The Masked Affair: Lust Changes Everything

The Masked Affair
By M.J Honey
August is the most beautiful time of the year. The breeze always feels perfect. It's the time of year in which everything seems to go just right. It could be because I was born in September that I have something to look forward to. It could also be that I simply enjoy the weather. But no, it's more than that.
I was married in August.
Marriage can be a beautiful thing. Especially when you have someone that you can't stand to be away from. It represents a bond between two people that should never be broken. It's a pact between lovers. It's a promise. It's a reminder that someone will be there waiting for you when you get home. Everyday that's where I found her.
When I’d come home, she’d be home on the couch waiting for me. She got off work before me most days. She worked in the tech field. She was the reason I had the job I did. Considering how few people work in tech, let alone women of color, she took her job with pride. Everyday she gave 110%. Yet somehow, at the end of each day the scent of bread or homemade pot pies, pasta, chicken, anything really would fill the hallway of our apartment building. I didn’t talk to the neighbors much, and very rarely did I ever see any of them in the hallways, but I’m sure their mouths watered just as mine did. The kitchen was right to the side of the door. Maybe that was why the scent made it out so easily. Coming home, the food was only part of the prize.
Mina was a sight to see. Her sun kissed skin was something I adored. Her cheeks had deep dimples and her head was full of curly brown hair. Her large hazel eyes made me feel weak. They made me feel exposed and tameable. She controlled my heart merely by looking me in the eyes. That's why I married her. I couldn't let her go. If it weren't for her work she'd still be here. She'd be laying next to me right now. To make it all worse they sent her and a coworker to a remote location 17 hours away in Asia with two layovers by plane. I couldn't visit even if I wanted to. Hell, I can barely call with her poor service. I guess it's our fault by choosing a bad carrier known for poor service internationally just to save money. Half the time all I get is a voicemail. During the times she picks up all I get is static.
"God damn connection". I can't even get a hold of my own wife.
I tried calling again and again, but I got nowhere.
I didn't expect anything different. We planned on calling each other at certain times during the day, but there's no way that's going to work now. At least I only have a few more days of this and then she'll be back on her way home. Problem is our governor is considering shutting down the state. The majority of people here in Cincinnati already work from home anyway. Some say it's a hoax. Some say it'll leave our economy in shambles. I don't really know what to think, but if he shuts down those borders my wife won't be able to come home. Maybe she shouldn't. Maybe we need a break. I'd be lying to say that our relationship is perfect. No relationship is perfect. No matter how bad we want our relationship to be perfect it won't be. We fight and argue. Sometimes we push each other to our breaking point. But despite all that, in the end I love her all the same. Maybe even more so. I'd never hurt her.
I made a promise. I made a vow.
I’ve aimed to make life as simple as possible until she comes back. I stick with a routine. Each morning, I wake up, I lift weights, and then I freshen myself up. Being home alone I have to take care of myself a bit more. No more after work dinners waiting for me. No leaving dishes out. It’ll be simple.
For now though, it’s time for work.
Chapter 1
“Covid 19 hit the U.S harder than any other country. The world is looking at us, and all they’re seeing is one big joke”. “You’re right, the American people want to know when this is going to end!”.
“Mr. President, do you have a message for the American people?”
“Mr. President, is their a timeline for when things will return back to normal?”
“Mr Presid..
*TV powered off*
“What the hell!”. The TV went out. I didn’t bother to turn around. I was annoyed. I spent my first two breaks trying to call my wife, but as usual, I couldn’t get through. Phone issues on top of the new mask rules and the workload for the day was bogging me down. I needed an escape.
“I’m so sorry!” It was a woman’s voice.
Her voice sounded familiar, but I couldn’t put a face to it. One of the new hires maybe? Despite being in the middle of a pandemic the company did a lot of hiring. More work for me I guess. I turned towards her. “It’s you”. Yes, definitely the new girl. Everyone in the office was talking about her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude.” As always, I fumbled over my words like a child. This was my third time seeing her, but she still made me feel nervous. A married man, nervous. What a sad sight.
“No. It was my fault. I hadn’t noticed you over there. I expected everyone to be gone at this point, but I was wrong. I’ll turn it back on for you.”
She’s apologizing to me? I was the one being an asshole. “No. No, it’s okay. Don’t apologize. I’m working a bit late since I have to finish a few things up anyways, so luckily someone was here to get me back on track. What about you? Is this your normal shift?” I figured small talk would soothe things over. Well, I say that, but in reality I found myself asking more out of interest than anything else. Though I know I shouldn’t. It’s work though so there’s no harm done.
“Not exactly. I ran into some issues today with my computer, but I believe everyone may be gone for the night. Are you in IT? Can you help me?” She seemed anxious. She may be wearing a mask, but I could sense nervousness through her eyes and body language. Today, she’s wearing a white blouse and a dark blue skirt. That slit on the side seemed to stop a few inches above on her right thigh. The white stockings weren’t helping. Her skin was covered but those curves still managed to overflow whatever she wore.
Her skin was fair, but it looked slightly tanned. Her hair reminded me of autumn. I tried to focus. “Yes, I’ll take care of you.” I tried to think of my wife. I checked my phone to see if I received a message or call, but nothing. Of course I already knew that. This was a simple request to get help so there was no need to overthink it. I just needed to focus on the job at hand. Working in an office tends to do that though. It’s an environment in which everyone dresses their best and puts their best foot forward. It's also where people are forced to rely on each other. All I have to do is fix her computer, but I found myself studying her. I looked her up and down. I took note of her curves and the way she stood in the doorway. It’s as if she were beckoning me.
After a few seconds our eyes met. Had she noticed?
“I sit over here by the fountain”. She began to lead the way. Her shape was lovely. A pure hourglass. She was more on the voluptuous side though. I imagined she was similarly built to my wife. Her ass and breasts were plentiful. Her thighs were thick, and her skin was pinkish and freckled. Those freckles - it’s what I liked about her. It gave her character, if you will.
The department floor was shaped like the number 8. In the middle stood the elevator lobby. On the left and right outsides were the call-center employees. On the top and bottom were the management and executive offices. It seems she was in the call-center area, but more so for marketing and sales. Somehow, someone figured it’d be a good idea to stick a fountain in the middle of the call-center. In order to keep from thinking negative thoughts, all I need to do is focus on the fountain.
