Inc’
I stared at the screen and I could see that John had read the message but he wasn’t typing. I was about to nudge him when his next message popped up, ‘I live in Chippewa Falls!’
It was my turn to be stunned, ‘Yeah yeah! A whole State and you live in the little town I’m visiting!’
His reply was almost immediate. He sent a photo of a telephone bill, his address clearly shown.
My response was pretty much automatic because we had spoken for so long and I really considered him a confidante and close friend. I simply typed, ‘Well it would be rude if we didn’t meet up!’
Now I knew that John had a bit of a crush on me and again, that’s not being smug, just stating facts so his reply made me smile.
‘You have no idea how happy you just made me! I’m going to meet you inside two weeks! Wow!’
He suddenly became like a giddy child so I calmed him a little and said I had no idea of the itinerary as yet but I promised him two things and made clear one other point. Firstly, I promised that we would definitely meet. Second, I would try to arrange things so we could have a whole afternoon to catch up but he was treating me to food. Lastly, I said that we would have to meet somewhere public because, despite the fact we’d chatted for ages, I wanted to be 200% sure of him as I didn’t want to bring my boss as a chaperone! He accepted it all with his usual good grace and by the time we signed off, I couldn’t believe I was, in every sense of the idea, about to meet a guy off a porn site! Oddly though, I couldn’t wait!
Work was busy so the time went quickly and I was keeping a little secret up my sleeve. I’d explained to my boss, with a few white lies, that an old family friend lived in the town and asked if we could adjust things to give me a little time to catch up. I thought he’d assume that I meant an afternoon or an evening to have dinner. When he gave me the revamped itinerary, he’d allocated two days and two nights that I’d have to myself in Chippewa Falls. I decided immediately to not tell John, just in case we didn’t get on that well. The other odd thing was, since I’d announced the trip, we’d not had any of our usual smutty conversations so I thought that maybe, just maybe that the actual idea of meeting had brought about a new moral dilemma for us. I didn’t care, I just thought it would be cool to meet him. Unfortunately though, that night, things changed. I couldn’t get to sleep and after all the naughty role playing we’d done, pictures I’d sent him of my naked body and the equally rude ones he’d sent back, my thoughts were of how I’d cope with not seeing his pretty cock in the flesh. Did he not want me like that now? Had I ruined the illusion? I didn’t want to spoil the meeting so I just let it eat away at me rather than embarrass John when we chatted. As far as he was aware, we were meeting at 2pm on the 24th September on North Bridge Street at Lucy’s Delicatessen. What he didn’t know was that I’d be wearing a dress, designed to drive him wild. This was a bizarre meeting to say the least and my persona had always been a little risqué so this dress wasn’t going to change that!
Over the next few days, we spoke each evening and it was clear that there were nerves on both sides which seemed crazy because we knew so much about each other. John was talking about places we could go if we had the time but I was still reluctant to reveal the true timescale, blaming my boss for complications but confirming that we had at least six hours to chat! I hoped he’d question the word ‘chat’ but he just said that it was more than he could ever have hoped for. I was getting impatient. I didn’t know why and didn’t know what I wanted him to say but our online messaging the next evening, the eve of my flight, I decided to push a little more. I was in bed, ready for an early flight so I opened the chat app on my phone.
Rachael: Hey you!
John: Hi Rach!
Rachael: Whatcha doing?
John: Just watching television, dog curled up with me
Rachael: Awwww I forget about Marvin! Are you bringing him to see me?
John: Yes I can
Rachael: Hmmmm you can? Do you not want to?
John: Yeah I do, I was just thinking something else but maybe it’s best to just bring him with.
I finally saw the break I needed.
Rachael: John, can I be blunt?
John: You never asked before! Why is now any different?
Rachael: Heyyyyyy cheeky!
John: Sorry, go on, be blunt!
Rachael: OK, since I mentioned my visit, you’ve suddenly become super reserved and I don’t recognise you and now you’re holding back about the bloody dog! What’s going on?
John: OK, honestly?
Rachael: Always!
John: OK, I’m terrified!
Rachael: Why?
John: Rach, I’ve dreamt of meeting you for so long I just can’t believe it’s actually happening! Somehow, when we talk now, it feels like I’ve just met you and I’m a bag of nerves! Does that make any sense?
I was laughing as I typed.
Rachael: YOU PILLOCK! Do you not think I’m nervous too?
John: NO! You are always so confident!
Rachael: John, you are a great guy but God, you are so getting a slap when I see you!
John: lol OK but now I’m even more nervous!
Rachael: Why?
Rachael: Serious for a minute.
John: OK
Rachael: You don’t have to bring the dog to the deli
John: Do you not want to meet him?
Rachael: Of course I do!
John: But how can you if I don’t bring him?
Rachael: You are incredibly dumb at times!
John: Ohhhhhhhhh you mean you might come to my place?
Rachael: Unless you don’t want to give me the tour of your work you’ve been telling me about for months?
John: yes I do!
Rachael: Well shut up then!
John: But only if you’re sure
Rachael: John, stop speaking, see you at 2pm, Lucy’s Deli
John: I so so so can’t wait
Rachael: Same here!
John: Have a safe flight babe
Rachael: Don’t forget your wallet, remember you’re paying!
John: My pleasure! Goodnight xxx
Rachael: Xxxx
I closed the app, turned out the light and tried to imagine how that meeting would go. I imagined the revealing dress which is tight and gives my tiny boobs a good boost. It never fails to get attention but the man I was meeting has already seen naked photos of me so the tease was somehow even greater. My fingers found my pussy as I imagined him getting hard in his trousers as soon as he saw me and that first hug would have his cock pressing into my belly as my 5ft 1 body pressed into his 6ft 2 one. I’ve never tired of pictures of his long, fat cock and within 48 hours, it would be throbbing right in front of me. I rubbed my clit faster as I imagined what could happen after lunch and at that point, just as a beautiful climax washed over me, I knew that his delicious cock would be filling me with his seed, no question!
Flight day was a nightmare! A two stop flight and long drive from the airport saw us arrive at our hotel at 9pm, local time. We dined at a lovely local restaurant but we were so tired, I couldn’t tell you the name of it but they did do a beautiful pepper sauce steak followed by a magnificent cheesecake! (When in Rome etc) We had a few drinks and while my boss was calling home to his wife, I walked out to the street and took a photo of the street sign and sent it to John with a message. All I said was, ‘Real enough yet?’
I didn’t look for a reply until I was back in my room and I chuckled when I saw it. He’d replied to the effect that it had taken every ounce of willpower to stop him from driving into town to say hello. I wished him goodnight, put my phone on charge and within seconds I was asleep.
At 8:30am, our breakfast meeting with the client started. Over a mountain of food, my preparations for the meeting were perfect and we achieved everything we had set out to do. By 11am, we were discussing extra business we could do for our client and by noon we had made our final notes and were preparing to leave. We’d been to a local bar for an informal winding down of business with two of their directors and they’d thanked us profusely. I then realised how my boss had worked the two free days into the trip as the three guys started to discuss their golfing challenge and I made my excuses for not joining them, especially after their games. I knew how much my boss could drink and I really did prefer my own plans for the next 48 hours! At 12:30pm, my boss passed me the keys to the hideous Toyota Prius hire car and kissed my cheek, thanking me for my awesome prep work. We made our farewells and I promised to keep him updated on my safety and whereabouts. He does look after me.
