Killing me softly (CAW 28 entry)

Post time11-02-2021, 04:23

Completely concealed, she watched with a vicious excitement she hadn’t felt in years. Finally it would be over today. Live or die, it would be over. The arid wind blew the one stray blonde tress of hair that she could never get to stay under the hair cap. Her husband had always joked that it would be the one thing that would get her killed. A sad smile crossed her face as she thought that it was the ONE thing that had saved her life that day.

Her mind raced back over the years that they had both worked for the agency. They had been a damn good team, working together but always independent, able to change any aspect of the mission at a moment’s notice. ‘Well, ‘ she thought, ‘I could; he was always a slave to the plan. I pulled his ass out of danger more than a few times; the man was always in a hurry.’

A shiver ran through her as she remembered the day they had been sent after several ISIS leaders. A damned retrieval that was all they were supposed to do! He’d thought he could nab several of the leaders for information. They had started to make their move when, her damnable tress broke lose again and she stopped to fix it. She had moved her head to the side when she noticed the build up of several containers that weren’t supposed to be there.

Yelling a warning she pulled several grenades, throwing them on the run. Even as the semi-automatic fire started she didn’t stop. She couldn’t, moving ahead for half an hour. Finally stopping she cursed when she saw that he wasn’t behind her. Carefully, knowing she was breaking orders, she crept back to see what was going on. Growling she saw that the ISIS soldiers had someone hung by their arms between 2 poles.

Creeping closer she took stock of everything she had on her. A 9 millimeter half loaded, 5 frag grenades, several of her throwing knifes and her combat knife. Still creeping forward she heard the guards bragging about the capture of the man. Trying to calm herself as she had been taught, she crept closer still, and slit the throat of the guard that turned the corner. Moving a little further, she slit the next one’s throat even as he was fishing his cock out to piss.

Finally she was within 20 yards when the man noticed her. Shaking his head and motioning to the building behind him, indicating at least 30 men. Telling her he loved her, he motioned for her to go, telling her good bye. Unable to accept this, she made her way to the building lobbing all 5 of the grenades in the windows. Smiling she listened to the sounds of the men dying in the building before the doors burst open.

Drawing her 9 mm she took out the first few but knew they would get her also. Escaping she made her way to the rendezvous, getting in; the plane took off, no questions. The landing on an abandoned airstrip outside of London, a typical average English foggy day.

Traveling overland in the beat up car they had rented, the woman made her way to the small flat they had shared. Picking up the phone the woman hooked several devices to it and waited.

Ring! Click! “Hello, welcome to Acme warehouse consolidation how may we help you?” Came the sweet voice of a young sounding female.

“Yes I have an order I’d like to place, 1 million square feet needed.” The woman answered still holding her anger in check.

“Alright please hold while I connect you.” Can the perky voice.

There was a series of clicks then came a man’s voice, “What in the hell happened? We sent you in for a simple retrieval! I want you back here.”

“I’m not coming back in you stupid son of a bitch! I’m going after ISIS and I won’t stop ‘til they are all DEAD! You hear me you retarded asshole! You sent us in blind! There was more than twice the number there that should have been.” The woman shouted letting her Pentagon contact have all her anger.

“I admit the information was faulty but...” The man started.

“Faulty! Listen to me ass wipe! I am not coming back, send any after me and you will soon be hurting for agents. Leave me the hell alone.” Here the woman heaved a huge sigh. “I mean it or you will become one of my victims!” Slamming the phone down she figured she had ten minutes before they started to hunt her. Packing everything up, she was gone in three.

Crossing the rooftops of London, she was about ten blocks away when she saw the black cars start to arrive at the building she’d just left. Smirking, she turned her eyes forward; they’d be ahead of her soon, time to take the street. Climbing down she drifted into the crowds of people and vanished.

Two weeks ago

The man was trembling, half of the leaders had been found with their throats cut, heads cleaved almost in half many of those burned almost beyond recognition. Near or on each of them had been the declaration that a holy Jihad had been declared upon ISIS. A blood oath was being exacted for the killing of a holy assassin’s family. The killing would not stop ‘til all of the leaders of ISIS were dead.

Shaking, the man had never seen the extent of the slicing that had taken place on each man. It was something out of the ancient times of the emirs with the death of a thousand cuts. Looking around, the man saw no one and breathed a sigh of relief. He noticed that his vision was blurry, and then his eyes opened wide as a blonde beauty appeared before him.

“I already know where all of them are. I am your and their angel of death, for the death of my family I will exact the blood oath on all of you. By the way asshole, enjoy your death I only cut half your throat.” With the sweetest of smiles the woman spat in the man’s face, then left as the man slowly bled to death.

The woman smiled. That had been most satisfying, one of the more enjoyable deaths she’d done. Crossing the street the woman’s face suddenly got serious, so far she had taken out all of the minor leaders. That one had been the first of the more important leaders. She was heading to another of the more major leader’s house. She had worked all week to get herself installed into the household of the leader. Problem was the leaders were so seldom at their homes.