Focus. On. The. Fountain. I repeated this in my mind over and over.
“Here”. She began to bend over the chair and log into her computer. “For some reason, I can’t get this screen to close.
I stopped looking at her bottom and redirected my focus to the computer. “This is an internet security pop up”. We put this in place to ensure no one used the computers for irresponsible things like shopping, social media, or in some cases, porn. “Do you remember what you clicked for this to pop up?”
She paused a bit.
“Well, I was trying to check something online since I finished my work since I deal with online marketing. Once I entered the site, it wouldn’t let me go further, so I tried to just close things out..” she was stuttering. “It wouldn’t let me do anything. When I restarted the computer, this kept popping up”.
I stepped forward to enter my login credentials. She was done with her work. Everyone was gone anyways. What’s the worst thing that could happen? The login screen read, “Enter Administrative Login to Proceed to Site”. Simple enough, so I did. “Would you like to add ‘Leara’s Private Chat’ as a Trusted Site?” Below these words, a small snippet of the website popped up below. I didn’t know what to say. I clicked “No”, and the site opened. Photo after photo flowed onto the screen. I saw everything. Her breasts, butt, vagina...everything.
The top photo caught my attention. It was her in this very office. At the desk on the computer I’m touching right at this moment. Her blouse was unbuttoned. Her nipples were pressed against her shirt. She posed seductively with gripping her breast with the caption, “Am I going to get in trouble for this?”
I could sense the fear within her. Her breathing was becoming rapid. She stepped backwards and placed her hand over her mouth. She hadn’t been working here long, but using office equipment for personal use was not allowed. Everyone knows this. It’s common sense. This is what smartphones are for. I looked at her and tried to keep a calm and composed face. “No one has to know”. I didn’t know why, but I tried to calm her. “Going forward, just use your phone for things like this. If people were still in the office, you could have gotten in trouble for it. If I wasn’t here, or if someone else in IT were to see this, you could be let go if someone else from management were to find out”.
She looked back at me with a blank expression. A video began to play in the background.
“Yes! Oh god yes. I’m cumming”. The speakers were blaringly loud. You could hear the toy going in and out of her. You could tell it was wet as her palm and wrist slapped against her cleanly shaved pelvic area. Her slippery fingertips and palm barely gripped the toy. Likely due to the amount of oil she used. On screen, I could see her cream dripping along the sides of the vibrator.
In and out.
In and out.
Since she was laying on her back with her ass hanging off the edge of the bed, her bottom was on full display. Light reflected off of her ass. Both holes had been toyed with. She began to squirt. I rushed to stop the video. Luckily, no one was around. I checked just to make sure with a few quick glances.
“I’m so sorry.”
I didn’t respond at first. All I did was make eye contact. “These things happen”. Do they really? “It’s gone from your history, and you’re free to use your computer now, but be careful”. I still don’t know why I was comforting her. She broke the rules. By helping her, I too am breaking them.
“This is so embarrassing. I had to rely on that site to make money up until now. It took forever to land a decent paying job, and now I’m about to lose everything and end up back at square one. I can’t risk losing all of this right now. I really messed up”.
She was beginning to tremble. It was becoming more and more noticeable. I needed to fix this. I needed her to know everything was okay. “It’s about to be the weekend. No one saw anything but me. Just relax and go out and enjoy yourself”. I handed her the jacket that was hanging on the back of the seat and took her purse into my hand. “I’ll walk you out”. I cleared her search history and the administrative pop ups, and scooted her chair back into place. “I’ll act as if it never happened. For now, let’s call it a night”.
I watched her walk ahead of me. It was quite an interesting day. I didn’t even bother to finish up the work I needed to. How could I? I wouldn’t have been able to focus. The fountain beside us was no longer helping. I couldn’t picture anything in my mind but...her. All of her. I could vividly see, “Leara’s Private Chat”. Not my wife. Not my marriage.
Chapter 2
We stood alone in the elevator within the largest building of Downtown Cincinnati. To make matters worse, we were near the top. “Only 20 floors left”, I thought. The only sound present was mechanical in nature as we dropped floor after floor. “So, your name is Leara. I’m Darzell. It’s a pleasure to put a name to your face”. I extended my hand, and she took it. Her complexion matched my palm. We were opposites. In her brown eyes, I was tall and broad - 6’3 to be exact. “Nice to meet you, Darzell”. She smiled. I towered over her short yet full figured frame, and could see the freckles in her face as I looked down at her. The freckles matched the reddish tint of her hair. Above her, my reflexion looked back at me. What was I doing? I could see dark brown eyes, a beard around 1 inch in length and well tapered thanks to daily edge ups. I made sure my hair was always well managed. The waves were noticeable in this light too thanks to the constant brushing. Only 10 floors left. I looked down at my clothing. My dark blue dress pants were well pressed and my cream colored dress shirt was void of wrinkles. To top it off, the designer dress shoes were comfortable and looked good. Worth every penny. I was finally on my way home, until...
“Sometimes I like to grab coffee on the way out at the shop in the office building next door. Would you care to join me?” Why on Earth would I ask her that right now after what just happened. Jesus fuc…” “Sure”. She said yes. She actually said yes. Moments later, we were on the plaza level. I let her out first of course. As she walked in front of me, I couldn’t help myself. I had to look. Step after step, I could see her behind jiggling gracefully.
Focus, Darzell.
I caught back up to her side and we made our way out of the building. It was beautiful out. Unfortunately because of covid restrictions, there wasn’t much going on. The streets were clear. Most of the buildings had long been emptied due to everyone working from home. In fact, most of our employees were working from home too, except the new hires and some call center agents who opted out due to being uncomfortable with computers.
“It’s a ghost town!”
She was right. “I can’t wait until we’re past all this”.
Leara began to adjust her jacket and remove her face mask. Her lips were full and pink. Fuller than expected. I took mine off as well. The wind made her hair flow freely. It added to her beauty. There were a few people outside walking in different directions, but I didn’t pay much attention to them. The woman in front of me filled my view. Watching her tie her hair into a ponytail did something to me… My eyes began to lower.
“Which direction do we head into?” I noticed her looking in my direction.
“It’s over here. Right through the double doors.”