Our hotel was only a two minute walk away so I made my way to my room. I dressed quickly into my special outfit, applied a little makeup and looked in the mirror. My tight red dress with the zip up the front which stopped halfway up my breasts was borderline obscene but, the short black jacket added enough class to lend a little decency to the final look. The padding gave a little exaggeration to my smaller chest and I was terribly proud of the extra cleavage it afforded me. I gave a little twirl in the mirror, checking out how tiny my bum looked and was more than happy as I turned towards the door but I stopped, paused and walked back to look at myself again. The dress demanded that I couldn’t wear a bra as the padding was built in but the tightness meant my knickers were still, ever so slightly visible. I bent over and with a little struggle, I pulled my red, lacy panties down my legs, straightened the dress and grinned broadly. If this didn’t make his eyes pop out, nothing would! I made my way to the basement garage and the car, entered the address of Lucy’s Deli and set off. According to the satnav, I’d arrive about fifteen minutes early and I knew I’d need that time to calm myself down.
The road outside Lucy’s, compared to any English town, was very broad and I was pleased to find a parking space across the road from the Deli. My heart was pounding in my chest and I took several deep breaths before I gave up on trying to stop my hands from trembling. Before I flew from England, I’d checked out the model of car that John said he drove and I was scanning the street for one that looked similar but, the same as an American in England, all the cars were alien to me and I was about to give up looking however, at 1:55pm a tan, Chevrolet Cavalier pulled up, right outside Lucy’s. As I saw the familiar face appear from the car, my nerves vanished, I grabbed my purse and jumped from the Toyota. The locals were slightly bemused by the petite blonde leaping from a car and screaming, “JOHN! “ as loud as she could and waving frantically!
The huge grin on John’s face made me laugh out loud and he ran across the road to me and I leapt into his arms for the biggest, best and most satisfying hug of my life. He held me to him with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and mine around his neck and our cheeks pressed closely together. We both said things along the lines of, we couldn’t believe we were actually here and that kind of thing. More impressively was that he didn’t wait too long to put me down, my dress didn’t ride up too far and he kissed my cheek after he’d put me down. That wasn’t right for me though.
I put my hands on my hips theatrically, “Really? Thousands of miles and you kiss my cheek?” Grabbing his shirt I pulled him to me and planted a proper kiss on his lips and threw my arms around his neck again. I knew that tongues were wrong right now but I think he liked our first kiss, especially by the smile as I pulled away and used my thumb to wipe off the lipstick and then my next comment of, “OK we’ve met, now feed me!”
His handsome face tried to take on a seriousness, “Ahhh the famous appetite of the tiny Brit! Come on then!”
With that, he took my hand and led me across to the bright red canopy of Lucy’s, the image I had stared at online for days. All my nerves were gone and I gave the big hand that was leading me, a little squeeze which earned me the same back and another huge grin from a very happy guy. As we were about to enter the deli, John stopped me and in an almost breathless tone he said, “Rachael, you know I’ve always talked straight with you so, I’ve got to say you look fucking amazing girl!”
I giggled, having played out this scene in the hotel, just an hour ago, “Well, if you think this looks good.”
With that, I shook the jacket from my shoulders, held my arms out and gave a little wiggle. The full effect of my strapless outfit had the desired effect and he was pretty speechless apart from a ‘Holy fuck’ and a ‘Wow!’ That was enough for me! We went in.
As John ordered our food at the counter, I stood with my arm around his waist, looking at our reflection in the mirror as he towered above me and I felt happy, comfortable and so right where I was. I’d seen so many pictures of this guy but, as I looked closer, he was so much taller, well built and cuter than I’d ever realised. He caught me checking him out and winked into the mirror at me. We were both grinning like school kids and the miserable cow behind the counter huffed a few times which just made us both laugh more and she couldn’t get us to sit down quick enough, saying she’d bring our order across.
Serving staff aside, the next hour and a half was amazing. We chatted, we laughed and flirted mildly but every second just felt awesome. It was only when I glanced at my watch that a sudden sadness came from the other side of the table.
“Rachael, this has been such good fun! We can go for the guided tour of my palace if you like now or wherever you want to go!” Then he asked the question he didn’t want an answer to, “So, how long do we have?”
I gave a little grimace and I swear he was close to crying but I’m a cruel bitch and put two fingers in the air.
“Shit! Only two hours?“ He gasped
I couldn’t do it to him anymore so I took his hand, squeezed it tightly and in a whisper I said, “Two DAYS if you want me!” And with that, I leant across the table and kissed him. The kiss was soft and I allowed my tongue to tease his lips until his own tongue met mine. The temperature instantly rose in the room but time seemed to stand still. That kiss could have been for just a minute or for an hour, I truly couldn’t tell you but, as we broke I managed to whisper, “Take me home!”
After another peck on the lips, John paid the bill and then, as any gentleman would, he walked me over to my car. He told me that he’d turn his car around and I could follow him for the few short miles to his house. I realised right then that I still resembled a Cheshire cat and the nerves I’d brought with me had been replaced by an incredible, fizzing excitement for what may happen. Who was I kidding? I knew what was going to happen! We were going to fulfil one of the many sexual scenarios that we’d spoken about in one of our role playing sessions, or one of the scenes in my many stories. The only real questions were, which story and who would take the lead? The aching in my groin kind of answered the latter question for me and a little plan of seduction was forming, even before I pulled into the traffic behind John’s car.
The drive to John’s house was only five or ten minutes and, when we stopped at some traffic lights, I slipped my jacket back on. I was conscious that John probably had neighbours and no matter where you are in the world, neighbours like to gossip. As I climbed out of my car on the neat driveway of a pretty, single storey home, I carried my briefcase and looked very professional. Maybe professional with a hint of slutty, but professional was definitely in the description!
“Welcomed to my home, Rach!” John said with justifiable pride.
“I love it! But a house definitely needs a dog!”
He knew I was a dog nut and I’d seen photos of Marvin from day one so as he opened the door, a big cream blur flew past us, charged around the front lawn and then pounced on his master for cuddles. Only after a brief tussle with John did he see the stranger and then I had a lovely affectionate greeting for a minute (Standard ‘Hello’ of a nose trying to go up my skirt) until he got bored and decided that it was time for John to feed him and he made a dash for his food bowl. John apologised profusely for the lack of subtlety of his dog and told me to come in and make myself at home while he saw to Marvin.
The front door opened into a big living room with pine laminated floors and as John went towards the rear of the house, I had a nosey around. A beautiful, black leather suite with a four-seater settee took pride of place, all chairs aimed at the enormous TV in one corner of the room, by the window. In the opposite corner was a huge wooden unit which was bursting at the seams with CDs and I gave a wry smile thinking that John was definitely a bachelor despite the fact that his ‘wife’ had left but, having always been a bit of a tomboy, I loved his style. By the time he came back in the room, I was looking through some photos on the mantelpiece and the cool guitar which was hanging above it.
“Love the place John! Do I get the rest of the tour now?”
He agreed so I put my handbag with my briefcase on the coffee table and told him to lead the way.
