Fiction - Page 211
--Alone with my sister--Chapter one-- This first chapter has allot of buildup, so for those of you who for some reason don't like that kind of thing, sorry. Also, this is my first story, so I'd love some feedback. Thanks

I’m Jim and at the time this took place, 5 years ago, was 45. I am 5’ 10”, 175 pounds, still in good shape, thanks to going to the gym a few times a week
stay late, and then after clearing the other girls I have selected some six girls whom I again interview, this time I ask more personal questions like if they have had any sexual experience and finally if they will agree to show me their body out of the six four agree and of these two are virgins

The door jingled as it is unlocked and opened. He stepped inside, sighing after a long day's work. He hung up his coat and put his keys on the hall table before stepping further into the front hall. He smiled as he looked down at her

There was a house that was known to throw the best parties in the city. It was far enough out in the countryside to avoid noise complaints, and the house was so large that it might as well be called a small mansion. It could easily hold a hundred people on just the first floor

My heart started to race as I waited for Angela to arrive at the airport. It has been over 15 years since I have seen her. We didn’t want to see each other go, but we had no choice. Angela’s father received a good job on the west coast and she had to go. We were in love

Chapter 3 — Dorm Life You know what’s weird? When you go from being a senior in high school—totally chill, biggest fish in the pond, wise and sophisticated—to being a freshman in college—totally lost, insecure, minnow in a big, strange ocean

"Oh shit. Put on your clothes now!"she said. I pulled up my pants while she put on her blouse. "Here. Take this." she handed me her bra. "Stay here and stand on the toilet. Stay quiet." I did as I was told. She left the stall. The door opened and I overheard their conversation
When Alex woke up, it was the day after his 13th birthday. What really got to him was that when he fell asleep it was the day of his 50th. Now here he was, asleep in his bed in the room where he had spent his teen aged years
She woke up in a mostly dark, triangular room. Her bed took up the middle third of the curved back wall, and she saw it was chained with a padlock as soon as she realized she was restrained. She couldn't sit up, and her voice was extremely weak as she croaked out a cry for help
Grandpa Goes Blind Temporarily I turned sixty years old this year and I started having some problems with my blood pressure, my cholesterol, and just plain growing old. Then I lost my vision. My granddaughter Eleanor was visiting me at the time

My wife and I were lying in bed recouping from some great sex. She rolled my way and began rubbing my chest and asked me if I was glad, we had gone on the trip that started it all
They Call Me the Fireman- Pt 1 of 5 I have been a firefighter for years but nothing in all my training ever prepared me for what happened last night. We had a call to a house for an electrical short in a breaker panel
I am sixteen years old. I'm Korean but I was adopted by a wonderful white family when I was two. I never knew my parents. From what i've been told, they died in a car accident when we first came to America
“No thanks, I gotta get home or my dad will be really angry,” I had already made myself decent and was trying to figure out how I was going to get home. “Can’t you stay a little longer?” she was now doing her awful pout