Fiction - Page 654
My wife, Trudy, is a real saint. The warmth of her big heart is matched only by the warmth of her big beautiful breasts

Sometime during the night, Sarah figured out exactly how she would start dominating Gail. When Sarah woke up the next morning, she was still aroused from her dream about dominating Gail, and let her fingers slide down her stomach and into her waiting pussy
Jhislaine woke to pounding on the door. The nightmare she hoped would never come had arrived. She jumped out of bed and ran down the basement stairs. She activated the secret space entrance, barely big enough for her to fit into with minimal supplies
Chapter One: Beginnings I’ve been enamored by Chelsea for over two years. She had an angelic face with deep brown eyes. Her beautiful brown hair always dipped down on the right side of her face just above her eyes
Greetings, readers! I had so much fun writing my recent Star Wars story, “Of Scavengers and Smugglers,” that I decided to start up another. This one I plan to be a longer-running series. Just how long, I’m not certain yet. At least as long as ideas keep flowing, I suppose
Written About life on a world that orbits the sun every 1106 days, thus ages are 1/3 what they would be on earth. I started to implement my plan at a parent teacher conference. Why was I there? well I'm not a parent, so I bet you can figure it out. And this is how it went..

Jaime jerked awake with a gasp as water was thrown in her face. "What the fuck?" she cried indignantly. "Where am I?" She was blindfolded and tied onto a weird kind of table

Following her fight with her parents, Tiffany did not come home. She stayed over at her friend Katie's house instead. Jon was worried about her but he had no way to contact her. It was not until school the following day that he got to see her
Tuesday afternoon - part 2 "What the fuck is going on", said the man again. He had just entered the room to find Jack about to ass fuck his wife, Amanda

Peter Griffin was relaxing at home. His daughter Meg had gone out to the mall to do some shopping and his wife Lois had gone to town to do the same

Wesley stood outside the front door of his new house, contemplating not going inside at all. He had lived with his mom in a rundown apartment ever since her divorce from his father

We didn't have much time left. She would be here any minute. "Are you done setting up the cam yet Joe?" my fiance Marie yelled up the stairs. "Almost there babe." I was quickly setting up a spycam in the closet directly across from the open bathroom door
Sign of the times The Michel Family Part 1 Prefix It was the spring of 2015 the world was heading for unprecedented disaster. The western governments were mucking around with the weather after the earth move on its axis
Now, picture this, after dinner, I would sit on my front steps and have an after dinner cigarette. Upper middle class neighborhood and I had a hot girlfriend living with me
……My name is Cristal, or Cris for short. I loved to get my daddy to chase me. I secretly got a sexual thrill when he grabbed me. I would do anything to get him to chase me. ….When he caught me, he always held me from behind, holding his arms around my tummy tight