We went to the basement first to see all of his handiwork down there, then back up to see the rest of his lovely home. The last room was where we both silently wanted to be, his bedroom. It was a big room with the rear window looking out onto other houses and a huge bed with very warm coloured sheets. The smell in the room was of freshly laundered linen and I smiled inside that he’d changed his bedding for my visit! I decided that I had to take control of the situation or I’d burst so I stood by the window, looking outside as I said, “I’d have to keep this blind down if I lived here! Neighbours can be awfully nosey!” With that, I released the blind and it dropped down to the windowsill. I wiggled my eyebrows and laughed to keep him a little confused as to my intentions and before he could comment, I asked to use the bathroom. He pointed me towards the ensuite and I gave him a peck on the lips, making some comment about being bursting for a pee, just to keep him off guard.
I’d picked up my purse on the way back through the living room as every girl would when using a strange bathroom and after I peed (yes, I was actually bursting for a pee), I used my wet-wipes to freshen up below and then I stood before the mirror, preparing for my master plan of seduction. I was still wearing my jacket and I carefully slid down the zip at the front of my dress. I’ve mentioned that it’s quite tight so as I moved the zip down, each side separated to reveal more of my chest and I stopped, just above my belly button so the sides of the dress and my jacket were just covering the centres of each breast but John was going to be treated to the full swell of each small mound. My skin is very white but very smooth and I was getting nervous at this brazen display but I was satisfied that this was as sexy as I could ever look. I just hoped he hadn’t left the bedroom.
I clicked open the bathroom door and walked back into the room. John was sat on the bed and his jaw dropped open as he lifted his head. I smiled as I walked slowly towards him, letting my jacket fall from my shoulders, then stepping out of my heels. I stopped a few feet from him and whispered, “I brought you a gift but it still needs unwrapping properly!”
John gulped hard as I took the last step towards him and his hands went to my hips and he leant forward to kiss me, only having to reach up slightly from his seated position. As we kissed, his hands caressed my bum and I sighed softly, breaking the kiss after a minute or so and taking half a step back again. His hands trembled as he slowly slid the zip down, placing a soft kiss between my breasts before revealing them in their petite glory, pulling back to feast on the parting of my clothes. He sighed as my shaved pussy came into view and then pulled the zip fully down and pushed the dress off my shoulders, leaving his internet friend stood completely naked in his bedroom.
He gulped hard, “Rach, are beautiful! No photo could ever do you justice!”
I smiled as I moved closer to him, pulling his head to my chest and biting my lip as his big, strong hands touched my naked bum and his kisses went straight for my painfully hard nipples. Almost instantly, my legs began to quiver as his caressed my bottom and then my back, pulling me harder to his nibbling mouth, moving across my chest. The heat in my pussy growing wildly and just as I was wondering how long I could stay standing, I felt myself being lifted off my feet. I looked into John’s eyes as he held me aloft and no words were needed but a kiss was. I planted my lips firmly on his and our tongues began an immediate battle, so intense that I barely noticed him laying me down on the bed and positioning himself beside me. His heavenly hand massaged my breasts firmly and I sensed some trepidation from moving lower but before I guided him to my aching cunt, there was another issue that needed attention. I broke the kiss and panted my two word instruction.
“Get naked!” And then I remembered my manners! “Please!”
John kissed me hard again and jumped up from the bed. He was about to start undressing but stopped dead and I watched his eyes, feasting on my nudity. I should have been embarrassed but I just smiled and asked if he was happy. I know it was a stupid question but it threw him and he stuttered before saying that he couldn’t ever be happier. He was then looking me up and down, looking for more words before I reminded him to get his bloody clothes off! We both laughed but then it was my turn to be in for a treat. His body was broad, toned and lovely but his cock, his big fat cock finally came into view and I began to salivate as he climbed next to me again and it pressed hard into my leg as our lips reconnected. I gave an involuntary growl as I reached for the yummy piece of meat that I’d seen so many times before in photos and just as I’d imagined, my fingers barely reached around its girth. My holding his cock was enough of a signal for John and I soon felt his hand cupping my whole pussy and in seconds, a finger slid easily and fully inside me. I bit his shoulder softly and opened my legs slightly to afford him better access. It felt so good and from the noises down below, I was as wet as I could ever be and despite my love of foreplay, I just needed filling, and I needed it now. With the gentlest of pushes, I rolled John onto his back and there was a small look of concern as I extracted myself from the two fingers he’d teased inside me. To ease any doubts he had, I gave little butterfly kisses across his face as I straddled his body and ground myself against his manhood. He took the initiative and gripped my arse firmly and added even more pressure on my sensitive clit. I lifted my face from his and bit my lip slightly as I reached between us, raised my bum slightly and aimed his cock at my hole. He was already covered in my juices from the short grinding and when I pushed back, he slid smoothly into me. He stretched my lips tightly and despite the small sting, the first half of his seven inches was in. I lifted almost completely off him and then pushed down harder and by the third push, our bodies were fully connected. I held the position, swirling my hips slightly and we purred together, looking deep into each other’s eyes.
“Oh my God Rach, that is . fuck that’s.. Wow!”
Supporting myself with my hands on his chest, I stared into his eyes, a wry smirk on my face as I raised and lowered myself, torturously slow, revelling in the delicious fullness in my sex. John’s mouth was a permanent ‘O’ having given up after his previous attempt to vocalise his thoughts. The only sounds in the room were the heavy breathing and soft grunts each time I dropped fully onto his perfect prick. Little by little I increased my tempo and John’s right hand sought out my breasts as his left thumb started to massage my clit with vigour.
“I’m not going to last long!” He gasped as I was looking down at the incredible sight of his thick tube, stretching my pussy to the max and glistening with the endless flow of my juices. The air was thick with the scent of lust and I could feel my own orgasm rising and prayed he would last long enough to share our first climax.
Suddenly, John pulled me to his chest and then rolled me onto my back. For a brief moment, his full weight was on me and pushed me deep into the mattress and for the briefest of seconds I felt so small and powerless but then he took further control and it was amazing. He pushed his upper body from mine, nudged my legs wider apart and began fucking me, fucking me hard and I screamed out in joy! My orgasm was heading towards us like a bullet train and he was in no doubt as to my pleasure but after a few minutes, and me being right on the edge he stopped. I asked him what the Hell he was doing, out of total shock, but before all the words were out, he’d lifted my bum up, off the bed, and buried his face in my pussy. I instantly grabbed two handfuls of hair and held him tight on my clit where his tongue was a blur as his hands squeezed my bum so tight. In seconds I was back on the verge of coming and I let go of his hair and pinched my own nipples to send my brain into orbit. My whole body convulsed and I was drifting in and out of consciousness as every fibre of my being joined in with this amazing party. I’d wrapped my legs around his neck at some point and, as their grip began to wane, I felt them being pushed up as John slid his cock back into me. I swear it had grown in the last few minutes and, with my knees pushed back by the side of my head, I watched in awe as it parted my sensitive pussy and plunged fully into me. I was mesmerised and the whole experience revitalised the orgasm which had been dissipating and I felt my whole body spasm with each powerful thrust which were pounding my tiny frame into the bed. We were moaning together but his soon became a roar and his final thrust went deep inside me as I felt his cock pulsing and stretching as he unloaded his balls into my happy, saturated hole.