We made our way in. There were more people than expected. About a dozen people were standing in line (6 feet a part of course), and we temporarily put our coverings back on. I ordered a large caramel frappe with extra cream and espresso. “I’ll take the same, but small and without extra espresso please”. After getting our drinks, we found a seat near the windows away from others. It was a rather cozy area in a nook of the shop, but it had less foot traffic which was preferable. It would make talking easier.
Within minutes, we made it through all the small talk and covered the basics. Leara had spent a few months after college trying to find a job in marketing, so when the position opened up, she jumped on it. “Since I am fairly new to the company, I ended up being seated with a few call-center reps. I’ve learned a lot about the products we offer through them.
“Today was bad for me though. I worked really hard to get here, but I almost lost it all over a silly mistake. I’ve been relying on social media to earn money as an influencer, but that’s not exactly something to be proud of. Nor is it something I can throw on a resume without them asking for experience. It pays my mother’s medical bills but I want something I can openly speak about. I can’t even talk to her about it or she’d never accept my help. This is something she’d never imagine me doing”.
“I don’t see anything wrong with it”.
“Mhhmmm, I bet you don’t!” My coughing and laughing earned me a few side eyes (COVID moments).
“I’m serious. Money is money. Get it however you can, Leara. If I could, I’d do it too. Not too many people are going on the internet typing in ‘tall black guy nude vids” so I had to stick with the basics and do IT work. Besides, your reason for doing it is justified”.
“That’s not true”. She was smirking with the straw in her mouth.
“What isn’t?” What did she mean by that?
“Never mind”. I wanted to know what was in her mind.
“No, go ahead and say it”. I’m not letting her slide out of this one.
“All I’m saying is there’s always someone out there who likes you. Tall, black, handsome, fit, etc,. Women love that type. It’s sexy and fun. Especially when you haven’t experienced it before”. I shouldn’t have come here. I knew it in my heart. I should have gone straight home, yet here I was entertaining a woman. A woman in which my wife would throw a fit over. Maybe I was overthinking it. I felt like I was breaking all the rules my wife and I established. I knew it, but I couldn’t stop. It’s only coffee, right?
“Is that what you like? Is that something you look up sometimes?” I shouldn’t have asked. This coffee session was starting to take a turn to something more. The warm lighting of the coffee shop suited her complexion well. Too well in fact. More than once I found myself glancing below her collar bone. Her breasts were pressed firmly against the oak table and seemed to curve atop the edge of it. The environment, the conversation, her attire and body, all of it was weighing on me.
For some reason, I wanted to hear those words. I wanted this girl when I knew I shouldn’t have. It was wrong. It is wrong. I have a wife.
“I had fun Darzell. I honestly haven’t been out with anyone in awhile. I must say though, it’s getting late. Because of the quarantine and all, buses are not coming as often as they normally would. I’m already unfamiliar with the bus schedule and I can’t get a ride right now. Would you mind sitting with me at my bus stop? It shouldn’t take too long”.
This was a perfect opportunity to leave and disclose my marriage. I needed to go. “I can do that.” The bus stop wasn’t far. It happened to be right outside the office, so I figured it’d be okay if just for a bit longer. I watched her sit down. Even while sitting her hips spread due to how thick her thighs were. Regardless of how sexualized I made her, I was enjoying her company. We dived into quite a few things today including her personal life. She spoke of needing to help her mother with medical costs. I found myself feeling sorry for her and her situation. She had no siblings or family to help. It seemed unfair to see a woman in a predicament like this. Part of me wondered if my feelings were merely lust. She seemed innocent. No way this could be the girl fucking herself on a webcam and posting nudes for money.
We waited awhile. Almost 40 minutes went by, and nothing. Not a single bus. “This isn’t making sense. The bus should have been here by now”. She was right. I didn’t see the point in losing more time. I needed to distance myself, but I couldn’t just leave her here. “Listen, I know you and I just met, but if you like I can ride you home. It’s going to be dark soon, so you shouldn’t be hanging out with so few people in public as it is. On top of that, quarantine curfew starts in the next hour”. Mina would kill me right now if she knew this was going on.
“I really don’t want to impose like that. You’ve done enough for me already today. It’d be wrong to ask you for more, Darzell”.
“Not at all. One look at you and every drug addict or asshole around will lose it. Especially when there’s no one out down here as it is, anything can happen. I’ll just take you home myself”. I stood and waited for her to follow. She was reluctant at first, but she came around. The garage was luckily in the building behind us, so we were at my car within minutes. I unlocked the doors and opened hers myself.
“Thank you”.
She smiled and took her time getting in. “Put your address in the GPS there”. We talked a bit during the drive. I hadn’t paid much attention, but we were driving my normal route home. I figured it was merely a coincidence. I looked away from her during stop lights. I made an effort to do so. I needed to avoid imbedding the look of her into my mind. She was beautiful, but she shouldn’t have even been in my car, let alone being driven home in it. This shouldn’t go too far. No, it won’t. I’m just being a nice guy. I'm a friend - a coworker.
*Bzzzz* *Bzzzz* *Bzzzz*
My phone was driving me crazy. During the quiet moments of the ride, it sounded off like an alarm that just wouldn’t stop. The noise wouldn’t go away. I didn’t answer it. I tried to ignore it, but my mind wouldn’t stop racing. A few minutes later we were there, sitting in the car, outside of my apartment building. What was going on?
“I really appreciate you for bringing me home”.
“ I actually live here as well”.
“Yeah right!” She wasn’t believing me one bit. “It’s true. I stay in Room 24 on the second floor”. “You?”
“I’m in room 27. If you realllyyyyyy live here, buzz us in the front door!” I did just as she asked. This seemed too good to be true. What are the odds? We walked towards the elevator. Luckily we’re only moving up by one floor this time around. I walked towards my apartment with her beside me. I inserted the key, twisted it, and there we were. I paused for a bit. I didn’t know what to say or do. I could have told her goodbye. I should have told her goodbye, but I didn’t. I didn’t.
I invited her in.
She looked around a bit. “Make yourself comfortable”. To think I allowed another woman to come into my wife and I’s home. I hated myself. I began to question everything I’d done. I questioned the importance of my marriage.
“You’re cleaner than expected. Usually boys have pizza boxes everywhere”.
“Shit, jokes on you. The box is still in the fridge”. I struggled to make light of this.
“I like you. You’re fun and you don’t judge me even after everything you saw. We should do this more often Darzel. I do think I should head home now though. It’s getting late and I already feel like I’m intruding. Next time, I’ll hang a bit longer if you want”.
