Fiction - Page 577

Note: This is the first piece of erotica I've written in some time. I used to write a lot when I was 15 or 16 and I thought I'd give it another shot. Feedback would be appreciated. I'm thinking of doing a series of Liam fucking older women
I have disable anonymous comment to avoid the kids and their kik me crap. After graduation and summer vacation I headed off to college
“What do you mean you’re not going to the senior prom?” I stared at her, she stood there with one hand on her hip. In her other hand, she brandished a wooden spoon. Mom was making basil pesto pasta, which is one of my favorites. “I dunno Mom, ‘cause I don’t want to go
Mixed Metaphors Chapter xiv Tony sat for hours unable to sleep. Although the sun was coming up, by Tony’s watch it was only two o’clock the afternoon before
Rose’s Story. This is fiction based around the fact that in the real world guys like the Martin I describe do exist. Ladies beware, or make the most of it! One evening Sylvia was taken aside by her Aunt Rose. They were alone. Rose didn’t beat about the bush
The explosions had finally stopped. Death and destruction were rampant everywhere I looked. My neighbors house was completely gone, from what I thought must have been a direct hit
I get so hard looking at porn with animals it's almost sick, but you know what, I don't give a damn.Growing up the only pet that I had outside of gerbils, which die pretty damn quickly, was a dog by the name of Alex. Alex was a combination of german sheppard and collie
In order to understand the STATUS REPORTS, you will have to read my "I found My Sister Stripping" series, but it is not necessary to understand this story by itself
This is a work of fiction and is not to be confused with reality. If you don't like these kind of stories, please don't read it. If you want to send feedback or just contact me for whatever reason
Part One: Be Nice to Your Step Mom TOM “Is that the house?” I ask Mom as I pull along the curb of the quiet Des Moines cul-de-sac. Mom looks out of the passenger window and nods
Shana and Micky held hands as they fought to stay with one another against a massive sea of concert goers, all eager to get out of the stadium. People all around them were chattering loudly about how great of a show they had just seen, and they weren't wrong
I couldn't believe that I was actually going to a stupid camp with a bunch of fifth graders. Whiny little kids who probably didn't even know what a tent was. I had been in girl guides for eight years, since I was nine years old
It had all started as a game. No one was to get hurt, no regrets. A college prank gotten out of hand, one beer to many. Darren was the class dare devil, his pride would be his downfall yet he was to nieve to know it
John opened the door for Seth. 'Slave.' The young dom greeted. 'Sir.' the other man nodded. It was ten in the morning and Seth had send his slave a message the day before, that the other man should get the day off as Seth wanted to play. Now his slave stood in the doorway, naked
This is a story about a young 12 year old boy in the UK and his sexual awaking. Not to be read by persons under 18 years of age. ** WARNING ** You are about to read a story that will contain graphic sexual activity between boys and a woman and man