I lowered my legs and pulled him to me. Yes, he was heavy but that post-fucking kiss has always been my favourite and I held him there until he finally rolled us over together to put me back on top, his slightly softening cock, still buried deep inside me. I finally broke the kiss and rubbed his nose with my own.
“That was DEFINITELY worth a trip to Wisconsin for, Mister!” I said in a whisper and kissed him gently again.
John’s smile was one of pure joy and he paused a second before he spoke, “If I never have sex again, I won’t care Rachael! You just rewrote the book! But” Then he paused
“There’s a but?” I asked, laughing.
John kissed my nose and squeezed me close to him, “The but .. apart from this sexy ‘butt’ in my hands, is I’m not sure if I can ever let you go again!”
I playfully slapped him and cuddled close but I knew, in just two days I had to go back to my normal life and no matter what he, or I felt, that was all it could be, two friends, first meeting, wild sex then go. I hoped we could both deal with that.
We lay there, until the laws of physics deemed his prick soft enough to plop out of me and an immediate flow of copious amounts of fluids started to trickle from me. With much screwing up of my face for comedic effect, I climbed from the bed and excused myself to the bathroom. I had a pee and used some more of my wet wipes to clean up but all the time I was in there, I was trying to remember if I’d ever felt so content after sex with a guy for the first time. I even shocked myself when I realised that I hadn’t even given him a blow job, my favourite part of foreplay! No matter, I’d make that up to him at some point and prove to him that I hadn’t lied about my speciality in that area.
As I returned from the bathroom, John had climbed under the covers and he pulled them back for me to climb under with him. I didn’t need a second invitation and I snuggled up beside him, running my hand through his chest hairs as we chatted. It felt so easy, so comfortable and natural, not like it should for someone you only met properly a few hours earlier. All the time we were there, his right hand was on my back or my bum as he held me close, while his left hand dwarfed mine as he held it on his chest. At some point, we must have drifted off to sleep.
When I awoke, I noticed that the shade over the window wasn’t as light so the sun must have been setting. I propped myself up on my elbow and Looked over John’s handsome features. His hair was greying at the temples which was rather distinguished and he had a few appearing on his chest too. I smiled inside as I thought, that must be the reason he shaves down below, nobody wants grey pubes! I leant over and slowly sucked his earlobe into my mouth and started a gentle swirling of my tongue. I watched a broad grin appear on his face as his eyelids fluttered open. I kissed him and then, with a faux-serious face said, “We have a problem!”
Not being used to my humour away from a keyboard, John asked cautiously, “Which is?”
“Well, it’s something you’re going to hear a lot of over the next two days!”
He worked it out, “You’re hungry aren’t you?”
I nodded and he feigned exasperation before we got into a little tickle fight. I stopped it before we got too horny again because, well I was starving! I knew my next suggestion would work though, I said we should share a shower. He seemed to like the idea as he swept me up effortlessly and carried me into the bathroom.
In no time at all, we were stood together under the strong flow of water but, naked bodies, roaming hands and lots of soap usually adds up to an erection! Today was no different and with John’s caressing of every part of my body under the pretence of washing me, including a tentative insertion of a finger in my bum, had me pretty horny too. I decided that it was time to right the wrong.
“I think I need a starter before dinner!” I said seductively as I sank to my knees in front of his cock. It was free of soap by now and this was my first proper close up view. Immediately I realised why he felt so good as he rode me earlier, the huge head with its flared edges were perfect for stimulating a pussy and he gasped as I hungrily took him into my mouth. I stroked with a twisting motion as I sucked and slurped on the first three inches and noticed that John had took hold of the rails as his legs quivered slightly. He was panting already and I suspected that this was not going to last too long. He admitted later that his ex hadn’t given him a blowjob in the last two years of their relationship. I decided to move forward with my party piece and I moved slightly more of his tool into my mouth, testing the back of my throat. He was a little thicker than any I’d done this with before but I knew I could manage. I’ve been blessed with very little gag reflex so I was quite proud of the soft whimper from John as I pushed forward and my nose pushed hard into his pubic bone and I held there. Then I pulled slowly away, allowing the full seven inches to reappear from my mouth as I held eye contact with a very happy man. I then plunged it fully in again and as I teased the head with my throat muscles, I snaked my tongue out to tease his balls. His moans were exquisite and then I grabbed his hips and urged him to fuck my throat. He didn’t take much convincing and began slow but long strokes, raining praise on me from above. I was right that it wouldn’t last long and when he announced that he was coming, I took control with my hand on the shaft and my tongue all around the head and was soon rewarded with an alarmingly large load in my mouth. He tasted really good and I gulped down every drop, finishing his treat with the gentlest of kisses as his sensitivity was at its peak.
I stood up to the warmest possible hug. He panted his thanks, “That was the best.. the best blowjob..the best blowjob ever .. You are ama.. you are FUCKING amazing! Thank you so, so much!”
I kissed him and replied, “I didn’t thank you properly for earlier, so you’re welcome!”
“Anytime Rachael, anytime at all!”
As we got out of the shower, John handed me a big, white fluffy towel and we dried ourselves off. I realised that I’d left my small case in the car so, when John was going out to the bedroom, I asked if he’d mind getting it for me. I hung my towel on the rail, found the hairdryer and as usual, I started thinking about food and the restaurants I’d passed over the last few days, wondering where we were going to eat. My mind was totally in the world of food so I yelped when a big hand grabbed my bum.
“Sorry, couldn’t resist!” He said as he gave another grope.
My hair was still a little damp but it was dry enough for now. I followed John to the bedroom and put my case onto the bed and opened it. I took out a Tesco carrier bag (Tesco is Britain’s biggest supermarket) and asked John to put it in the fridge. He opened the bag and laughed.
“You brought cheese? You brought cheese to the Dairy State? I thought you read up on this place?”
Still naked, I put my hand on my hips and drew myself up to my full 5 foot 1 inch and squared up to him, “Listen honey, I never travel without my vintage cheddar cheese and after I’ve cooked for you, you’ll agree that it’s better than sex!”
Even I didn’t believe the last statement but John just shook his head and laughed at me. He kissed me as he walked out to the kitchen muttering, “Crazy Brit!” so I slapped his bum for his cheek and returned to my case.
As I started to pick out clothes, I called through to the kitchen, “Guess what I forgot to pack from my other case?”
John returned to the bedroom and was quick to be the perfect host, “Don’t worry! Whatever it is, I’m sure I’ve got it covered! I mean, I’ve got vintage cheddar now!”
I gave him my best evil look, “OK then smarty pants, where is your knickers drawer? I never planned on bras but forgot my panties!” Then, I shrugged my shoulders and added, “Ah well, I’m sure that idea will keep your mind occupied! OK where are we eating?”
John shook his head in despair and walked out of the room, groaning and bent double to label the point. I slapped his bum again!
I pulled on a white vest top, not too tight or revealing and a denim skirt which came to mid thigh. If we were going into a restaurant, I wanted to look nice for John. He whistled as I came into the living room so, in order to remind him, I spun around, hitched up my skirt and wiggled my naked bum at him. When I turned back, I asked, “Is that OK?”
