Fiction - Page 646

When I was younger I had a best friend, Tina. I was always a little taken with her outgoing personality
Boy in the Bar. My name is Benji and my Dad owned a bar a bit like the one in ‘Cheers’ – quiet and discreet. Tucked away below street level in a quiet part of town. We had a select and regular patronage that made it very profitable
Jamie awoke in pain. A lancing, throbbing pain that seemed to echo through every inch of his mind body and soul. A loud piercing beeping which seared into his mind like a hot poker spearing his mind and resonating throughout his whole body
My Boyfriend likes to expose me or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist no longer in denial by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the earlier parts
This is a double bill. Phoenix Rising and Crystal, making an almost novella length story. The tales are separate but they have characters in common. Phoenix Rising ------ An adult tale by Miss Irene Clearmont
Part 8 Luna continued her slow pacing round her back garden. Gone were her looks from the night before. When she was at home she liked to spend her time in muggle clothes she found comfortable
Tracey looked at the list again and smiled as she ticked off the last girl to board the ship. She was pleased with herself, it was a lovely sunny day down at the docks and at the grand old age of twenty five she was the only female slave trader in the town, probably the county
Here We Are Again. This Is 2 Months After Me And Spencer's Last Episode. It's Not Summer Anymore Unfortunatly And Me And Spence Are Back In School. Although, Even Because We're In School Dosen't Mean We Can't Have Some Fun
The next few days I was in a dreamlike world not knowing if Susan had found out about what really happened that night
Hey guys this a continuation of "kid of the house' a story i wrote some time ago, a couple of friends asked me to keep writing about that particular story, it can be read as a stand alone, but you can also find the old one in this site
"You know my daughter is besotted with you," said Frances. She was sitting on Jack's sofa where she had been for almost all of the last three hours. She was lying back, totally naked, her legs spread wide, all her femininity exposed
Blackshaft - 1-01 Say Hello To The Black Guys p2 (Adults Only. 2013) Somewhere. The smell was sharp, cutting through to her brain and waking her up quickly. Carol jerked up and felt the soft blindfold around her eyes leaving her in the dark
Andrea sighed as she rubbed at her temple, every step through the chilly morning air was one away from the comfort of her own, loving bed. “Who the fuck..” She yawned, “Invented four in the fucking morning.
It was a glorious summer morning in the seaside town of Heaven’s Cove. The birds were chirping, the flowers in full bloom, neighbours waving and wishing everyone a great day. Even here on Rosemary Drive it was just a picturesque