Gym Glory

My first time with a male came as a total shock to me. I was 14 years old, and believed I was pretty straight for my age. There was, however, a boy at my school who always caught my attention.
Davy Black wasn't exactly the most athletic boy, nor was he the most attractive. He was tall and lanky, more to the slimmer side. His hay-coloured hair accented his deep green eyes, and his light skin colour completed his almost nerdy look. He had a cute little dimple on the left side of his face, and I think that was what really made me do a double take when he smiled.
We were in totally different social circles, him being more down on the ladder, I being one of the more popular boys. Davy and had similar body shapes; tall, slim, and awkward, but that was where our similarities ended. My hair was jet black and my eyes were a dark brown. My small ab muscles were more toned and my skin a tan colour. I was the type of boy that girls melted over, so I was never necessarily without a girlfriend.
The day I met Davy was during our first day of freshmen-year gym. All the boys reported to the left half of the gym, the girls to the right half. The group of awkward guys sat on the rubbery floor, waiting for the coach to arrive. An older man, around age 49, waltzed into the room, sporting underamour and Nikes.
"Welcome to gym class, I'm Coach Trevors. For gym you'll need 2 pairs of navy shorts and 2 white shirts; front side first name, back side last name. You are to dress out in the first 3 minutes of class, take any more time then that and you get points taken away. Last 10 minutes of class are showers and changing. Any other questions? No? Good. Get in line to play dodgeball." He spoke quickly and loudly. We were all so shocked that we struggled to stand. There was a stampede to line up, and I being the slow runner that I am, ended up more towards the back of the line.
"Hi, I'm Davy." I turned around and saw him. At first he didn't seem so different from a lot of the other boys, but then he smiled. His face lit up, his eyes twinkled and his dimple showed. I stared at him for a moment more before I noticed I seemed a little weird. I snapped out of it and replied, "I'm James. Nice to meet you."
"You very athletic?" He asked. "Cause I for one, am not." I saw a faint red colour appear at the tips of his ears, but it disappeared as quickly as it came.
"I can't run very fast, but I'm great at basketball and lifting weights." I smiled and pretended to flex my arm muscles. He laughed and the dimple resurfaced. I didn't think much of it, except for the fact that it looked cute. I was surprised the thought had flown into my head, but I pushed it away and turned back to face Coach, who was dividing the boys and girls into two teams.
"You, Midnight," Coach pointed at me and then to the right. "You're on that team." I started walking over. "Blondie, over there too." I heard steps behind me and then a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Davy again.
"You again?" He said with false disgust. I rolled my eyes and the whistle blew, signaling the start of the game.
After a few weeks of school, everything was going pretty good. I had lots of friends, none of them really close. I didn't really talk to Davy, we chatted before and sometimes during gym though. During the second semester of school, however, things changed.
I walked into gym a little late one day, and Davy apparently had too. I quickly began undressing, but froze as I heard steps behind me.
"Relax, it's just me." My muscles rested when I heard his voice.
"You late too?" I asked. He nodded and took off his shirt. I nearly gasped when I saw his naked abdomen. I hadn't really payed attention to him lately, I'd been to busy. But he'd gotten some tone in his upper body, and he was really showing it off. I looked away quickly and wondered why I'd found his abs so appealing. I pulled up my shorts and turned back to him, only to find him bending over and tying his sneaker. I turned away, frightful I wouldn't be able to stop looking after I'd seen his butt. It was smooth and perky, usually something I liked on most girls. My heartbeat quickened and I turned back around. Davy was looking at me, a strange expression on his face.
"What are you looking at?" He questioned. My face was hot, I bet I was blushing. I looked down and answered him. "I'm not looking at anything." I pulled my shirt over my head and felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Davy, still giving me that look. His eyes twinkled, and I saw his dimple appear and disappear suddenly. My heart was pounding as he leaned in, slowly pressing his lips to mine. I couldn't resist; I kissed him back. The weight of his hand on my shoulder lightened as he moved it to my back. We kept kissing until he pulled back.
"We're late," he said, and started down the stairs. I followed after.
If you don't I'll probably still write more.
This is only part one****