He involuntarily licked his lips, “OK isn’t really the right term! And it sure tastes better than any food we’ll eat tonight!”
I congratulated and thanked him for his smart answer and we headed out to eat. His comments about the food we may eat were very wrong! We arrived at a place called Casa Mexicana which was nothing to look at from outside, but inside was a whole different story with every wall, chair and table painted with vibrant pictures and scenes. It was the prettiest restaurant I’ve ever been in and the food was incredible. We took our time between courses and after we’d had a coffee, I gave an embarrassing yawn.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” I said as another yawn took hold of me.
John took my hand, “Hey it’s OK, I bet you’re exhausted! You were travelling forever yesterday, up early today and, well, we had a little workout this afternoon! You’ve every right to be wrecked!” He lifted my hand and kissed it softly, “Shall we miss out on an all night club and head back?”
John insisted on paying the bill despite my pleas so I paid a nice tip and chatted to the owners before we left. We kissed a little in the car park before I accepted that I really needed to get back.
The restaurant wasn’t far from John’s house so we soon back, being greeted by an excited Marvin who could smell the scraps we’d brought back. John asked if I’d like a warm cocoa before bed. I accepted eagerly but asked if it was alright to have it in bed. Naturally, he said yes so I went ahead to the bedroom, kicked off my shoes and quickly removed my two items of clothing and climbed beneath the duvet. Then, as the worst possible house guest, I fell immediately to sleep.
It must have been a good few hours later when I woke up, desperately needing to pee but, when I realised that John was spooning behind me, breathing softly onto my neck, I honestly thought about staying put. Unfortunately, the urge to pee was way too much and I slowly extracted myself and went to the bathroom. When I returned, my body had obviously cooled a little and I woke John as I backed into him with a cold bum. He asked if I was OK but I shushed him and told him to get back to sleep as I snuggled in, wrapped myself in his arms and drifted off again. That is what sleeping with a bigger guy is all about. That is sleeping perfection. Nothing beats spooning! Well, that’s not quite true. Spooning which leads to morning sex is even better, as I was about to find out at around 10am the following morning.
The first sensation I was aware of was two fingers, deep inside me and I was incredibly wet. I turned my head to receive a morning kiss and no sooner than out lips met, the fingers were gone and I gasped as the full seven inches of his lovely cock, slid slowly but fully inside me. I wiggled my bum slightly and pushed gently onto his lap, relishing the feeling of being so full of ‘man’.
The rocking of his hips started slowly and as his hands caressed my chest, I reached back and stroked his bum as the strokes grew in length. I’d been with this man for less than 24 hours but it felt like he knew my body so well as he touched and made love to me so perfectly, but then, as I thought this wakeup call couldn’t get any better, he gripped me tightly and rolled onto his back, never missing a stroke. He then gripped my hips, spread my legs and started to bounce me as he raised his hips, thrusting his meat into me in a way I’ve never felt before, hitting my G-spot perfectly and I gripped his arms tightly as my orgasm hit me immediately. I couldn’t move as my muscles gave in completely and his thrusts took on a new urgency, thrusting more forcefully than I thought possible. My climax grew even greater and I’m sure the neighbourhood could hear my yells quite clearly as I begged him to come inside me, and in a dozen more plunges, John’s body dissolved into spasms as he emptied his balls.
Almost instinctively, we rolled back to our starting position and John was still slow fucking me and with each push, I felt the last tremors of my orgasm and I sighed my contentment.
“Good morning!” I said, unnecessarily, “That was the best alarm clock ever!”
John kissed the back of my head, “Good morning, sexy lady! Well it seemed like the most logical way to wake you up and deal with my hard on, all in one go!”
I elbowed him softly, “Cheeky! But ten out of ten for efficiency!” I paused for a second before adding, “We really need to get up now though!”
John giggled, “You’re hungry aren’t you?”
I turned my head and gave him a long, soft kiss, “You learn quickly!”
I extracted myself from John’s cock with a bit of a sloppy ‘plop’ and made my way to the bathroom with a wolf whistle from behind me. (It’s always nice to be complimented!) I cleaned myself a little, brushed my teeth and as I was about to leave the bathroom, I noticed a pale blue shirt hanging on the back of the door. I took it down and put it on, then smiled at my reflection in the mirror. Even I knew that there is little as sexy as a small girl in a guy’s shirt. That always looks hot and the low growl from the bed as I went back into the bedroom confirmed that thought.
“Come on, lazybones, feed me!” I pleaded in a fake panicky voice. It had the desired effect and John climbed out of bed, put on some shorts, led me by the hand to the kitchen and lifted me onto a stool by the breakfast bar like a child. I wanted to pull him to me but he just looked down at me as the baggy shirt, open at the front, gave a full view of my naked body. He sighed heavily.
“Any chance you can just wear this today?”
I feigned shock and pulled the shirt back against my chest, “Hey cheeky!” I paused and added, “But my outfit today should please you, provided you make me some food NOW!”
John gave a salute, turned on his heels and started breakfast. I busied myself with the coffee machine and we chatted like an old, happy couple, talking about everything and nothing. I laughed when I realised that he’d really been listening to our chats and he was making what every Northern English person loves.. Bacon Butties! Freshly sliced bread, creamy butter, loads of crispy bacon, a little cheddar and a splash of brown sauce. As we tucked in, he agreed that this was a culinary masterpiece, one which he’d definitely have in the future. We polished off our mountain of food and I insisted that John go and get ready while I put everything into the dishwasher. By the time I’d wiped all of the surfaces down, he was ready, dressed in blue shorts and a T-shirt that showed his broad chest off nicely. I gave him a quick kiss and went to dress myself.
To give myself a little credit, I’d managed to pack quite a few outfits into my smaller bag but John’s comments and clear love of my wearing his shirt, well it made my choice easy. As I pulled the top from my bag, it always looks like a long rag of thin cotton but it’s actually a cropped shirt with no buttons. At the front though, there are long pieces which wrap around and then tie up, above your belly. The end result is a cool looking shirt with a visible gap between the breasts and material which shows the shape of your boobs, perfectly! The material is quite thin and for girls with darker nipples, there is nothing left to the imagination. Thankfully, my nipples are much lighter but when it’s colder, well you get the idea. It’s a very sexy top! I added my denim shorts which don’t show off my bum cheeks. Well, I wanted to look sexy but I didn’t want to look like a cheap tramp! I finished the outfit with a simple pair of strappy sandals and for my makeup, I did very little, just a touch of mascara and a pale lipstick.
When I came back into the living room, John gasped at my outfit and immediately caressed my boobs through the top.
“Sorry Rach, I just had to touch! Fuck, that is hot!”
As any girl will tell you, compliments don’t get boring and we can tell when they are for real! I was happy with ‘Fuck, that is hot!’ so I kissed him and we set off out.
A short drive later and we were walking, hand in hand, through Irvine Park. For anyone who hasn’t visited but HAS been to Central Park, sorry guys but you went to the lesser one! Irvine Park is beautiful with its lake, its zoo and even the people were friendlier. Hmmm maybe I should approach the Wisconsin tourist board. They should be paying me for promoting them in this story! I’ll come back to that. Anyway, yes, great few hours in the park and two guys got slapped by their wife/girlfriend for staring at my chest which caused much hilarity to us but, by 4:30 we were sat on the grass eating huge ice creams and John asked where I’d like to go next.