I wanted her gone as much as I wanted her to stay. Every bone in my body was screaming as the constant vibrations in my pocket cried out to me. Just looking at her was pushing me over the edge. My mind had been venturing to that video earlier all day. My cock was stiff, and I’d been covering it up for the entire car ride home. “You sure you want to go?”
“I think I should”. She’s right. She should go home. It’ll save her. It’ll save me and my marriage. I shouldn’t push this any further. My wife is calling me. This has to stop. I thought of everything. I knew every possible reason as to why I should have pushed her away, yet for some god awful reason, I still found myself reaching for her arm as she turned away. “No. Stay awhile longer”.
Being this close let me see the features of her face I couldn’t earlier. Her skin, her eyelashes, and the scent of her perfume was getting to me. She smelled like roses. Her scent was graceful. I reached around her torso, and cupped the lower region of her back while shutting the door. “Stay”. What was I doing? My hand continued to lower. I pressed my body against hers. Together we stood firmly against each other. I hunched forward just a bit because of my height and lowered my hand even further.
I grabbed and squeezed her ass on the right side as I pulled her closer. My fingers went deeper than expected. I didn’t mind. Hearing and feeling the warmness of her breaths and the crevices of her body...I was overcome with lust and anxiety. My heart was racing. I stood back up, but the pressure of my dick being pressed against her pelvic region was uncomfortable. With my left hand, I reached between us and adjusted it towards the outer region of her thigh.”Stay a bit longer”. I commanded her just as I was questioning myself.
What on Earth am I doing?
She didn't push away. Admittedly, I hoped she did. She grabbed my dick herself while still being pressed against me. Slowly, she was stroking me. Tugging me. Teasing me. Between each breath she stroked. Again and again. She began to moan softly with her head buried against my chest. I slid her skirt down a few inches and put my hand inside. My fingers gripped tightly and spread her right ass cheek to the side.
“I should freshen up first”. She clenched my shirt. I could care less of cleanliness. I want this as much as I hate it. I gripped her ass tighter and spinned her around towards the door. I started pulling her panties down. She was thicker than expected. I had to spread her legs a bit to ease the discomfort of pulling her panties down. Her natural scent was arousing. I unzipped my pants and pushed them towards my knees.
While gripping her, I shoved myself inside her. She moaned a bit. Pain? I wondered.
I shoved it in further. As far as I could go. Clapping noises filled the room. I hoped to drown out the sounds of my vibrating phone. The air was changing. It became harder to hold myself back.
“Ahh, fuck”. She sounded just as she did in the video.
“I’m going to…”
*clap* *clap* *clap*. “Aaahh”
She was screaming or moaning. It made no difference which. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I grabbed her hair and twisted it around my fingers. She squealed a bit. I pressed my thumb against her ass, and held her tightly by her hair. She used her free hand to hold herself up from the door. My legs burned. I could feel it at the tip. I couldn’t stop now. I was cumming. “Here it comes. Here it comes”.
My strokes slowed down, but I maintained force. She couldn't have resisted even if she wanted to.. I didn’t know what I was thinking. I let her hair go and grabbed her waist. Rope after rope shot into her and I slowly pulled out. Even removing myself felt intense. I gripped my cock by the sides and squeezed out anything left remaining. This was maddening. The absence of such warmth and wetness...I wasn’t ready for this to end.
“Is this going to happen every time I stay as you tell me to?”. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t know what to feel. My heart was numb. I was overcome with guilt and frustration and anger. I hated myself. I couldn’t even look myself into the mirror when I was done. The calls finally stopped. When she’d left, I did nothing but stare at my phone.
Over 20 missed calls.
Chapter 3
What a night. When I woke up, I sent a good morning text and mentioned to my wife letting her know I fell asleep early. I blamed everything on work being stressful because of the new hires. It was a lie. “What have I done?” I spoke to myself. I was alone, and I deserved to be. I’m a liar and a cheater. I know it was too early for my wife to respond. I messaged her more for my own self comfort than her. As for Leara, I’m sure I’ll see her again anyways whether it be at work or...God forbid, here. For now, I have plans. But first, coffee! Luckily, there’s a place nearby I like to go. I’m off today, so it’s grey sweats and a hoodie. It feels good to switch things up. Wearing business attire is boring. I’ve tried to spice things up by getting pattern dress shirts. Still, even that gets old. Sweats and a hoodie. There’s nothing more relaxing.
When I left, I glanced over at her door. To think she’d been staying just down the hall all this time...Maybe I should pay her a visit? No. I need to end everything I have going on with Leara, but I need to find the time to do it. Last night was a mistake.
“Nah”. I don’t want to send the wrong message by going to her home this early in the day. The thought of her made me anxious and angry. Almost as if I blamed her for my own actions.
“Yeah, it’s going to be an interesting day”. At least the airflow outside was great. The sun was out, and unlike yesterday, so were other people. Within minutes, I was at Marabelle’s - the best coffee shop around. Better than the big chains in my opinion. Besides the taste, I knew everybody there. “What’s up D!” Seeing these folks made things worthwhile.
“There he is!” The voice of family and old neighborhood friends.
Blood or not, this is family. “What’s going on y'all? I sure hope my order is ready”. Every Saturday, like clockwork, I come here.
“You’re too early!” Niyah, was right. Normally, I don’t stop by until about 2 to 2:30PM. It’s normally quiet around then. Seeing her reminded me of the good times when we were younger. She was fine. Like, damn fine. Waist was tiny, but that ass…”Boy, don’t look at me like that”. Sassy. Always sassy. I just put my hands up and smiled. We were childhood friends.
“Stop dressing like that then. You already know how customers can get”. We never dated. I wanted to, but she was always seeing someone so I was never given the opportunity to. Our relationship had always been unique and flirtatious, but we knew nothing would come of it. We had the same friends, ate over at the same homes as children, and went to the same schools. I thought of it as nothing more than a childhood crush. She ended up introducing me to her best friend anyway, and shortly after, her best friend and I were married, but as they say, “the lord knows what I want”. She brought my drink right out to me. I tipped her. I’ve always tipped her. “I put it in a sippy cup for you too”. She was only a few months older than me and rubbed it in every chance she could get.
It wasn’t a sippy cup. It was a to-go cup.
