Fiction - Page 690

(Hello! This time I thought it would be fun to see where the Roberts Boys got it from. If you are not sure what I am referring to, please click my profile
The next day my dad was home and Mike did not come over and I found my self craving sex. Most of the day I walked around in a pair of daisy dukes and a belly shirt and noticed my dad was looking at me very closely. Deciding to have a little fun I started to tease my dad
Chloe Smythe; A Day In The Park This story is based on the idea Chloe Smythe isn’t a celebrity. Story Code: M/f, Oral “Hey mister, ya got any candy?” Tony looked up from his sandwich and saw a young girl standing about 4 ft. from his bench. “Swell,” he thought. “No sweetie
Georgia goes to University by Vanessa Evans Part 08 – Things start to get a bit routine except for - When I say that, the Sunday morning was the first time ever that I have been woken up by a man fucking me. I’d thought that it would be an amazing experience and I was right
This is part two of cocky boy Scott If you want pictures of me and Scott email me at I woke up in my bed thinking it was just a dream. I got out of bed and got dressed and got on the bus. I was kinda happy that it was friday. When Scott got on the bus he sat next to me
It had been months since she had a weekend away with the girls. The first day and night were uneventful, lots of shopping a nice meal and some drinks and games that night

*If you are easily offended you should not read this story. All characters are fiction as well as the plot and the girls are under 18.* enjoy! Out of the corner of my eye I see Becky in her nightgown. She looked so innocent and so cute. " daddy" she whispered. I didn't answer her

Magic blue pills part 1 Billy's bitches This is the story of how I made my sister and my cousin my sex slaves, or more accurately how I raped them and made them mine. The magic blue pills are basically Viagra on steroids, but I'll get to them later
This is the second story I have written. Thinking about doing more parts. It was the start of a long weekend for me, I had to drive across country to see my wives Mum and Dad for a family party. Trouble is it was a 12 hour drive and I had to do it on my own, or so I thought
I walked right by her noticing she had looked my way. I saw her outfit, how tight it was. The material clung to her full frame like second skin and that made me peek her way a second time. She continued her conversation playfully licking her lips and glancing my way
You can find more of my stories at my website: Ever since my cousin started attending college in my town, she kept wanting to see me. I was surprised by this but didn't mind
This is a re-upload of the same story, which was earlier removed as it apparently "does not follow our rules." I strongly disagree, but alas. It has been removed by some dickhead moderator who has decided to save poor sensitive readers some angst
THE STOP I leave the bar after just a few drinks. I am not drunk, but I have a nice buzz going. The guy I had been watching for an hour hooked up with someone before I got the balls to talk to him. So I'm really pissed at myself and have to go home all horny..

Intro. In this story, a sequel to ‘My Wild African Princess’, James and Nandi meet some of the characters from ‘Things Get Wild In Africa’. .
I was rolling down a narrow two lane road a couple of miles from my home, just enjoying one of the beautiful late summer afternoons here in East Tennessee. It was one of those days that starts off cooler than usual, reminding us that fall is not that far away