Fiction - Page 599

I learned all about sex from my mum and sister May. My first was my sister when I was a young teenager I occasionally used to sleep with her in her double bed especially in winter to keep each other warm
V. There’s More to Come I slipped on the over-sized T-shirt and picked up the boxers that I had on before. “Hey those are mine,” Bobby said. “Yeah, but I have a pantie liner in there,” I said as I showed him the pantie liner. “Oh wow,” is all he said
My name is Jerri. I guess it first started when I hugged my mom Sandy’s new boyfriend Bill, and I first felt his boner. The thought of him getting a boner from being turned on by me, gave me a thrill that ran though my body. He had just brushed my wet hair
Joseph drove away from the fuel depot working through the gears to get his rig back up on the highway heading East. He felt a lump in his throat and turned his favorite County and Western music up louder then usual

For the rest of the day, it seemed to Katie like Tyler was avoiding her. Every time she saw him, she tried to go talk to him, to tell him how much she really enjoyed what happened and hoped that maybe it would happen again
I always had a thing for my special Monica’s dad he was good looking. Dark short hair, even darker eye, and he had the body of a Greek God every time I see him I melt. He was a man in the military so he knows what he wants and when he does, he goes after it full force

We lay for a while not knowing for how long or even what time it was. The sun was still high in the sky so I guessed it was about one o’clock or shortly after. I looked at Steph, she appeared to be asleep a contented look on her face and her mouth turned up at the edges in a half smile

"Dude, give it back!" I yelled at my older brother Jason. "Dick want his little dolly back?" Jason taunted back at me holding the figurine just out of my reach. Curse him for being just a few inches taller than me
I guess that boys will be boys, but sometimes you can never be quite sure. Take, for instance, the #other day. I was minding my own business, really I was. If you don't believe me, just ask Charley here
Jennifer and Jamieo part 2 Jennifer's belly started to swell with her new baby. She was about 6 months along, she was huge but still oddly attractive. One major problem was she was very horny. Pregnancy hormones
Things had been going well with Jamie, his attitude was improving, he was helpful around the house and he had been spending a lot of time studying. My sister's advice was working, the change in him was remarkable. I had been teasing him mercilessly with my choice of clothing too
Chapter 2 – Temptation Just about an hour after we got home, I had changed and gotten out of the speedo, and into a normal pair of black shorts. I was in the basement rec-room relaxing on a couch while reading a Sports Illustrated
TRAUMATIZED BROTHER : PART 1 Buzz . . . Shane Henney looked up from her notes and picked her phone. There was a new message. Her best friend, Helena smirked. “Tell your boyfriend we’re busy.” But it wasn’t Marc. The phone ID displayed the name Kyle, her 16 year-old younger brother

It was my second year in college when I first spent a summer with Jamie. He was always a dependable friend, especially when it came to carting me home after long, eventful parties. But that first summer, something happened that will ever escape my memory
As I grew up, I knew I wasn’t a guy – not a normal guy anyhow. The normal boys liked doing rough things, fighting, playing war, playing sports, watching sports, hunting, fishing, all those male things. I didn’t like any of that