“I’ll try to stop by later but no promises. Got to hit them weights”. I had a schedule to keep to. I already made up my mind to gain some muscle during quarantine. I was already on the bulkier side, but I still felt I needed a bit more muscle mass and strength. That’s something you can never have too much of.
Funny. It almost sounds like I’m going to a gym. I’m not. It’s “Covid season”, as they say. The dumbbells and kettlebell at the house are all I need. Those, and pushups. I can work almost every part of my body with those, but today was chest and arms day. A weekly holiday, if you will. I picked up the pace. Coffee gets the energy levels up. Granted, it’s not a supplement, but it’ll do. Hell, it’ll wake me up at least. Lifting a lot of weight is therapeutic. It’s essential. On the days I don’t feel like rolling out of bed, I tell myself the same few things each time:
Weights make me stronger.
Weights help me live longer.
Weights help me look good.
The list goes on. The one thing people mention the least though is weights help you fuck harder for longer. All that muscle aids in endurance, flexibility, and strength. Holding a girl’s legs steady and pinning her down…Putting yourself into a plank atop of her and...well, lets just say my wife loved that. I was getting anxious again. I repeatedly checked my phone but I didn’t get any messages. “Oh well, I’ll worry about that later”. I had energy today, but it was probably my nerves. I was trying to forget last night and to keep Leara out of my head.
Maybe I should see if she’s home?
No. Something else came to mind. “Leara’s Private Chat”. It felt a little weird at first, but at least she wouldn’t see me. It’d be safer than seeing her and no harm could come of my marriage this way. When I got on her site I could see she’d uploaded one more video since then. The audio was off, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to see. She was bouncing and riding a dildo on top of a bed. Seeing her ass and pussy was sending me through the roof. I wanted to turn it off.
The way she glided up and down had me craving her all over again.The workout had blood flowing through me. Now, it was rushing down to my penis. Filling it. Hardening it. I started to stroke myself. The thought of shoving it into her once more was electrifying and maddening. At some point, my middle finger brushed against the volume switch and I could hear her. I could hear the wet and squishy sounds of her pussy being filled with her toy. Her asshole tightened and released. Her legs quivered. The cream sunk to the base of the toy. A black toy. “Oh Darzell”.
“What…” My mind must have been playing tricks on me.
That brief pause gave me enough time to stroke myself just a little bit longer. I began to jerk myself off harder. I twisted and squeezed at the top. I found myself going at the same pace as Leara. “Darzell, fuck me”.
“Holy shit”.
She was saying my name.
I couldn’t take it. Cum flowed slowly at first. It was like a slow build up. Then, I began to erupt. Cum shot across my torso. I felt it land along my stomach. Some, dripped along my shaft and sat between my fingers. I examined my hand and played with the cum between my fingers.
I was still throbbingly hard and covered in cum.
I was animal-like. I did it all again and again until I remembered little else.
In the back of my mind, I thought of Mina. I thought of our wedding day and our honeymoon week staying in the finest hotel room in CIncinnati. And that was all.
Chapter 4
I was a bit disoriented when I woke up. I couldn't even tell what time it was. The sun looked like it was setting though. "Holy shit"...I went at it for hours. Luckily, it was the same day. The video was still playing too and my phone was damn near dead. Oh well, I just threw it on the charger. I needed a shower and time to think. I stepped into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror wondering what kind of man I was becoming. I was covered in cum and full of guilt once more. Guilty of imagining myself with another woman. I decided to shower to shove the thoughts to the side.
I used this new honey scented body wash I recently bought. It made my skin feel soft and hydrated. It was well needed after working out and...well, the other stuff. I even edged my hairline up while I was in there. To top it all off, I used some wave pomade to lay my hair down and brushed it a bit. I threw on a housecoat and waited a bit for my phone to charge. Mina still hadn’t messaged me back yet, but she was due to return soon. Fast charging helps but I needed to get my battery to at least halfway before heading back out for the day.
"I need to burn some.time". I checked my phone. Should I watch a movie? Nah. No text messages either…
*Knock. Knock. Knock*
Who comes over on a Saturday evening uninvited? I don't even have clothes on yet. I was kind of excited though. Part of me hoped she’d come home early from the business trip.
"Fuck it". I way over to the door. The housecoat will have to do.
"Well, hello". Her hair was tied into a ponytail. She wore an all white sundress too with a large purple amethyst necklace. She looked... beautiful. Her figure was suffocating my mind. Her breasts bounced and swayed as she moved. I hadn't seen her bare nipples in person yet, but I could see the pinkish tint through her dress. "You're back. What made you stop..."
She walked towards me and pushed me back inside. She began to untie my housecoat.
The door was still open and I tried to reach for it, but she had already dropped to her knees and held onto the straps of the coat. She pulled me forward a few inches.
"Mmhhh" She breathed warm air onto the tip and began to lick it. This girl. What in the world. "You smell nice. Did you freshen up for me?" I didn't even know she was coming over.
"Leara, we can’t...". She took me into her mouth. Open door or not, I was hard as rock. Masturbating earlier all those times didn't phase me at this point. Almost as if it never happened. She took every inch of me into her mouth. I could feel the back of her throat pressing against it. Siamming. The twisting and sucking and licking. "Damn girl". It was too much. I had to take a step back. I had to stop this. I found myself falling backwards onto the couch. Luckily it was there to break the fall. She smiled and crawled over to me. Saliva dropped down the side of her mouth. With a finger, she wiped it away and cleaned her finger by sucking it. Again, she was all over me.
She grabbed my cock and sucked . All I could do was hold onto the couch. "You're going to make me nut". It hadn't been more than a few minutes at most. Already, I'm about to cum. No one made me cum that fast, not even...
"Ahhh, slow down". She wasn't listening.
"Ah, fuck". I could feel it inching its way towards the tip.
Then, she rammed the back of her throat down onto me. She was deep throating. She held her head into place and merely twisted and turned her head without pulling herself away.
She swallowed everything.
She was supposed to stop. She was controlling me. "I just wanted to stop by and give you my number. But when I saw you...I just couldn't help myself. I hope you don't mind", and mid sentence, she licked the tip once more and jerked me off with two hands. I was covered in spit, so I could hear each jerk. Finally, she squeezed out one last drop. "Mmmmmm, it tastes good. But, I have to go. Text me in a little while. When I'm free, I'll respond".
