Fiction - Page 685

The week flew by. I did not see the two guys who had fucked me so well on Monday and Tuesday and I started feeling pretty normal by Thursday. My pussy was not sore anymore but I had gotten on a fairly aggressive masturbation schedule
Light streamed through the open window and the clock on her bed side table read 6:00 am, her favorite time of the day. No one in the house would be up yet, it was almost as though she did not have roommates and the house belonged only to her

he Ex-Wife and Step-Daughter! Chapter 1 As I felt the thick head of my cock pop into the virginal asshole of my ex-wife's eighteen year old daughter, eliciting a muted scream as her face was forced deeper into her mom's pussy, I paused to think about how I managed to get into this position

CHAPTER 13 The time after the party returned to a semblance of normality. The only obvious difference was that I got a lot more waves of hello from the neighbors when I drove by
After a long four years, the night of the prom was here. Everybody in my class was going with their dates. Lucky me, I had my girl. Her name was Samantha Myers. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen
Most of the story takes place in a room in a house called 'The Snuggery', which the narrator, " Deepak ", converts into a kind of erotic torture chamber equipped with beds to which women can be strapped and held helpless and which is soundproofed to make their screams unheard

Finding Love Along the Tracks Chapter 10 - Moving on Before I start this chapter, I want to thank everyone for their support for the series. As far as I can tell, I do not see an end to the story in sight
Bobby’s second full week of carnival life was nearing its end; time was just flying. His outdoor education was almost too much to absorb. His boss had assured his parents that Bobby would be under constant guidance and supervision. Apparently it was only a ruse as Mr. M

“ooooohhhh that’s it sweetie, but don’t JUST lick the clit, remember to keep working your fingers.” Mom instructed. I still had trouble maintaining a good rhythm with my fingers while I was focusing on what I was doing with my mouth
I laid naked on my bed. Waiting, just waiting. The moon shoned though my bedroom window lighting the room just enough to allow me to just be able to see a few things in my room, the nightstand beside my bed, the closed door and more importantly the door knob

It was late and my ride left me stranded in a strange neighborhood. I had to get home because I didn't have enough for a cab

Previously This story was set in 1996 when I was just 19 years old. It is about an incredible (fictional) sexual encounter I had with an 18 year old girl at the time. It is a continuation of the story 'My friend's 43y/o kinky mother part 2.' It is not necessary to read part 1 at all
WARM SPRING EVENING Spring was upon the area; the sap was flowing both in the trees and my veins. It was a warm evening the first of the year that you could go out without a coat. I was feeling very restive that evening, and needed to be out and about as it were

1. Meeting About Bing’s New Course “Thanks for coming in today,” said Paul, the dean in charge of the university faculty
Catherine: “I can’t believe you! What the hell are we supposed to do now? How stupid are you?” Paul: “I’m sorry honey. I honestly don’t know where it is. I must have left it back on my dresser.” That was my boyfriend Paul and I arguing on our weekend trip into the country