Knocking at the door she came to, the guard asked her a few questions then nodded and let her in. Her face hidden by the Ghutrah the woman smiled, their own customs were what were getting them killed. Advancing into the house, the woman went to the main room where most of the men were. Good she thought, he’s still here. Getting out of sight she waited. What she had put into they were drinking, should have them going to the bathroom soon.

Almost half an hour later the leader and 2 of his guards arose to head to the back of the house. Turning the woman swiftly secreted herself in the room, and then watched as the man entered leaving the guards outside the door. Moving swiftly the woman had already cut the man’s throat, then for good measure cut the man’s penis off and stuffed it into his dying mouth. Her arm moving at a blinding speed she cut the man as much as she dared before she made her way out of the building.

She’d barely gotten twenty feet away from the place before there were several shouts, then female screams. Smiling the woman thought ‘only a few more now’.

Three weeks ago

The woman had already made her plans to leave England. So far she hadn’t seen any agents but she knew they were there. Ha! Amateurs! She’d have already tracked where she was, made plans, and executed them. These newer agents were slow as shit! Where was the all out man hunt for her? Only ten years before they would have had every damn agent out there looking for her! Pitiful! The entire agency had gone downhill so fast.

Looking out the window she froze as she saw the approach of an odd truck. Tried but true huh? Activating several switches near the door, then the bathroom and bedroom doors she made her way out and up the fire escape tripping a last set as she left. The idiots! She’d warned them, now they would have to deal with the clean up.

She’d just made the roof when she heard the first shouts, then several more. Making the roof next door she was making her way down when the entire apartment exploded. Grabbing a burner cell she dialed a number and waited. In a quiet and calmer voice than she felt she said, “I warned you ass wipe, what you lose twenty, thirty agents? Have fun scraping them off the walls.” Hanging up, she threw the cell in the trash as she made her was to her next safe house.

She was about three blocks away when she saw the surveillance van, then the truck, along with several people roaming around. Ducking into an alley, she applied a skin mask she had for just such an occasion. Walking by the van she didn’t even stop when she dropped the hand bag she’d been carrying. Moments later there was a huge explosion as the van blew apart. She was beside the truck when two men exited, then suddenly fell to the pavement, each with a hole in his chest.

Walking further, she pulled another burner cell and dialed again. “That’s strike two asshole. I can keep killing them all day; it seems you have nothing but trainees. Keep it up and you’ll have to replace the whole damn agency.” Hanging up, she tossed the cell and kept going.

Disappearing into the crowd, she made her way to the Eurostar Channel Tunnel train. Aboard, she kept watch the whole time as the train made its way to France. Making her way out of the station she began to see more and more agents. Shaking her head she guessed she’d have to kill more of them to finally get her point across. Walking by a few of them, people began to scream as men were suddenly hitting the floor. At the door of the station the woman turned and crooked her finger with a smile then exited.

The first four never knew what hit them, the next two went down looking. The rest took cover as the woman slowly made her way to a taxi. It should only take a day or two to reach the Syrian Turkey border then another to start finding the leaders

A week ago

The woman smiled after the killing of the first two major leaders. ISIS was in a panic. They had started to broadcast apologies to the holy assassin, anything to bring the Jihad against them to a close. Laughing the woman decided it was time to really screw with these assholes. Commandeering a broadcast array she sent her own message.

“I am the holy assassin, for the wrongful killing of my family, I am blood oath sworn to eliminate all. I will not stop nor will I be stopped, make your peace with Allah. Know that death is the only companion you have now and as we all know, death only waits so long.” The woman said, her voice well disguised.

In Washington the woman’s old handler shook his head; she had gone completely off the deep end. A Jihad? She alone? What in the hell was she thinking? True she had done more to eliminate a huge part of ISIS but she was pushing it now. Reaching for the phone, the man suddenly had an idea, one he should have thought of before now.

It was two days later when a plane landed in Turkey, and a delicate looking woman agent stepped off of it. An almost sneering look was on her face. Shaking her head, she donned her Ghutrah. ‘Disgusting, ‘ she thought, ‘I could kill most of them before they even touched their swords.’ Then a smile lit up her face, her target on the other hand; now that would be a true challenge!

The woman had killed all but three of the leaders now; they were going to be the hardest to get to. She was awaiting the arrival of one of the three when a slight, very slight movement caught her eyes. SO! They were finally starting to get serious, too bad really this one she really liked. She’d been a good agent and friend for a while.

A soft whispering voice drifted through the wind to the woman’s ears. “Damn it Barbie! Never thought I’d be taking you out. You were the best, though no more that you’ve lost your mind.” Growling, the woman re-positioned herself.

“You know I hate that name, Kenna, always have. As if you don’t remember, I am far better when I am mad. Is that what you are hoping for?” The woman said.