I knew what I had to do. This was supposed to be the end.
That's it. That's all I said. It was all I could muster. I laid there and watched her walk away. "Oh, and don't message me until after 10:00PM. Play by the rules and I may reward you". She shut the door behind her. This girl...She was driving me crazy. I was driving myself crazy. I swore my vision was blurry. It felt like she'd sucked the soul out of me and I was making my way back to reality. To think she did all this just to give me her phone number. My god.
By Monday morning, work mode had kicked back in. I didn't get much done over the weekend like planned, but I at least went grocery shopping and cleaned up a bit. Better than nothing I suppose. Right?
I didn't see Leara on the way to work, so I went on ahead and drove straight here. Should I have checked in on her? No, that's weird. I didn’t even get a chance to speak to Mina before coming in, but we at least were able to message each other for a bit. Seeing the words, “I miss you” gave me a sunken feeling, but there was still time to correct this. Leara said to only contact her after 10:00PM. No need to break the rules.
"What should we do?"
I didn't pay attention to a single word he said. "Man, I need you to focus. We've got a lot of tickets put in because of the system updates over the weekend. The call-center folks are having a melt down". Richard was my supervisor. We started together a few years back but because of his previous leadership experience, he earned a promotion to shift lead. Or so he thinks. In reality, he was the only one willing to be on call. An extra dollar on the hour isn't worth coming in after hours in my opinion. We didn’t tell him that of course since he was a cool guy.
"I got you Richard. I'll head over to the call-center after I handle these tickets". I couldn't tell if I were going over there for work, or simply to set my eyes on her again. Two birds with one stone…He was right. The tickets wouldn't stop pouring in. On top of that, conference calls weren't helping either.
Absolute cluster fuck.
By the time the tickets were clear, I had a few minutes to spare before my last break. I guess there's simply not enough time for a distraction. Shame. I was looking forward to seeing her. That waist...those lips...those thighs… Imagining things isn’t going to cut it though. I’m bored. I’m craving excitement even if it’s just a little.
I want to see her. I need to see her. I need to put an end to this.
I made my way back upstairs. I still had some time to blow for break and the office seemed quiet anyways, so no one would be looking over her shoulder. When I got to her area, I was a bit disappointed. Why was her seat empty? Is she not here today? Well, back to work I suppose. This conversation could always just wait until later.
“Are you looking for someone?” Never heard this voice before. He was a tall guy, but rather skinny. He had fair skin and large circular glasses. Reminded me a bit of the wizard boy in that school of magic movie, or whatever it’s called. He wore a manager’s badge though. That I did recognize. But the face, I couldn’t say.
“Not exactly”. I couldn’t tell him too much. “I was just expecting one of the ladies to be here today that was having some computer issues sometime last week. I figured she’d be here but I was wrong. I’ll just check back later”. I don’t get why he was so interested, but he seemed alright I guess. Could be worse I thought.
“That’s weird. I don’t remember seeing a ticket”. Just let it go pal.
“Do you remember the name it was under?
“No, don’t worry about it. I fixed the issue last week anyways so I just wanted to check back to make sure everything is working smoothly. Let me know if anyone else in your team has software problems”. I figured he’d get the message by now.
“Here’s my card”. I didn’t ask for a card. “Are you Darzell?”
Why did he know my name?
“I am. I work in the IT department. I mostly focus on the hardware stuff but I help out where I can. What about you?”. I didn’t really care, but I had to be a little respectful I suppose.
“I’m one of the call-center managers for marketing and sales. I oversee this section so I always want to make sure things are running smoothly. I’ll be sure to contact you in case we encounter some problems”. I was already walking away. “I’m Bryan, in case you need me”.
I smiled, turned and then left. “Awkward”.
“Tell me about it”. She came to work after all. “I went to the IT office but they told me you were gone. Now, why oh why would you be looking for me?” She walked towards me.
“I was just checking in to see how things were running for you. I haven’t talked to you in a couple days. Things have been quiet”. I tried to keep eye contact. I always do. Lord knows I can’t. Even at the office, she still found ways to show off little parts of herself. Last week, it was her thighs. Over the weekend, it was her ass. Today, it was her tits...those large, natural tits...The cream colored blouse she wore felt transparent. It was as if I could see right through the material - undressing her. Ogling her. Caressing her. All while hating her and wishing I could tell her that.
“Why didn’t you message me? I was lonely”.
Fuck. Why’d she have to say it like that.
“It’s too bad really. I was looking forward to keeping you company for a bit on break but my Darzell is busy”. She walked past me. Her hand ran across my waist and down over the opening of my pants. I could fuck her right now if there were no one here. Except…the way she said “my” made me realize how bad of a situation this was. I belonged to no one but my wife. “I’ll stop by tonight at 10:00, and don’t worry, I have my own way to get home”.
“Leara, I was wondering when you’d be returning. We have a meeting in the next few minutes”.
The awkward guy again...
She looked back at me, and then away. I watched her walk. Probably longer than I should have, but I didn’t care. I guess our chat is just going to have to wait.
Chapter 5
I was restless. From the time I clocked out of my computer at the office until now I've been on edge. I’ve counted the hours, minutes, and now seconds.
Anxious? Check.
Horny? Check.
Hard? No. I'm throbbing. I’m aching. I've spent the last few hours staring at her website coming up with ideas on what to do to her. My room became a playground within my mind. Whether it be the kitchen countertop, my home office chair, the bed, the floor…"Fuck". It's 9:58. Two more minutes. I'll give her two more minutes. If she's not here by then, I'll go get her myself. I grabbed and jerked myself through the housecoat. "Just a bit longer". Look at me. I'm confusing my own cock. I don’t know whether to tell her to leave and not come back or to invite her in and have my way with her. This woman has turned me into a maniac. I just can't take it anymore.
"Fuck it". I made my way to the door, took a deep breath and pulled it open. I had every intention to put an end to this.
"Mmmmmm". There she was - leaning up against the wall across from my door. She looked as if she’d been waiting on me to come. How dare she make a sound like that with that smirk on her lips. Now is not the time.
"Get in here. I can't hold it anymore". I pulled open the same housecoat from two nights before. My dick was filled with so much blood it hurt. She slowly got off the wall. Slow isn't on the menu tonight. I could tell tonight would be a rather unique experience. It was written all over her. Literally, in fact. Her skin looked soft and shiny as if it were covered in oil. Her hair also seemed damp as if she'd just stepped out of the shower. Her hands clasped onto two different items. A blind fold hangs loosely onto one hand, and a glass of ice in the other.
