
Part 1
Kelly was a creature of habit. Everyday at six AM she would don her jogging sweats and make the trek down the path behind her apartment. But little did she know that this day... this fine summer morning... was to be her last.
This Sunday morning the 23 year old blue-eyed blond executive secretary was to begin her run no different than any other day. Slipping on her bra over her shapely, firm, breasts... and snugging up the straps to avoid the dreaded "jogger's nipples"... she couldn't help but wonder if she was getting too athletic looking... would guys get turned off with a girl with strong thighs and tight waist? It wouldn't matter.
Springing off her back porch she got into her regular stride within 5 steps, keeping in step to the music in her Walkman. The path took her down a ravine and up to the shoulder of one of the many rural logging roads, of which there were many in the Pacific
Northwest. This road was particularly good because of the view over a secluded valley. Her run led her along a portion of the road that provided an amazing vista... an unobstructed view of the nearby mountain as well as a lower view of the towering pine below.
If someone were watching Kelly they would have to admire her stride... the subtle bouncing of her restrained breasts... the muscles in her thighs and calves stiffening with each forward motion.. her shoulder length soft blond hair raising up and down with each bounce.
She didn't yet hear the pickup truck speeding up the hill from behind her. Nor did she hear the kids inside and in the truck bed laughing and fooling around. This road was also one of those places where kids go to race cars and spin around in the dirt. It wasn't uncommon for kids to pull an all-nighter in the woods and race in the early morning hours.
The kids in the truck were careening wildly from one side of the road to the other, kicking up dirt along the way. What made Kelly turn her head to look back was probably due more to feeling a vibration than sound since she had her headset over her ears.
It was too late for Kelly to move out of the way as the left front fender of the truck struck her in the right ass cheek, hard. The kids didn't even see her as her body somersaulted into the air. Somebody in the truck thought they had hit a deer... they drove on wildly. Kelly's body was flung nearly 20 feet over the side of the road and landed hard on the slope above the pines. There was so much slope that she literally bounced hard up like an uncontrollable rag doll, arms and leg flailing about, the Walkman flying off her head.
Spinning wildly her body struck the top of a tall pine. If she were alive to this point she wouldn't be for long. Her body began to tumble down the center of the pine... banging into and bouncing off of tree limbs like a ball in a slot machine.
Somewhere during her drop through the tree, had someone been there to hear it, they would have heard her neck snap with a loud crack. She continued the fall, tree branches tearing at her clothes as she fell.
Just as she was to clear the last few limbs before hitting the ground her right ankle had gotten snagged in the fork of a branch. The weight of her body falling bent her ankle in a tight right angle causing yet another audible crack at the sudden stop of her fall.
As the startled birds flew off and the forest resumed its tranquil state, there was only the slight swinging of Kelly's body in the gentle morning breeze. She was hanging by her right foot, upside down... her left leg swaying out and slightly bent. Her arms hanging, her fingers just missed touching the ground by inches. Her sweat top had fallen down over her head, covering her head but exposing her bra... her breast cleavage nearly dropping out. Her stomach was exposed to the waist showing off her navel, still looking sexy even after death.
Her taught stomach was sucked in and her ribs were very profoundly showing. Her sweat pants were still on although very torn. Hidden by her dropped sweat top, her blue eyes remained open and glassy, and her mouth was slightly open with a dribble of blood slowly oozing out the corner of her mouth.
Part 2
To the locals Harry was one of those wilderness guys who preferred dealing with forest animals than humans. A recluse who made his home the forest, living off the land. Even though he was relatively young, in his 30's, he liked the woods. He did miss female company but preferred "Rosie Palm and her five sisters" to developing a relationship.
He paused next to the creek to check out a possible fishing site when he heard the familiar noise of kids screwing around up on the high road. Damn stupid kids, he thought. As the truck noise passed away his attention was brought to the distant flutter of wings in the trees and the load snapping of tree limbs. Then silence.
Thinking that the kids threw something off the road that may be of value he grabbed his pack and started off toward the direction of the noise.
Had Kelly still been alive she would have seen a gruff-looking person approaching from the forest below. A thin guy with wind blown hair and a full beard, dressed in military camo and looking like a war-reject.
The sight that greeted Harry was truly amazing! Someone was hanging upside down from a tree. And it looked like a female! He rushed up closer to see if there was any sign of life. He couldn't help but notice her breasts nearly falling out of their cloth container.
Throwing his pack down at the foot of the tree he went over and slowly lifted up her top to see who this was. Kelly and Harry never met until now. He reached down to feel for a pulse in her neck... there was none. Her blue eyes just stared back at him. He dropped his hold on her loose fitting top and the weight pulled the top completely past her head, down her arms, and onto the forest floor. She was hanging there now with only her bra to the waist.
Harry instinctively looked up past the tall pine toward the road. No one is around, he thought. Looking up into the tree where Kelly's ankle was snagged Harry could see that her ankle was bent sharply to a right angle, her tennis shoe was off.
