Fiction - Page 558

I know it's been a long time since my last story, and I apoligize, but here's something I know you'll enjoy! Part 1: That fluffy tail in my face was familiar, sweeping against my nose over and over again, smelling like dust
Sequel to; “But honey, it was only a dance.” Linda tells her story to a friend. Note: There is no sex in this story To all the readers who asked that the questions be answered, thank you. But honey, it was only a dance The sequel Another Chicago winter was history
I pulled out of my daughter’s back yard before sunrise the next morning still wondering about my stay here in Florida. I had had intercourse with my 17 year old grand daughter and relations with my 14 year old one
Back at the table, Nyoto had rejoined them and all were watching intently. “What’s a test of character?” asked Jonas in general. Nyoto answered under her breath “a whipping.” “A real whipping?” Jonas asked disturbed looking at his son on stage

He looked over at his star gymnast as she sat in the lunch room and ate her food. She was 18, not even 5 feet tall and weighed next to nothing. He couldn’t get over how sexy she was, or how she would tease him all the time

I had worked at my job with this big, well known company in Rochester, N.Y. for twelve years and had worked my up to department manager. I was told that I would be allowed to hire a junior manager to work the job that I was just promoted from. That was great

In April of 1959; I was a high school senior less than 2 months from graduation. I had a job on the second shift at the local textile mill and had just recently purchased a newer car to replace my old clunker. My new one was a red '55 Chevy in excellent condition
Once we had our tickets and boarding passes, Haylee was dragging me towards this beautiful man, and it wasn’t long before we were standing in front of him. I was so nervous that I couldn’t say anything at all, so I just stood there smiling while she tapped him on his leg

I was starting to have difficulty sleeping again. It was bringing back bad memories. On more than one occasion, I would have a nightmare about having to tell Molly what I did to her, only this time she knew, but just didn’t want to hear it
There was a knock on my front door in the evening time, and I was the only one home at the time, so I ignored it, I wasn't expecting anyone and my parents didn't like me opening the door when I was alone. I had just gotten out of the shower, and was lying on my bed

Once we got back from shopping the days passed pretty normally, or at least how I figured they should have passed. Tracy, Shannon and I had made the rounds, going to art museums, resturants, and places we thought Shannon had never gone. The world seemed to be opening to her
NEW BEGINNINGS the club house The week was a great one, I had Adam back he had kinda forgiven me, I came out to my mom, and I was going to the clubhouse to pay for my wrong doing and disappointing Adam
Her hair was like spun gold. Her eyes held pain and joy in them. When she smiled at you it was like the two of you shared a secret. Every movement she made was delicate and deliberate; just the way her wrist arched as she picked up a pen was beautiful. I couldn't help but watch her
A day later, Pete called Jason and asked for his camera back. “Are you guys done with it?” He asked. Jason told him that he could come over and get it whenever he wanted. “I have a better idea.” Pete said. “Bring Lisa over to Brian and Tina’s house.” He said
Dharma Cheats On Greg With Ted Introduction: My wife was faithful to me for a total of thirteen years and we had been married for eleven. When she asked me about having sex with a co-worker who she was attracted to I encouraged her to go for it