She stopped moving and handed the glass towards me. Of course, I took it. Lord forbid another apartment tenant stepped into the hallway at a time like this. Every part of my bosy was exposed, and I didn't bother to cover myself. Not now. Not tonight. I watched her tie the blindfold behind her head, and she said it into place.
This woman must be mad. I must be mad. I have to be as well to keep allowing this charade to go on. She dropped to the floor, tilted her hair to the side, and extended her hands outward towards me. She didn't say anything. The smile said everything I needed it to. This behavior is risky and uncomfortable. She has to be insane. No ordinary girl would do this. My wife wouldn’t do this. Seconds went by, but it was like time froze. There were others here on the floor. I could hear their TVs through the walls for fuck sake.
She opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out and raised her hands a bit more. I placed an ice cube into her palms. I wanted to pull her inside and fuck her until tomorrow. Then call off just to fuck her some more, but she made the rules. Somehow, she made the rules. I didn't break them. I didn't fight them. I didn't try to bend them. I obeyed them, all while breaking the very vows I wrote.
"Come get your reward".
She placed the cube into her mouth. When I was close enough, she used her hands to find my stomach. Inch by inch she lowered them. One hand lay on my right thigh, the other wrapped around my dick. "Oh my". Her mouth was full. Those were my words. She was sucking me off like a vacuum. She tugged and sucked and twisted. I didn't fight it. I reached behind her head and grabbed a handful of hair. The ice...After a while I couldn’t tell how close I was.
I pulled myself from her lips and...kissed her.
To think this is the first kiss for us to share. "We have a long night". I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to her feet. I could tell she'd showered and offered herself with lotion and perfume. Her skin held a sweet scent and felt cold to the touch. Her skin was pinkish, and her breasts swallowed their fabric covering.
I guided her to the bedroom for the first time. Her eyes ventured left to right, but mine maintained focus. I came behind her and pressed her forward onto the bed. I lifted her nightgown, and spread her cheeks to the side. "I'm going to taste you". I started from the dimples of her lower back, and made my way down - one opening at a time. Her skin may have been cold and damp to the touch at first, but it began to warm. I inserted two fingers into her. God, so warm. My fingers twirled and hooked. I applied pressure towards her pelvis. Motioning to her body. I was considering it cum. I wanted her cream to coat my fingertips.
Moan for me.
I pulled from her insides, and rotated her towards me. Instinctively, she lay on her back. "Perfect, stay just like that". She spread her legs and I pinned them down. My tongue ran from the bottom towards her clitoris. Her breathing became ragged. Her legs began to shake.
Circles. Zigzags. Flicks.
Moans became screams.
I stood tall. I looked down at her and examined every inch. She brought her feet together and toyed with my dick as I looked at her. I squeezed the flesh of her thighs and butt. Precum lingered along the tip. I grabbed myself by the base and bent my knees just enough to be even with her pussy. No, my pussy. My playground. I looked one last time.
So pink and wet. So clean and perfect. So...I shoved it in.
"Fuck". She was screaming. She wanted this. "Fuck me!"
I held her feet together and continued to pin her down. I pounded against her. Banged against her insides. I could feel my balls were clapping against her bottom. Preparing themselves to be relieved. *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*
"Faster and harder". She didn't have to tell me.
I squeezed her legs tighter, and my body became rigid. I could feel it creeping it's way out of me. There's something about how these moments feel. The feeling becomes intense, but only in one area. The tip feels as if it can explode at any moment. My body only understood one task, and that was to release inside of her. This woman who I barely knew. A woman who'd come into my life only to be fucked and filled with…
"I can't hold it." It's here.
"You can't…"
I wasn't hearing her. I didn't stop. I didn't show down. I shut everything off. Her legs were almost parallel to her body. I buried myself as deep as I could inside of her, and I came. I could feel each stream of cum shooting against her cervix. My cock flexed with each stream. Over and over I convulsed. I continued holding her down. She thought we were finished. I'd relieved myself. I'd earned my reward.
I pulled myself out. I could see our juices mixed together atop the veins of my dick. Cum webbed itself connecting my dick to the opening of her vagina. She relaxed herself. It seems she misunderstood. I fell forward and felt her legs shake. It slid back inside with ease. So wet and soft. I grabbed her breasts and sucked them. I alternated back and forth. My hips rocked to hit every angle. One hand latched onto a breast. The other slid beneath her bottom. I cupped and squeezed her ass while making love to her. Her thick legs wrapped around my body.
In and out…
In and out…
This was my prize. I could relish this moment forever. It'd be a dream to lay here inside her. Pumping endless amounts of cum into her. The thought made me harder and thicker.
"Again and again. I won't stop until I'm empty". The reality is I never really was empty. I kept going and going. I had a goal. By morning, she'd be full and incapable of so much as walking straight. She'd be defiled and in need of rest. And after resting, I'd lay her down once more and fuck until I couldn't last another second. I'd feel like a champion. Then, I’d put an end to all of this. I’d invited this woman into our home. I’d fuckwed her on the bed my wife and I bought together. Tonight has to be the last.
Chapter 6
I brushed her hair to the side. Seeing her sleep was relaxing. It was like the calm before the storm. The sun wasn't even up yet, and we still had a while to get ready for work, but she was anxious and nervous-like. She immediately sat up after coming to. “I have to talk to you”. I wasn’t going to waste anymore time with this relationship. It has to end.
"Fuck. What time is it?” She wasn’t paying me any attention.
"It's still early", I said. Why is she so worried? "We don't have to be at work for another..."
"I need to know what time it is". She was in a frenzy. She immediately got dressed and began to leave. I was confused. What could be so pressing this early in the morning?
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I have to go! I should have been gone already". She rushed out of the room and shut the door behind her. I tried to stop her. She tried to make herself look decent by combing her hair, but that’s not really going to matter considering her clothing was transparent. Anybody could see right through it all. I could see her full figured shape overflowing the nightgown all the way across the apartment. If anyone actually did see her like this, her hair would be the least of their concerns.