“Always,” Kenna said.

There was the sound of several knives being thrown, then there was a gasp and a thump as a body hit the ground. The one called Barbie walked up to Kenna shaking her head. “I haven’t lost my mind, he lied to you, I am taking revenge is all, and they killed John. I will finish this, and then I’ll finish him. I warned him to stop pursuing me, know I’ll kill him for the both of us.”

“Good,” came the weakening voice of Kenna. “He told all of them you were on a private war. Revenge isn’t war, no it’s far beyond that.” Kenna grabbed Barbie’s arm as she started to leave. “Kill the bastard slow.” Barbie smiled widely and nodded as her friend let out her death rattle.

Present Day

Her slender body tensed. She had to make sure before she even thought of making a move. Since killing the second and third in command two and three days ago respectively, ISIS had tightened security up to a point that it would be ALMOST impossible to get to the man. Almost but not totally impossible, there was always a way in, problem was getting out alive. Watching further, she saw the main leader of ISIS exit his car. Barbie had studied the man for the last few weeks. The others had really been nothing, but this man, HE was the most revered and best guarded.

Looking on, she saw that, yes, the man had a lot of guards, yes, he was in the car, but this man she saw wasn’t the leader. Waiting about half an hour more, another car drove up and three men got out. The man who was out last, looked at everything, constantly appraising everything. ‘Ah!’ Barbie thought, ‘There the son of a bitch is!’

Following the three men, she saw they entered another part of the complex, a little used and even less known area. Waiting a few minutes, she entered the older section of the bunker and silently made her way down into the semi-darkness. Stopping short, she heard a man issuing orders to someone in the bunker with him. Getting flat against the wall the woman waited for whoever or whatever was coming.

Several men made their way around the corner and walked right past her! What the hell? Silently she made her way to the end of the hallway; looking in the door, she was surprised when she saw a modern war room. ‘Not bad, ‘ she thought. ‘Too bad this son of a bitch has to die. He does have some great toys.’

Looking for the three she had seen go in, she was surprised when they weren’t in there. Walking in against the wall, she soon heard voices in another room. What the hell? There was moaning, groaning and screaming almost like ra ... Okay, now I really want to kill this piece of trash. Pulling several of her throwing knives, she crept to the door and peeked in.

There on the bed the leader had a teen male being held down by the other two men while he raped the teen’s ass. Bursting in Barbie threw and buried both of the throwing knives to the hilt in the two men’s throats.

No longer being held down, the teen started to fight back, kicking and punching the leader, finally throwing the older man off onto the floor. Drawing her combat knife Barbie advanced on the man on the floor. Swiftly she cut the man’s genitals loose and commenced to stuff the bloody contents in the man’s mouth. “Suck and choke on that you sick son of a bitch!” Leaving her final calling card, she spit in the dying man’s face.

Looking around, Barbie knew she didn’t have much time. The men she’d seen leaving earlier would be back as soon as they saw the teen. Making her way back out into the main room again, Barbie started to look at everything. A vent suddenly caught her attention. Snatching the grate loose, she started to make her way out, or so she thought.

Stopping, she saw that she was in the other part of the bunker. Crap! Back tracking, she found another way that went more up. Almost an hour later she emerged on the other side of the hill that backed the bunker. There was of course total confusion as men were running everywhere not really sure what to do. Smiling, the woman waited for a soldier to get too close. Then he was dead, his body in the vent with her. Changing clothes, she slowly made her way away from the bunker area. One thing left to do, she smiled.

It was three days after the bunker incident; the handler was reading the reports. They had found a body that was wearing female combat clothes in a vent, burnt beyond recognition. Shaking his head, he doubted it was her. He knew she was coming for him; it was just when that was in question. Sighing, he already knew he was dead; Kenna was the last that could have killed her. When they found her body, he resigned himself to the fact that there was nothing they could do to stop her now.

Sighing, he sat back and took a huge gulp of the whiskey he had in his desk. “I wondered when you were going to get here,” the man said when he saw the shadow on the wall.

“Oh, I’ve been here a few times. I hope you like the whiskey.” Barbie said.

The man stopped a moment and shook his head looking at the glass. “Poison? Very unlike you.”

“Oh, it’s more than poison. Let’s see: secretions from the Blue Poison Frog of Brazil, Curare from the Strychnos vine in Central America. Those are the two I think you’ll appreciate the most. In small doses they cause paralysis. Yes, you’re right, I don’t usually use poisons, but I made a promise to Kenna. A promise that I’d kill you slowly. You should already feel the effects of the two poisons.”

“Why?” The man asked. “After all I did for you and...”

“Yes, after all you did; all the lies. I am going to enjoy watching you die, asshole.” Pulling a razor thin blade from a case in her pocket, she smiled at the man. “I think we’ve wasted enough time. Shall we begin?”

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