Fiction - Page 213
CHAPTER I Finally, summer vacation was here! Six whole weeks of doing whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. The minute I got through the door at home I kicked off my shoes and ran upstairs, turning the shower on and tossing my bag down onto my bedroom floor

This is a fantasy story but it will begin with a few true facts. I met Paul in a Chicago bathhouse (this true story is here named Chicago Part 2 – a return visit) and we have remained friends and sex partners

Another long day in school. I sat down on the small couch in my dorm room, exhausted. The work is pretty tough, although I like it here better than my last school. My name is Aaron Walker. I'm a junior in university now, but it's my first year here
Don't ask me where it all came from. I just don't know. I would tell you if I knew, but I don't. Maybe I have a wire crossed. Maybe there's too much or too few of the right kind of hormones being secreted. Maybe it's just there's a hole in my character
My sister Celine has always been there for me. From a very young age we were the best of friends and even though she was only two years older than me, Celine always felt it was her responsibility to look after me
Many thanks to jellybelly2 for all the hard work in editing and improving this story from a previous version. I heard Dorothy's scream from my back yard. It was so loud that it felt like she was screaming into my ear. My body bounced in the air, and my eyes opened wide
When I woke I had the feeling I had spent the night dreaming about what had happened the night before. For those first few seconds of the day when you remember the night before but are not sure which bits are reality and which bits are a dream were happening to me

Authors notes: First off this is an edited version of a story that I wrote a wile back. I've made some minor edits and I'm working on the second part now. When this story gets to a certain amount of views I'll post the next part
A Saturday Afternoon Interview In Manhattan

Isaac Treslow is a boy. A rather special boy at that; top grades, rich background, friendly, fit, attractive, the lot; as it normally goes with stories like these. You always get the really nice one don’t you? I mean it’s starting to get samey right? Right? Oh yes, the story..

Author's note, part 2: I have noticed, and some other authors have commented on, the gang of trolls that seems to obsessively downvote new stories en masse for some reason. I guess this is the literary equivalent of vandalism. It's always easier to tear down than create

Fbailey story number 692 A Rose By Any Other Name Right after I finished high school I realized that I couldn’t get a job and that my parents couldn’t afford to send me to college. My friends tried to talk me into taking out loans but I didn’t want the debt

I am a traveling salesman and I had been on the road away from my wife and three teen aged kids for a week without much success. The economy has many of my clients backing off on purchases that I can normally count on

Legendary Shy Chapter 1 “Good Morning KEN!” *bam* “dad when are you going to learn?” I looked down at my dad lying upside down on my bed with his back against the wall
As the eighties wore on my friend Rich's telephone business began to prosper. I stayed along for the ride and eventually became his partner. I had gone back to school nights at Rutgers to complete my degree in electrical engineering