Fiction - Page 206
This all began almost 15 years ago in a small town in the south. This was the kind of place where everyone knew one another and its definitely one of those places that reminds you of Mayberry from television from yesteryear
st at this point I had a high end career and mad enough cash to move out of home which is what I did the first chance I got but what I found was that it was hard to find anyone who would rent to me being young and not having previous references that was until finally I found an ad in the classifieds
As Roger pulled away from the motel later that morning, his mind was already working on his next encounter with Maria. He wondered just how far she really would go with him before balking at one of his ideas. Before she left, she tasted his cum, one more time, as she wanted

I'm Andrew, I just turned 15 a month ago, I do OK in school, but make up for that in athletics. I play many different sports, and excel in most of them. I don't consider myself a popular person, but I fit in with that crowd, and good looking enough to get my fair share of girls
The next morning, she awoke to the birds again, but this time she felt Him watching her. "Good morning," He said as she, startled, turned her head to Him. She quickly sat up in bed for Him. "I trust you slept well?" Her eyes were on the bedspread, but she nodded in reply
This follows on from Tempted and Tempted (Part 2), so read them first Candice's heart was pounding. She was alone in the room with three very handsome and obviously rich men

I wasn’t proud of what I said to Zoe. For days I thought about showing up to her house and just holding her. But my frustration got the better of me. Zoe and I never spoke after our fight, not even a single message. Slowly I became a bitter and selfish person
Spreading Seeds 3 - Audrey and the Clusterfuck I was distracted by the blond, Audrey she said her name was. Audrey and I left the pedestal and joined the group that was watching Floyd assist Able in washing one of the Bahia

Wendy was a broke student looking for a bit of part time work. She had replied to ads in the local paper and had made a few bucks waiting tables at the local pizzeria for a couple of weeks. Unfortunately the hours didn’t suit her college work and her grades had slipped

______________________________________________________ It was about nine o'clock on a quiet winter evening
James wood and Peter hunter had been best friends since high school they both graduated from Cambridge and with law degrees. With the financial backing from peters family he and James created a private law firm in which the two friends could be business partners
The year was 1985 and Dot was now forty-something. She was no longer the slim, 22 year old blond of 1962 that married an American GI stationed in her native Germany. She was a few pounds heavier but on her it was voluptuous
Their limo had to wait before pulling up to the red carpet so they saw what happened to the people in the limo in front of them. “It looks like the Oscars” Megan gasped when she saw the camera crew and photographers
I had my first orgasm when I was eighteen. You might wonder what took me so long. I’m sure all the other guys blew their first load way before then. I liked women just fine—their beautiful hair and faces

I guess that is a more common fantasy than I ever realized for men to envision their wives being fucked by other men, particularly old friends of the husband