Ultimate Interface 1.0_(2)

Ultimate Interface 1.0
It was late on a Friday night, as usual I was on my computer playing games or tweaking them, I don't play fair, but then I never play online so it doesn't bother me or anyone else. I like to go into the directory and alter the files to make the game easier or more fun, I would often spend more time altering the game files than actually playing the thing. But this day I'd started playing a new game and unfortunately for me it was not so easy to alter the game. The game files could only be hacked by someone who knew what they were doing, so in this case I'd have to go online and find a trainer to cheat with.
Scouring the internet, I found a website that said it had the trainer I needed so I quickly downloaded it. As the file downloaded, I noted it was quite large for a trainer, way more than the usual few megabytes they usually take up, also when I clicked on it, the screen flashed a few times and In my experience, this usually means it's opened up half a dozen websites with Ad's, but checking the bottom of the task bar, nothing had come up, so I let it get on with the download.
After a few minutes, the file finally flashed up that it had finished, I clicked on it and hastily installed the trainer, unticking half a dozen programs it wanted to install, the usual MacAfee, Norton and various other programs that would no doubted slow my computer down.
Once finished, I opened the trainer up. 'Ultimate Interface' flashed up on my screen, I was immediately impressed with the amount of stuff I could alter with this trainer, I may never need to spend hours tweaking again! I could just use this one to alter any game I had.
After a while I finished tweaking the game to my desires, but I was getting tired and I thought I should call it a night, but just before I closed the program down, I thought I'd check out a few of the other features it had. While scrolling down the menu I found something called 'Real World UI'. Intrigued I opened it up. It took a few minutes to load up, I almost instantly regretted it because I wasn't looking for a prolonged browse, just a quick one. Eventually the program loaded and up flashed a page with quite a few options.
As I perused the options available I found something that allowed me to create my profile. I couldn't do anything else until I created one so I thought sod it and decided to create my profile. When I clicked on it, it asked me if I wanted to use a pre-loaded profile, I was tired and couldn't really be bothered so I clicked yes. At this point it brought up 4 profiles and I was instantly baffled as it showed up my family in age order.
'What the hell?' I thought, looking at a profile picture of my father John, mother Sandra, my younger sister Jenny and myself.
I thought for a moment, I haven't downloaded this before, how would it know who my family was? So I decided to click on myself, and up popped another window, this time with a picture of myself on the left, fully naked and various stats and menus to the right of me.
Well this is very strange I thought, browsing through the options, it seemed I could alter just about anything about me, although I didn't understand why I was there, let alone my family as well. The first menu indicated physical appearance, I thought sod it and went to the slider menu that said 'cock size', like most men I wanted bigger and fatter so I dragged the slider to the right as the picture increased my cock size.
To my shock, I felt something moving down my leg, I looked down and almost jumped out of my skin as I could feel my cock growing bigger! I immediately pulled my pants down and sure enough, my cock had grown really long! almost down to my knees! It wasn't hard though, just limp, but really long, and thicker too. I looked up at the screen and back down to my cock, they matched perfectly, but just to be sure I moved the slider to the left again and sure enough, my cock size went down a bit, so I moved it up again until my cock was on the floor. Oh my god! this is amazing I thought as I sat back down with a huge grin on my face.
I quickly started altering other features, muscle tone, hair colour, eye colour, got rid of my acne scars, made my teeth perfect, I was loving this. I settled on a larger sized cock about 4" thick, with a nice round head and large balls to match. I started to examine my cock in my hands, to which it responded, growing larger still! I'd have to alter that otherwise I'd be walking around with a huge package to try and hide. In another menu I found a slider to alter how much I could cum and when! This was awesome I thought, I could literally satisfy any woman in the world with this. I moved the slider up to unlimited cum as I started to stroke my huge cock.
Moving my hands up and down its huge length and girth, I had to use two hands because it was so thick, the veins running down the side almost straining as I pumped my huge member, I could feel it now, one of the most intense orgasms I'd ever felt as immediately I began spewing wads and wads of cum everywhere, it was so thick and just seemed to stream out of my cock, I took all I had not to cry out at my orgasm. When I finished I had an 'oh shit' moment when I realised my room was plastered in cum.
Unsure what to do, I looked around the room, I had nothing to mop up this much cum and even if I did, someone would know what it was, especially my mother when she went to do the laundry. I checked back to my computer and assessed the screen, looking for any kind of 'undo button'. Then, as if the trainer read my mind a 'clean up' button popped up. I saved my progress first before clicking, and to my relief, all the cum on the walls and floor disappeared in an instant like nothing had happened.
It was strange, almost as if the trainer had read my mind. I began thinking about the possibilities of this and what else I might be able to do, one of which was how much easier this would be if I had an earpiece that could replicate my thoughts to real life without having to spend ages on the computer altering things. Suddenly, as if by magic, an earpiece materialised on the desk in front of me next to the mouse.
My eyebrows raised as I smiled. This is going to be awesome!
I woke up the next day about 9 o'clock in the morning, the sun was pouring in through the window as I stretched. For a moment, I almost forgot about the night before, then I remembered and straight way put my finger to my ear, finding the earpiece still in place. I grinned, happy it wasn't just my imagination. I was staring out the window, imagining the possibilities of this device when there was a knock at the door before it opened. In popped my mother with a cup of tea in hand. "Morning my dear" she grinned as she walked in. Sandra was always happy to see me, and usually brought me a cup of tea on a weekend in the morning to make sure I didn't sleep in all day.
"Morning mum" I said, "how did you sleep?". She placed the cup down on my night table and sat on the bed next to me. "Oh on and off you know, I don't really sleep that much, especially with the trucks coming down the road at 4 in the morning" she groaned.
