Fiction - Page 574

The Teachers Summer Vacation He was a new teacher at the high school, (he was young, hung and single) and all the girls thought he was dreamy. Because he was able to teach both chemistry and several math classes he had gotten the job of his choice
Day Three It was raining when I woke up the next morning. The rain tapping gently against the windows in my bedroom, wind shaking the trees in the backyard. It was one of those days where I wanted to curl up in bed and read, cozy and warm under the covers
KAW #2 Susan’s first Nudist beach experience. (Part one) My name is Martin Blackshaw. I am sixty four years of age and a retired long distance driver. It all seems so long ago now, but the details are as sharp in my mind as they were at the time
She trembled as he reached out a hand and slowly touched her neck. He ran it over her soft creamy skin. She shivered from his light delicate touch. He let his hand slowly cross her breast making sure to touch her tight nipple. She responded with a moan
Just before she turned 17 she went back for her senior year in high school. The fire department I volunteered at turned into a combo department. I was one of the lucky ones who landed a spot on a full time crew. Holy shit Brianna was so happy for me
It was early Monday morning as the sun started to peak through the shuttered blinds of her room. Liah would grumble as she rolls over burying her face into her pillow, her tail swaying slowly beneath her blankets as she lets out a small sigh. “I don’t wanna wake up
I suppose I only have myself to blame. I was given a choice and I got exactly what I asked for. I'm the envy of men everywhere I go but people usually don't look at me, they look at the brown haired woman beside me
Emma Watson It was the best day and a half of my life; and I can't tell anyone about it. Not that they'd believe me. Hell, sometimes I don't believe it. It sounds like some kind of sleazy fantasy I had dreamed up on a lonely night
Chapter One "Hi Mister… want sum company?" Lisa batted her brown silken lashes and cocked her smooth white legs just so
Michael Rodman had always loved summer vacation and this summer was no different. The lanky teen of seventeen years had gone once again to the Exhibition Fair. The event had been going on in Michael town since he was a kid and he went there every single summer
Finsbury Park was a grubby part of North London, street upon street, of Victorian-era terrace houses, mostly, three or four floors high
It all started back on Christmas, my mom was discussing my body and how if I worked out, i would get buff. I was 15 at the time, short dark hair, brown eyes. I was around 5'5 and I weighed maybe 130 lbs. My mom was discussing this with my uncle Larry, who was to me a total stud
Chapter 3 The light streaming in the airplane window woke me a few hours later. We had 3 hours before landing in South Africa, where it would be after lunch local time
This short story is a work of fiction describing sexual acts between men and women, men and men, and women and women. If any of these are not your 'cup of tea' I recommend that you read no farther
Contains very little sex but it is still a sexy story. If you don’t want to read it that’s okay. Unwilling Nude Models I live behind a very popular bar