Fiction - Page 576

“And that,” said Ms. Archer with the slightest smirk, “is why boys are falling behind girls in every category
I found a much better rewritten version of this story once online, and regretted erasing it from my computer. Here's the origanal written by someone else.I take no credit it for this, but thought many of you might like it

Pleasurable Pain I searched for my daughter for hours. She was way past her curfew of eleven o’clock. Cassandra had been real good about being home on time so we extended her curfew a week ago and that had worked out
Thanks to everyone who left comments and for those who also gave a positive feedback. You are appreciated. The next day I could hardly concentrate on school work. Twice my math teacher caught me day dreaming. Little did she know what thoughts were running through my mind
Sorry guys. Been busy. Working as fast as I can but will probably be Friday before next installment. I may have overdone this part. It's basically one long sex scene. Sorry. And if you aren't into gay b/b, please don't bother reading. You'll be disappointed
Seductive Stoners This is my first story. I got off work promptly at 5 o’clock and texted Liv the second I got out to the parking lot. I quickly typed “hey bud, ima go grab and be home by sixish” on my Blackberry before hopping into my Volvo and heading downtown

; The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced The Girl Scout-7 HOGTied; The Girl Scout -8 Getting to Know You; The Girl Scout -9 Sleeping Beauty; The Girl Scout – 10 Work It Good The Girl Scout -11 Lights Out Bitch Lisa squinted into the light

Finding Love Along the Tracks Chapter 11 - Brenda's mom "What the hell are you doing here, Mom!?" Brenda yelled
I get off work early one day and as I come into the house I notice you aren't around. I hear water running and I realize that you are in the shower. I decide to join you and begin to take off my clothes as I make my way to the bedroom
I hate sneezing! After 18 years of living in my body, I thought I had mastery over my stealth. Sneezing, however, just seems to mock me! These are the thoughts that race through my head as I saw my sister’s glaring eyes coming towards her closet, where I presently am hiding
Chapter 2 As usual when I awoke in the morning I was alone in bed. I wished she would have still been there. I sniffed of my finger. The scent was gone. I began to play with my dick as I again wondered how I was going to get to lick my sister’s pussy
Hi. My name is Lizzie. I am 15 and a a brunette and very slim and toned I have medium sized breasts 34 C, and no im not a virgin, Anyways I live with my mum and stepdad.My stepdad has a son, Liam who is 17, but this story is'nt about them.

I don’t remember which of them first caught my eye. There were two brunette girls who parked their car and walked into a store. They looked enough alike in their faces and bodies to be twins and each had that smoldering sultry look that reminded me of someone familiar. It hit me
A painter’s apprentice (chapter 1-6) Chapter 1 Sixteen year old Lucrezia lay huddled for warmth. She was half delirious, soaked from the rain and chilled down to her core. But she preferred this to what was waiting for her back home
"HURRY UP DAVID!!" Shouted Hannah "ok im coming sorry!" I really couldnt believe i was aloud to take my best friend with me camping and sleep in the same tent. This really was going to be a weekend to remember