Fiction - Page 653
VI. A Sunny Day I went to sleep with his fingers inside me and I slept soundly and only awakened after it had grown light outside. I could tell that it had cleared and the sun was shining. We were in the same position but his peter had shrunk and his fingers had slipped out
Crissy was thrilled. She crawled up into her father's arms, rubbing her hot virgin body against his hard powerful frame. "Am I as good as Mommy before she left us?" she asked. "Better, baby," Douglas rasped, cradling his child in his arms. "Oooh, Daddy
Cherie was a terrible tease, thirteen and my little sister’s best friend. She had traveled with Cherie’s family to Disney Land and spent a lot of time at her house. On those occasions when Cherie came to ours, I found every excuse I could to stay in the vicinity
Solomon A black cat, obviously well fed and cared for, guarded the back porch of a house. He picked his head up as he heard the sound of a car pull into the driveway. Within a few moments, two humans, an inferior race, had exited the car
as i slowly got up from between ross' legs my mouth still full of his creamy young cum, i could see he had enjoyed himself. his eyes were glazed, chest flushed, and breathing slowly starting to settle
It was the middle of the night when Missy woke up to go pee. The bathroom connected her room to her brother's and his door was open, so she didn't turn on the light. She just went in and pulled her panties down before sitting on the toilet in the moonlight coming in through the window

Nancy Cherry walked through the familiar halls of her small-town hospital as she looked at the charts on the clipboard she carried. The attractive young nurse had been born and raised in this small, mountain village. The only time she had gone away was to attend college

The comment section has been restricted to members only due to spammers and other idiots. Please feel free to PM your comments to me. Lucky Mann Stolen Pleasures The sun had nearly set. A warm spring Friday in northern Indiana was coming to an end
We’re still travelling in the van, Gemma’s smoking another spliff. “Right, I've thought about what you have to do for me.” she says. “So what is it?”. “You have to be my submissive for the weekend”. “Ha hayou sound like Madam Whiplash”
Bev continued ass licking Marvins ass as he filmed 19 year old Britney stuffing her mothers cunt with the 10inch stapon dildo. Fuck mommas cunt screamed Joyce Evans . Marvin was getting super hard so his mother began slobering all his prick
it all started when i was 16. my mother had left my father before i was born. i grew up in a fairly large city. my mom lost her job and wanted to move, so we moved to my uncles cabin in Wyoming. i was in the 10th grade at a new school halfway through the year
“Your pregnant!” Marie said in a shocked voice, the shock was showing on all Kim’s sisters too and Lee faces. “Yep, I am… your not mad are you mum?” Kim was a little nervous at how her mother would react, but April grabbed her hand and held it for support
3 Weeks Later. I woke up at 4 AM i took care of my usual morning routine and got dressed. I walked into the "Living room" as it came to be called. Walking over to the fridge behind the bar to get the creamer for my coffee. I opened it up and looked in the right
Part 3 I thought that Dad and Derek would be the only ones to use me day in and day out. I grew very attached to the idea of being their sex toy, their daily convenience
I spent most of my morning reviewing applications for my latest modeling job. I was surprised at the response of my newspaper ad. Finding one attractive girl to model swimsuits would be an easy task, out of the 100 applications I received