“Ooh I’m glad you asked!” I said in a ‘matter of fact’ tone and I reached into my purse and pulled out a small piece of paper with an address on it and handed it to John.
He looked confused, “That’s way out of town, are you sure you have the right address? There’s only a winery out there..” His voice drifted off.
“And?” I asked as John looked at me and I was wiggling my eyebrows and grinning madly. “What else is there John?”
“A sex shop? But what do you want from a sex shop, and that sex shop in particular?”
I held his hand, “Do you remember Holly’s story?” Now for those of you who don’t know my series ‘Holly and Friends’, don’t worry, I’m not going to do much of a spoiler but you really should read it! Anyway, back to this story. I continued to talk after he gave me a nod, you see, after reading this story, John and I had started to become friends. Sorry, I keep getting distracted, really going back to the story now..
I continued, “Well, you remember the scene in the sex shop cabin, between Sky and the customer?”
John instinctively grabbed at his package as he responded, “Oh God, do I? That’s a fucking hot scene! Do you I mean . Really?”
I patted his hand, “You really need to learn to finish a sentence babe!” I reached into my bag and pulled out another top and a pair of shorts, “I’ve even brought an extra outfit for you to rip off me!” I showed him the part ripped seams so he didn’t strangle me. (For those who don’t know the scene, read on, you will soon understand)
John seemed more than happy to indulge my fantasy although he did point out that we’d be going into a place where women rarely went and there would probably be other guys in there when we arrived. I reminded him that it all happened inside a cabin so nobody else would see and he was happy with that and we set off. I didn’t count on one aspect of it but it turned out to be a bonus. I’ll tell you about that shortly.
John had a bit of a distraction as we drove to the big sex shop. I had reclined my seat and stripped naked in order to change my outfit. The shorts were white, rolled up hems and very lightweight while the top was a bright blue, cotton t-shirt which was a crop top but much less revealing than my current shirt. I’d thought about this and it was bad enough that a girl was going into a sex shop, I didn’t want to look like a prostitute! I packed my other clothes away just as we pulled into the car park at the rear of the building and my adrenaline was pumping through my veins. I felt so excited and so incredibly horny and I was climbing from the car before we’d even stopped properly. I’m sure that John, at this point, was wondering what the Hell he’d signed up for! I knew him well enough to know he’d love it!
In earned a slap to my bum from John as we walked towards the entrance for daring to use a terrible American accent to ask, “You got quarters, buddy?” Note to self, don’t use a silly accent!
OK, confession time here. I HAVE been into two different sex shops in the UK but they were nothing like what I entered here, on a back road of Wisconsin. Each time I went into a UK one, there may have been one or two guys skulking around the DVD section, not even daring to look at the bold young lady that entered. Here though, as we entered the shop area, I counted eight guys, all openly staring at the half dressed girl and her guy. I confess, I was suddenly a little nervous but had already anticipated the first question from the man behind the counter.
“Hey honey, got ID?”
I already had my passport in my hand and passed it to him, smiling as confidently as I could at the nice, if slightly bored, guy in his early fifties.
“Thanks Rachael!” He said pleasantly, “Have a good time here! Cabins are through the curtain, you’ll need quarters!” I smiled at this and looked at John with a ‘told you so’ look on my face.
He handed over a ten dollar bill and took his handful of coins, then turned and led me to the curtained area, neither of us making eye contact with the sets of eyes following us but both aware of some quite crude comments being directed our way.
We walked through the curtain into a long, darker room with glass cabinets, full of DVDs down the left wall and around eight cabins on the right. There were three or four guys stood around, watching our entrance, and at first glance, two of the cabins at the far end seemed to be occupied as their doors were closed. John dragged me into the first doorway as I saw a young, tall and blond guy going into the room next door. He smiled at me as I disappeared and John was quick to slide the bolt, muttering under his breath, “Shit, I know what animals at the zoo feel like!”
I quickly placed our bags into the corner and took the quarters from John, putting them onto the little shelf above the coin slot. As I fed about twelve of the coins into the slot, I had a quick look about the room and was quite surprised at how big it was. On the wall opposite the entrance was a big, flat TV screen and in the middle of the room which was about eight feet square, was a two-seater sofa, covered in faux leather. I assume this made it easier to clean. The smell was, as I expected, a bit funky but I was already in the zone, horny as hell and ready to get started so the smell really didn’t bother me. A quick grope at John’s shorts said he was more than ready too.
Now, when I wrote the scene with Sky in Holly’s story, I was pretty specific about the porno movie that was playing but on this day, I stopped flicking through as soon as I saw a girl, tied up and taking a severe fucking. I instantly saw what I wanted and needed so I wiggled my eyebrows at John and he nodded enthusiastically. Unfortunately, or fortunately as it turned out, my naivety and eagerness for fun stopped me from noticing a hole in the left hand wall. I had no idea that some cabins had holes between them and John had assumed both the fact that I knew and had seen this one. The young guy I’d seen entering the next cubicle was watching as John and I started to relive the words I’d typed, so long ago.
John impressed me greatly as we clicked into role playing mode and he began by forcefully sliding the seating back against the wall with the door. This gave us quite a big space and unbeknown to me at the time, a much better view for our peeping Tom!
He pushed me hard against the TV screen and came nose to nose with me and snarled, “You’ve been teasing me for too long you little bitch! A guy can only take so much you know!”
I grinned wildly at first, never realising that he’d be so good at this but then, I snapped into ‘nervous girl mode’ and tried to push him away as I spoke, “Please I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to offend you!”
John knew we were being watched so he chose his next words carefully, “Too fucking late, whore! Everyone has left for the weekend, it’s just you and me and that flirting little ass is mine!”
I increased my shaking, “Please! Please don’t do something you might regret! I promise, I’ll stop doing whatever has pissed you off!”
“Too late, Bitch!” And with that, John grabbed the neck of my shirt and in one swift movement and the sound of ripping material, my t-shirt was gone completely. I yelped quietly but, as he threw the rags to the floor, he took hold of the waistband of my shorts and did the same, despite my feeble protests.
I stood, trying to cover my nudity, pleading for leniency but as I spoke, John kicked off his shorts and pulled his t-shirt over his head. I feigned shock as his hard, angry cock led him back to me and he slapped my arms away, revealing myself to him. He tried to kiss me and I swung my head away but he quickly grabbed my chin, turned my head to face him and forced me to kiss him. Then I squealed with genuine surprise as he knocked my legs apart with his knee and thrust two fingers straight into my hole.
He laughed a low, dirty laugh, “You’re a lying bitch too! You fucking love this! Look how wet your cunt is!” And with that he pulled his fingers from me and wiped them on my lips. “You’re fucking gagging for it!”
John spun me around and roughly bent me forward. I grabbed onto the shelf below the TV as he kicked my legs apart and rammed himself in me. I was so wet, it barely stung but I did bang my head on the TV. John whispered a quick question, checking I was okay but I shushed him and he continued his assault on my pussy and God it felt good. I kept up the pretence of pain and begging him to stop but this played right into his hands and where he wanted this role play to go.
