Fiction - Page 583
The music in the club was way too loud and I didn’t hear him when he shouted his name into my ear. But I looked into his caramel colored eyes and smiled at him like I had clearly heard every word he said
Oops that’s not sugar Daddy! My mom really tore into me last night after she caught me in my bedroom giving a blowjob to my boyfriend Justin. I really couldn’t sleep after what mom said to me. I really take what she says to heart. So, I got up early Saturday morning to work out

It was just a normal day when my friend Brandon sent me a text, saying that he was close by, and wanted to know if I wanted to "hang". I knew that he wanted to fuck me, and I wanted to fuck him. We had sent each other pictures on more than one occation
written in the part of the first part, fiction is the theme, i had the idea for this story from a comment I heard this morning while in a store when i was picking up a bookcase

Fbailey story number 583 Sweet Little Pussy I had gone back home to East Podunk for my father’s funeral. I had not been back for about seven years. I almost married a girl there but when she called off the wedding I left town and she married someone else
NYMPHOMANIACAL: Part IV Back To School / Second Encounter Rumors has started to circulate at school about Erica being a "slut". Of course, none of them new the half of it. None of them had the slightest idea of what she'd done or what she would do if given the chance
This story is totally fictional. This is my first story so sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes. I also tend to repeat myself or my words. Please tell me where I am wrong or are mistakes as such. I also like opinions and tell me what I should add and do in my story

Evidently in the Sharpton family, shyness was abundant in the girls. I couldn't speak for their mother, but I could speak for Daisy and I could definitely speak for Molly
I, Brad, age 27, was working overtime at my job. My boss had forced me to take the night shift - this meant boring paperwork. Luckily I got it done in an hour, but I was required to keep an eye on the place until it opened. Glancing at my watch, it read 2:43 AM
7 Anisa sits up, looking around the small room she’s found herself in, a bed the only piece of furniture, no windows and only one door. She wonders what could have happened on her wedding day, why she was there, and most importantly where was Shan "Sleeping beauty awakes

Recently, my wife and I took the opportunity to arrange for a nice evening out on Saturday night. An acquaintance of ours offered to get us a couple of grams of “nose candy” for a good price so we told her to go ahead
Lucy is about 5'6” and slightly chubby. She has shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes. Lucy had already started cooking stir fry and asked me to wait in the lounge whilst she went to get changed
TARYN'S OTHERLAND: Chapter 5 Before my eyes registered anything about the new day, I knew I was alone in the shelter. Not that I expected Bo to remain next to me and allow snuggling, but it was still a ‘missing’ sensation
Emily’s First Solo Holiday by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 08 DAY 13 ****** I woke to sound of Dani shouting my name
The rest of the week passed, with me having a perfect view of Lanie masturbating every night on the sofa bed. I decided to forgo disabling her vibrator, and simply enjoyed the nightly show, bringing myself off in the comfort of my own bed