Harry had never really seen someone so beautiful. Carefully he walked up to Kelly and touched he sunken stomach. It was soft and not yet cold. He ran both his hands over her entire mid section, feeling her soft belly and hard ribs. As his hands ran down to her breasts he carefully cupped both bra-contained tits in his hands. What the hell, he thought.
Taking out his hunting knife Harry shoved the tip right under the connecting strap between both her bra cups, and with one swift motion he slice the thin material in half. Kelly's bra literally exploded out with the forced of her restrained tits! Jesus..., Harry thought, he'd never seen tits like these before! As the remnants of Kelly's bra floated to the pine floor her breasts jiggled slightly from side-to-side then came to rest, hanging fully... her pink nipples taught and hard even after death.
Harry couldn't contain himself... he grabbed a handful of each tit squeezing gently at first, then harder. He lowered his head onto a beckoning nipple and sucked hard. Using his front teeth he bit down on the erect nipple. Had Kelly been alive the pain would have been exquisite. Harry tasted some blood.
For the first time in a long time... much too long time... Harry was getting hard himself. His camo pants were too constricting. Looking down at Kelly's cute face and blue eyes staring at him he decided that the time was now... this chick, dead or not, is getting my load, he thought.
Harry pulled off his pants and kicked them to the side. He dropped his rather skanky camo underwear (personal hygiene not a priority in the woods) exposing his engorged cock and bulbous balls. He hadn't gotten off in weeks... this would be a full load, he thought. Why not give it to her in the mouth as long as she was already hanging there.
Holding the back of her head with one hand Harry positioned his aromatic cock in front of her slightly opened mouth. Then he brought the head forward and he shoved his throbbing cock-head passed her teeth, then with one shove buried his member deep into her throat. Moving her head back and forth his cock could feel Kelly's flaccid tongue caressing, or seeming to caress, with every move. Faster and faster Harry moved her head and his pelvis to meet her inviting throat.
Kelly's limp body vibrated with the violent movement of Harry's oral thrusting. Her tits jiggled back and forth in a tauntingly inviting rhythmic dance of pleasure. Harry was about to let go... let go of weeks of built up semen. His balls slapped hard against Kelly's face... his coarse dick hairs scratching her open eyes as he pulled her head between his legs.
Finally, containing himself no longer, Harry shoved in one hard thrust, emptying his balls. Wave after wave of his sperm flowed "up" into her awaiting throat, some shots nearly reaching her internal stomach! Her mouth pulsating open with the swelling of his expending cock; her head shoved hard between Harry's legs, her nose nearly up his ass.
He fell to the ground... his dick pulled out causing an audible vacuum noise, a pop, like a kid would do with his finger. Harry sat back up against a nearby tree, totally naked, his dick hanging with droplets of fluid dripping. He was looking at Kelly's swaying corpse. Wait a great head job, he thought.
As he sat staring he noticed that her mouth was open more now... no doubt forced open by his swollen cock. Looking into her open mouth Harry could see his semen starting to drip back down from her throat and landing on the roof of her mouth. His teeth held back the ever increasing puddle of cum accumulating in her mouth. Harry smiled as he saw a rivulet of semen pass through the tiny hole between her two front teeth, flowing over her upper lip and begin filling up the left nostril.
After nearly a half hour of watching this "amusement" Harry heard a sudden crack from the limb above and Kelly's corpse fell to the forest floor with a dull thud, into a twisted heap, the branch that supported her weight falling on top of her.
Getting up, Harry proceeded to remove the branch from Kelly's body. He turned her body over on her back. He breasts were full and round as they lay flaccid... her one nipple red with a rivulet of blood.
Kelly's sweat pants were stained with a small amount of her death urine. Harry pulled her pants off from the ankle, followed by her urine-stained panties. She was totally naked now. He reached down and felt her pussy... the hair was soft and inviting, and wet with her death fluids. Spreading her legs he decided to see how a beautiful chick tastes.
Burying his head deep between Kelly's legs Harry licked her clit and shoved his foul tongue deep into her vagina... tasting her urine and pussy with each lick. He cock was again getting hard. He wondered briefly if she had been a virgin... what a waste, he thought, that she would miss all this. He positioned his rigid cock at her opening then started to push in... slowly at first... then he thrust in as hard as he could. Her pussy walls were very tight... fortunately her death fluids providing some lubrication.
He began his vigorous motion in and out, faster and faster. Her corpse vibrated with each thrust, her breasts, again taunting him with their swirling dance of lust. Harder and harder he pushed, engulfing his entire length inside her vagina. Then he exploded! His fluid filling every crevice of her womb... semen splashing against her cervix... his fluid warming up a slowly cooling pussy.
Exhausted, Harry pulled out, his shriveled cock dripping. He bent over and gave Kelly a soft kiss on the lips, tasting her blood and semen mixture as it flowed from her mouth. Harry thought, if he could he would save this chick for future fun. But she was going to start to stiffen up now.
Harry dragged Kelly's corpse over to the tree from which she fell and sat her up against the trunk. He head was hanging over in front and her legs were spread wide apart. he thought I may as well leave her for someone else.
Harry got his clothes on, grabbed his pack, and headed back into the forest.