Taking a sip of tea I had a wicked thought. 'freeze' I thought, at which point mum stopped moving, like I'd paused real life. Wow, I can't believe I just froze real life, but then I heard a car go down the road so the device must have instantly read my thoughts to only freeze what I was looking at. I sat up a bit more and looked my mother over. She was quite average really, nothing special, certainly not a milf by any standards. I set about changing that.
As I gazed her up and down, the changes in my mind manifested themselves in real life, altering my mother’s appearance to my whims. As the changes to her body occurred, the various growths swelled up, most notably her breasts, which had ballooned up to a 38dd, stretching her blouse and bra, which is what I wanted. I marvelled at her new look.
Bigger and firmer breasts, wider hips and bigger ass, longer and silkier hair and a more youthful look. I'd like to think that if she had been compliant she would have approved, though maybe not the breast increase, although my dad probably certainly wouldn't have minded! I saved the progress and moved onto the next thing. All this was all well and good but it would be for nothing if I didn't put certain things in place to make sure these changes were seen as normal and not unusual.
Next on my dirty mind was what I could do to her. My cock twitched at the thought, rising up like a tent under the sheets. I turned to my mother and instructed to her that this was normal and that she would feel strong sexual feelings towards me, but to act normal when other people were around. I told her that she would crave my cock and cum whenever she could and that she would allow me to do anything to her I wanted. Saving once more and spoke aloud "resume".
My mother continued as if nothing had happened and time had not stopped for her, looking back at me she placed her hand on my thigh and stroked it upwards towards my hard cock as she smiled "of course I couldn't sleep though, knowing this monster was just a room away. I pulled down my pants for her, releasing my throbbing hard cock, pointing straight up at the ceiling as her head went straight for it, opening her mouth up as she swallowed my cock.
"Mmmmmm fuuuuuck!" I groaned as I watch my mother slide her mouth up and down my shaft, sucking and squeezing it as she sucked hard. She was a pro I thought, I wonder if dad gets this? At that moment she released my cock from her mouth and whispered seductively "no he doesn't darling" before smiling and swallowing my cock again.
Oh my god I thought, this is fantastic, my own mother is now my sex slave and she's doing things she hasn't even done to dad!
I watched her, moaning out loud as she sucked my cock up and down, trying to get more and more in her mouth, she seemed to be struggling though, gagging each time she got too low, with a thought I removed her gag reflex as I was instantly rewarded with her sliding her mouth all the way down my huge, raging cock! I almost passed out right there and then at the sight and feeling of my cock being swallowed whole by my mother. She did this a few more times, sliding up to the head before ploughing back down to the hilt, trying to get as much of my cock in her mouth as she could.
'I want to see better' I thought, at which point mum got on the bed facing away from me before bending backwards and opening her mouth again. I smiled as I guided my cock back into her wanting mouth, inch by glorious inch my cock slid into her mouth, stretching her throat as my cock edged its way inside.
I could see the budge in her throat as my cock opened up her airways. Soon I was somewhere deep in her neck before I pulled out and slid it back in again. Watching my mother’s throat muscles lock around my shaft as I pumped my cock in and out of her mouth, it was magnificent!
I held her neck as I began ramming my thick, hard cock in and out of her throat, harder and harder each time, grunting as my pre-cum dribbled out of the sides of her mouth. I reached forward and grabbed her huge boobs with my hands, squeezing them through the material as I enjoyed her large, natural breasts, tweaking her nipples and pushing her boobs together.
This was heaven no doubt, I pulled her blouse apart and freed her giant melons from their confines as I admired my handiwork before leaning in and taking a nipple in my mouth and sucking on it like a new-born.
Mother loved this as she was moaning on my cock, causing me to tense up, any second I would explode. I thought it would be hugely erotic if mum's belly swelled when I came, and sure enough, as soon as I came hard down her throat, I heard her sucking as my cum spewed hard into her belly, I groaned, labouring as my jizz splashed down her throat and into her belly. I placed my hands on her tummy, feeling it rise as I continued to flood my mother’s mouth with more and more cum, thrusting hard against her as my onslaught on her body continued.
I gazed in awe as I watched her belly swell in my hands, more and more cum filling her up. From the outset, it might look like she was pregnant from all my thick cum, which gave me another wicked thought for later. I pulled my raging hard cock out of her mouth as she gasped for breath, blasting what was still coming out onto her face and tits, coating my mother in all my juicy cum as she tried to get as much of it in her mouth as she could. She was like a TV show contestant trying to catch money, only it was her son's cum and she was catching it with her mouth.
Finally, I sat back and tried to catch my breath as I admired my mother’s stunning body covered in all my cum. I watched it drip off her body as she smiled at me before scooping up what she could and sliding it into her mouth. Once she had scraped the remainder off, she crawled over to me seductively before opening her mouth to show me my cum in her mouth, a little twinkle crossed her eyes as she closed her mouth, and swallowed.
I could have cum right there at the sight of her smiling, licking her lips as she proudly swallowed her son's cum. "I'm going to grab a shower to get rid of the other shower you just gave me son" she smiled, before leaning in for a glorious french kiss, tasting my cum for the first time out of my mother’s mouth, a bit salty I thought, and sour, but at that single thought, the cream turned almost into honey in my mouth as my cum changed its taste to better suit.
Watching her sexy ass rock from side to side as she walked out of the room, leaking cum from her overflowing pussy, I thought it best to make sure the family wouldn't take note of her new body and made the appropriate changes to their thoughts. I made the room clean just by thinking about it as my mind raced thinking about what I could do with my new-found power. I have a dirty mind and a creative imagination, who knows what the rest of my life will involve.
Hope you enjoyed, Constructive criticism only please.