I had gotten up early to cook breakfast and I even worked out for a few minutes. I felt good. I felt prepared to fix things. Now, I was just confused. She was already gone. Screw it. I made my way out of the room and locked the door behind me. Her door was still cracked and I could see light coming through. Maybe she was on her way out? I walked towards it for the first time. "Where the fuck have you been!" I could hear glass shattering in the room and shadows going in different unexplainable directions. I couldn't tell what was happening.
Who was that? Is she hurt? Is she in danger? I started to walk towards it but someone slammed and locked it before I could get in. I banged hard. "Is everything alright in there?" I needed to know. I tried turning the door knob but that was useless.
"Mind your own fucking business! This concerns me and..."
I banged the door a few more times. I didn’t want to hear another word from this guy. I could recognize the voice but I just couldn't place it. Whoever he is, I've heard that voice before. My mind was racing. I stood outside but didn't move for several seconds. I could feel the skin of my palms being pinched for clenching too hard. I can break the door. That's it. I'll kick this bitch down if I have to.
"Everything is okay". Leara finally spoke.
"We're just having a disagreement. Thanks for checking whoever you are but I'm safe".
The hell did she mean by "whoever I am"? You know who I am. We just fucked from sunset to sunrise. I was fuming. Who the hell was this guy to be yelling at her like that? In the end, she was right. It wasn’t my business. I didn’t know her well enough to be so attached, yet here I was. Standing outside of her apartment like a loyal dog. A dog more loyal to a stranger than his own wife. I slowly made my way back to my apartment. Step by step, I thought it over. I had already heard a door on the inside close so I wasn’t going to be able to hear anything from the outside. It’d be foolish to try. The guy was an asshole, but the reality is I don’t know enough about her life to get too involved and make my own judgements.
He could be family for all I know. Regardless, what I do know is that it’s time for work. This situation can wait until later.
Time was at a standstill all the way up until lunch. Which was already later than it should have been. Meeting after meeting. Email after email. Complaint after complaint. Basically the same office shit everyone goes through. Normally I wouldn’t mind. I was used to it by now. It’s part of the job. I propped my foot up on a nearby chair.
“Enjoy it while you can. We’ll be getting a class of virtual new hires who will all need new equipment some point over the next few weeks. We’ll have our hands full then, but for now, we’ve cleared out all the big tickets”. I nodded my head at Richard’s words and continued playing with my phone. I wasn’t texting anyone. I just sat and stared at the text conversation with Leara. An empty one at that. We hadn’t messaged each other. Not once. The only communication we ever had was face to face - literally. The silence felt loud. I wondered if I worried more than I should have. Was she as troubled as I was? Regardless, I needed to move on.
“Do you have a moment?”
Everyone in the IT department turned towards her. There she was, dressed well from head to toe. She wore an orange dress and white heels. Her hair was styled with deep curls, and in each ear dangled two earrings rose gold hoop earrings. There’s something about a woman with hoops. It adds character in a way us men can’t explain. Enough with the earrings.
“Sure. I was just going on lunch”.
“Me too”.
I could tell she wanted to say more. Do more. Her eyes said it all. As we walked away I could feel their eyes undressing her. I felt jealous, yet relieved. Soon, she’d be in someone else's home and not mine. Being in IT had the ability to go where others couldn’t. After making it a few doors down, I pulled her into a nearby server room. It was time for me to get things off my chest.
“I’m not sure what happened to you this morning, but we can't do this anymore”
She pressed her finger against my lips and whispered into my ear, “I know”. Somehow, she’d taken control of the situation, but at least she understood. Finally, this was over. Finally, I could focus on...
She pressed her lips against mine and pushed me towards the door to ensure no one gets in. I couldn’t fight her. I couldn’t turn her away. I lost control. I pulled her dress above her waist and hoisted her into the air against the edge of the servers. During the frenzy of kissing, she’d already undid my pants. I pressed my dick inside of her. Forced it. She squealed in discomfort. I could tell now. She didn’t want to do this. She was doing it for me. To suppress my anger and emotion - this was for me.
“I can’t keep doing this.”
“Please, don’t talk. Just keep going.”. I could feel tears running down my neck. I did as she asked. I didn’t know what to feel. I was numb to it all. The door behind me was locked. The other, well, no one had the key besides management. Minutes went by and my legs began to buckle. My arms burned, yet my mind was clear. Harder and harder I continued to pound myself against her as if I were drilling a hole through the wall behind her. Her hands clenched my dress shirt. I did it out of frustration and anger, yet I did not know where to direct it. Second after second her moans became more pronounced.
I could not contain my urges. I never could when it came to her. Now, however, it was time for this charade to come to a close. I could not hold it anymore.
“Leara, I can’t hold it. I can’t…”
“Leara! What the hell are you doing!’ That voice again. I removed myself from her and pulled my pants back up. I fumbled with the button and zipper out of confusion. No one is supposed to know about this. This was supposed to be the end, and yet somehow another person was involved. The room was spinning. It all felt real now. I knew this was no longer going to be something I could just brush under the rug.
“Bryan, I’m sorry. Honey, I’m sorry!” He turned and stormed out of the room. “Bryan, stop! Please!”.I reached for her arm. “I’m sorry”. She didn’t need to say anymore. Her hand...No, the ring on her hand said it all. This was the first time I’d seen it. She wasn’t mine to hold onto and I wasn’t hers. She pressed her hand on the side of my face, and apologized once more. I stood there and watched her go. I watched her chase him.
In the end, I was no champion. I hardly knew her and shortly after, she left the company. Eventually, they left their apartment behind as well. At times, I’d glance over and wonder what came of them. I no longer had her number saved. Did she go on to be faithful to her husband? Did he forgive her? Things could have gone either way, but that was months ago. I no longer had a reason to look forward to 10:00 PM hookups. Well, not with her anyway. My wife returned a few days after the office incident and I couldn’t have been happier. The good thing is no one knew about what happened. Her husband and her quit the company together and were replaced months ago. Enough about them.
Today, I took the day off to spend it with another lady. Mina was different. We had history together. “Mmmmm. Keep going”. We always were able to connect. “Fuck, right there”. After Leara left, I took time to find what was important. “Please, cum in me”. I took time to find what was valuable. “Darzell! Oh god”. The times spent with Mina during moments like this are memories worth cherishing. Because now I know, what I needed was in front of me the whole time.
This is no masked affair - this is love.
This is love.
If you've made it this far, consider enjoying one of the ebooks included in my bio!