He punctuated each firm thrust with his words, “ What the fuck are you crying for .. you love it . but if you’re gonna keep moaning .. I’d better fill that whore mouth . of yours!”
I was in heaven with the fucking I was getting, it truly couldn’t be better and I assumed, from his words, that I was going to have his cock forced down my throat and, as an eager cock sucker I was ready to oblige while staying in character but, as he rammed his cock home, he lifted me by my hips and swung me ninety degrees to my left, I reached for the wall to save me head-butting that as well and then, I got my first view of the foot square hole and I was face to face with a slim, eight inch cock. My shock was real and when John barked at me to suck it, I was genuinely frozen, staring at this quite impressive tool before me.
John slapped my bum, quite hard and it stung, “Shut yer crying and suck that cock, tramp!”
I decided on cruel payback for the slap so I said, “Yes Sir!” Then took the meat in front of me, fully down my throat and held it there. John groaned at the sight and pumped even harder, knowing how good the mystery guy was feeling and, with each thrust, my nose was pushed hard into his soft, blond pubes. I could hear the guy on the other side, whimpering and muttering profanities and then, John ordered him to ‘fuck that mouth good!’ and he complied instantly! I’d seen he was young and I didn’t expect him to last too long but it was a good, twenty thrusts from John behind, and him in my face before he called out and blasted his seed into my mouth. It was bitter and strong so I spat it on the floor, not noticing what was happening in the cabin next door. When I lifted my head, another, smaller cock was in front of me and I went to suck him but he pulled back a little as he wanked furiously and in seconds he shot his load all over my face. It was then that I saw three sets of eyes watching me through the hole and a hand came through to roughly grab at my breasts as another cock appeared at the hole. I felt completely out of control as I was being fucked, harder than I’ve ever had before, was being groped wildly by two hands now, and another cock was being rubbed furiously in front of my face. It felt amazing! I trusted John to keep me safe and as I squealed at my nipples being pinched mercilessly, I sensed John was about to come inside me and my own orgasm was reaching an epic peak so I pushed forward, trapping the arms which were groping me and slurped the latest cock into my mouth. My climax hit me hard and my legs and arms began to buckle but John caught me and held tight as he gave his last three thrusts and then held inside me as he emptied himself into my saturated pussy. As his spurts began, the cock in my mouth pushed hard into my throat, surprising me a little but I didn’t choke as his seed went straight down, missing my mouth for all five bursts. As he slid himself out, a final smear of cum trailed along my tongue to leave me a very pleasant, final taste.
Almost immediately, I had to move to break free of the roaming hands on my chest and John lifted me upright. Almost immediately, the face of the first guy appeared at the hole and beckoned me forward. I thought the role play was over but John had other ideas. He pushed me to the hole, spread my legs and pressed his body against mine, squashing me against the wall. I was still shaking and sensitive from my enormous orgasm so I genuinely writhed to try and escape from the tongue which plunged into my hole but John held firm, grinding against me and sliding down a little so his re-hardening cock was pressed between my bum cheeks, still slimy from being inside me. I pretended to fight back, calling him every name under the sun and this just made him harder, faster. When he started to slide even lower, I knew what was coming. He reached between us and lined up his cock at my arsehole and as soon as he did, voices from the other side were shouting their encouragement and that was all he needed. He pushed slowly and firmly and to be fair, I was having my clit licked furiously and my bum was already pretty relaxed so it opened up for him. It still hurt! I screamed out but he thought it was the game so I yelled, “FUCKING SLOWLY!” And he took the hint. He stopped for a moment and then pulled back and then pushed in until I flinched again. This happened four times before I felt him pushed tightly against me but by this point, I was in a daze as my expert pussy licker had fingers inside me and was already bringing me to a peak again. I barely noticed John starting his fucking motion as my whole body was in sensory overload as I was pinned to the wall, tits squashed flat and both holes being completely used. I moaned loudly and my whole body shook as the monumental orgasm took hold. My arse muscles clamped hard on John’s cock and he planted his full load, deep in my bowels but instead of waiting inside me, he pulled out, spun me around and offered my rear end to the hole. As he did this, I panicked, even in my dazed state, I didn’t want a random cock in there and I turned my head to see my blond friend, stretching his tongue to my battered bum hole. I quivered in John’s arms, unable to move but after a minute or so, I begged him to end this now, I couldn’t take any more.
“OK guys, show’s over now!” he said as he pulled me away from the hole and slid the settee to block it, finally sitting me down. I instantly felt both holes leaking and was now aware of the load of come on my face, now dripping onto my boobs. I looked at John and we both started laughing like crazy so I put my arms up and pulled him to me for a hug. Simultaneously, we both thanked each other and said ‘you’re welcome’ which brought even more laughter but, as we sat there hot, sweaty and extremely satisfied, I tried to remember when I’d even had more exciting sex. I realised I hadn’t, ever, or since for that matter.
I cleaned myself up with tissue and wet wipes from my bag, dressed in my outfit from that morning and we left the cabin. All the guys from the other room were out there and we received an embarrassing round of applause! I gave a ridiculous bow and we made for the exit. As we reached the door, the guy on reception, clearly aware of what had happened said, “Do call back soon, Rachael!” And he gave me a knowing wink. I smiled, blushed and followed John out.
John was the first to speak as we got in the car, “You know, I’ve always been a fan of your writing but, I don’t remember that scene being as hot in the story!”
I slapped his leg hard, “I don’t remember Sky getting a fat cock shoved up her arse in that scene either!”
John looked momentarily concerned but saw the sarcastic grin on my face, “Oops?”
“I’ll ‘oops’ you next time I’m here! I’ll offer YOUR bum to the hole!”
John paused and became serious for a moment, “So, there’ll be a next time?”
I had expected this question and in truth, I didn’t know the answer but, I wasn’t going to ruin the best day of my sexual life so I replied with confidence, “You bet your life there’ll be a next time!” We both smiled but I think we also knew that it wasn’t set in stone so we just basked in the afterglow as we set off back to his house.
It was early evening when we arrived at the house and Marvin had a slurping frenzy on us, and was especially interested in the smells from our crotches! Dogs have no manners! We gave him his cuddles, John fed him and we agreed that a shower was needed before we went for dinner. There was no sex this time, just gentle caresses, mutual washing and a great many kisses. He did get hard in there but I told him he was insatiable and it would have to wait until later. He reluctantly accepted those terms!
We ate at a lovely pizza place, nowhere near as cool as Casa Mexicana but the food was lovely and we sat for ages, just talking and laughing about our crazy afternoon. John was concerned that I may be sore down there but I convinced him that I’d had a good day of fucking but I still needed him to make love to me when we got home. This caused an immediate reaction from him and his hand shot in the air and he shouted, “Check please!”
When we returned to the house, John opened a bottle of wine while I went to change into his shirt which I’d worn that morning, then we just sat on the settee like a normal couple. It was still relatively early so we played some music and chatted some more. Eventually, in a very matter of fact way, I said, “I’m so glad we did this, not just for the sex, which has been epic but, I’m just so glad that we could do it. Does that make sense?”
John pondered for a minute, “It does! It really does! It’s been bizarre how we met online but to finally actually meet you has been..” His voice trailed off so I helped with just one word.
