Fiction - Page 664

The Young Backpacker’s First Reaming It had been a long hot grueling hike and I was truly grateful the fifteen steep switchbacks were now behind me. Now I was enjoying the rewards of that effort
This is my second story ever so again I hope you guys like it! REMEMBER THIS IS ALL FICTION AND CANT/SHOULDNT EVER BE DONE IN REAL LIFE. Once again, remember, these pills dont even exist so its all obviously fiction
Daisy Modified - ch 2 "It appears she recognized you," Tiffany said, leaning closer to punana and smiling. "Well, that's not completely shocking. We've left your face more or less intact. Do you even remember?" punana felt Tiffany's fingernail moving gently across its face
It's been three days since I hooked up with Aiden, and being the idiot that I am, I refused to open the app to check if he had messaged me. Every time I'd consider checking, I would start to feel uneasy and decide against it. Today was no different. "You're such a punk, Marc
Time passed as Janet continued to lead her highly unusual life. From Monday through Friday, she worked at her job and lived normally. She worked, shopped, did laundry. She refused the advances on men at her job, and stopped socializing with her female friends
Mixed Metaphors II The group all went into the house. Mrs. Davis said, “Coffee anyone?” “I would love a cup of your coffee Mrs. Davis”, said Tony. “Cream and sugar?” “No mam… black would be fine.” “Please sit here Tony.” “Thank you sir
It was a typical morning in the Gadget household. Brain was outside doing his business, and Penny was sitting at the table pouring herself a glass of orange juice, and Gadget was making pancakes. “Did you sleep well Penny?” He asked. “Yes I did, Uncle Gadget
~Chapter 9~ I woke up the next morning, Courtney was already gone for work. I stared at the ceiling fan, unable to move. Courtney was due to come home in a few hours. I dreaded seeing him walk through the door
From the author_please take it easy on me. This my first time! But this is vanilla compared to the other stuff. Like i said I'm in prison and looking for penpals. Peace! _holden aka jailbird Thier was no one i enjoyed babysitting me more than my cousin Alex
P3 I woke up the next morning feeling more than ready for a steamy shower to get the day started. I adjusted the water carefully, stepped in, and shut the glass door behind me. It felt good
Daddys started to harden again as he watched may sleeping in her cell from the video feed in his office. He took another deep breath from her panties before he stood and made his way to her cell to wake her. Daddy opened her cell door but waited to turn her lights on
My twin sister, Leena and I have always been close. Most days after we'd come home from school, we'd watch TV on the couch. Often, one of us would lie down on the couch and rest our head on the other one's lap
Fbailey story number 539 I Caught An Exhibitionist I was out with my camera looking for some pretty flowers to photograph in my neighborhood. I am blessed with many neighbors that have green thumbs
Note: In the first chapter, mom and son gets it on. In the current chapter, the sister gets into the picture. All rights reserved. Copyrighted:damonhell aka kruz Chapter 2 My plans to deflower my sister is already finalised
Janet and I have been married three years now. We get along great and the sex is even better than great. Janet is rather a free spirit in the bedroom, even more than I am, I love it