I put my glass down and turned into the gentlest of kisses, perfect for the moment. We’d had some pretty wild sex since I’d arrived but now I really needed and wanted to make love to this guy. There’s no explaining why, I just had to. As the kiss became more passionate, I reached for his shorts and felt the solid, throbbing tube that lay beneath and began to stroke him gently. As expected, his hand stroked up my leg to my naked bottom and we groaned softly into each other’s mouths. I snaked my hand into his shorts to touch his hot tool but after one or two strokes, I had to have him in my mouth. I stood up from the settee and knelt between his legs, pulling his shorts down and off. I was about to move forward but I stopped and lifted the shirt over my head, I much prefer to be naked. He reciprocated with his shirt and I leant forward and kissed and licked across his chest as his cock was pressed against my chest. His hands moved automatically to stroke the side of my boobs but couldn’t for long as my kisses moved slowly down his belly, bypassing his manhood to the top of his legs and then the tiniest licks and kisses on his shaved balls. His panting told me I was doing well and so, I moved up and ran my tongue up the full, delicious length of his prick, as slowly as possible, ending with soft flicks around the pulsing head and when I knew the torment was as great as I could get it, I lifted his cock to my lips and slid it into my hot mouth. I used every bit of experience to take him to the height of pleasure and I took pride in the way his fingers nearly pierced the settee as he gripped it so tight. I alternated between taking him fully in my throat to gentle flicks of my tongue and soft suction. Finally, when I knew he was on the edge of coming, I let him plop from my mouth and I crawled up his chest, kissing all the way to his lips. He held me close, looking like a very satisfied man and I whispered to him, the most sincere words I could have used.
“Take me to bed! Make love to me!”
Instantly, he stood up and scooped me up into his arms, kissed me and carried me into the bedroom. He lay me on the bed and I pulled him to me, opening my legs and keeping hold of his arms, letting him know that I didn’t need any foreplay now, I just wanted him inside me. He was careful to support his weight on his arms but, as he came closer I took a hold of his cock and directed him to my wet hole. In a stark contrast to earlier, he slid slowly into me, allowing me to savour his length and his girth. I kissed his shoulder as I relished every moment. This was the best kind of lovemaking, there was passion, there was so much care for the other and dare I say it, there was real love.
Every stroke was long, full and deep, hitting every nerve inside me and when the pace slowly increased, I pulled his face to mine and we kissed, but kissed with so many unspoken thoughts. We were as close as we could ever be and to make sure, I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him as deep as he could go with every, unbelievable thrust. I was exquisitely on the edge of an orgasm from very early on and for the first time in my life, I actually shed several tears as it grew, so slowly but unstoppably and it reached its beautiful crescendo just as John erupted inside me. I wiped my eyes without him seeing, not knowing if he’d understand tears during such an incredible feeling and I hugged him close. It was hard to breathe but I never wanted this feeling to end.
When he finally pulled from me and rolled onto his back, I snuggled immediately into his side and he wrapped a big arm around me. Neither of us said a word, it wasn’t needed because any talk now would only come around to the inevitable conversation about my leaving the next day. I sensed that this would be the last time we made love on this trip, or ever because tomorrow there would be sadness and I knew I wouldn’t be able to feel the same as I did now. For now though, I was happy and John seemed more than happy too. That was enough and I held my lover as we drifted off to a land of beautiful, sensual dreams
The mood in the morning was, to John’s credit, much less morose than it could have been. He brought me a cup of freshly brewed coffee around 8:30am. We sat up in bed and talked about work of all things and it seemed like a nice end to my visit. As I finished my drink I declared that it was time for me to teach him how to make the world’s best omelette so I jumped out of bed and went to the living room to get my ‘normal attire’ of John’s shirt and he joined me in the kitchen. I pan fried a load of mushrooms and bacon while I whisked up eight eggs with salt, pepper and some fresh cream. I added it all to the big frying pan and added lots of the vintage cheddar and John confessed that the smell alone was telling him that it was something special. I served it up as John refilled our coffee cups and we sat at the dinner table. Needless to say, it was bloody good, even by my standards and I happy that I’d given something back for his hospitality.
As the time was approaching for me to leave, I suggested we took our shower together, adding the unnecessary sarcasm of saying that it would save water. The humour was well received, as was the suggestion. We went to the bathroom, stripped and gently washed each other, both becoming more than a little aroused. I think we’d both thought that last night was the last sex but John broke first.
“If I don’t do this, I’ll kick myself forever!” He said as he sunk to his knees and plunged his tongue into my pussy. His hands pulled me closer to his face and explored my bum with digits teasing my arsehole. I gripped his wet hair and allowed myself to float on the pleasure, wondering if I’d ever find such an enthusiastic lover at home. His hands were taking this last opportunity to build memories of my flesh and they stroked, teased and caressed every inch as he drank from the fountain of juice, emanating from my sex. I didn’t let him make me come and I pulled him up to his feet and took the kneeling position myself. I made love to his cock with my lips and tongue while never breaking eye contact. There were no smiles, just a clear communication, both savouring the last tastes, the last touches and the final act of love. Before long, John pulled me to my feet and I put my arms around his neck, knowing what would happen next. He effortlessly lifted me up, his cock pointing up at 45 degrees and then lowered me onto it. My legs wrapped tightly around him as I became fully impaled and I buried my head in his shoulder as he put my back against the shower wall. The strokes were gentle, slow and heavenly. This wasn’t just lovemaking, this was creating a memory we could take away from these amazing two days, never to be forgotten. We both came together, eventually but they were orgasms which came with sighs, not screams and when my feet finally touched the shower tray, we held each other under the flow of water, both satisfied completely. When the water started to run cold, we found our humour again, washed quickly and exited the shower in a much better frame of mind. I dressed in my travelling outfit, revealing the white lie about my underwear. I’d hidden a pair in the side pocket for going home in. That earned my final spank of the trip and a bigger thank you for being cool!
I finished packing my bag and we walked out onto the driveway. You could have cut the tension in that final hug with a knife and I was more than a little surprised that I held back any tears. I pulled my head back and looked at the solemn face before me.
“Don’t be sad, I’ll definitely back!” I reached down and gave his package a little squeeze, “I’ve not finished with this bad boy!”
We both smiled, knowing I was just trying to lighten the mood. John hugged me close again, kissing my neck softly before we broke.
“Thanks for everything Rach! These last two days have been the best two days ever!” He drew a large breath and was about to continue but I put a finger to his lips to stop him. He looked a little hurt, as if the words needed to be said. I replaced my finger with my lips for a final kiss and as I pulled away, I mouthed silently, ‘I know!’
John put my bags into the boot of the car and I climbed in, waved and set off. I drove to the hotel, my mind a little numb and my boss was outside waiting. He put his luggage and the rest of mine in the back and we set off for the airport. I was glad of a little normality, hearing of his atrocious failures on the golf course and it was just enough to offset my sadness of leaving. I was certain that my boss had detected something wrong but we know each other well enough and he wisely let it be, he knew I’d talk when I was ready. We had a drink in the departure lounge and before too long I was taking my seat by a window on the plane. If anybody outside of that plane could see in through the window of seat 15A as the plane roared down the runway, they’d have seen the face of a young lady, and a single tear, rolling slowly down her cheek.
The End.