Fiction - Page 717

At The Pool 2 My ass was too sore to continue so I begged off but while I was getting dressed, the two newcomers had stripped and were lining the boy up between them. His grandfather was helping and urging them on
Paradise Valley 3, Mexican Tom A warm wind blew off the grasslands and into a secluded, wooded valley. The whir of a rope broke the stillness of the afternoon, missing a tree stump by mere inches. A blue jay cried its objection at having humans so close to its nest
I was seventeen and my uncle Donnie had invited me to stay at his place for a couple of weeks and help him paint his house. It was a paid gig so I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. I arrived on a Saturday, he picked me up at the train station
The car was a beaten up old Daihatsu Charade and as it pulled into the parking space outside the shop the bumper smacked into our photo processing sign knocking it onto the footpath
Two young lads who become very close friends after one helps the other with a problem which he didn't like to tell his parents about. David had just turned 14, he was 5 ft. 6 ins. tall and of slim build with well-defined muscles
I have a friend. Let's call her Kayla. This is my story of something that happened between us one day. Kayla is a student at the college I attend. She was in one of my classes this past semester. I noticed her from the very first day
We had just moved into this fancy-ass neighborhood about a month and half ago – my mother and I. It was just the two of us by ourselves. My dad had abandon us when I was 7. Unfortunately, my mother was torn up about him running out on us
My friend Ben Written by Boys in the hood. Chapter two. Copyright 2011: not to be copied or changed without the owner’s permission Not for view if you are not over 18. It’s up to you if you want to read this fictional story As it never happened. My friend Ben
This Story is the second of the Trilogy of…The Boys & a dog at Play. I hope this part is enjoyed as much as the first part… Three weeks had passed since Matt and I had enjoyed each other along with Boss the dog. Since then Matt and I had spent more and more time together it seemed
As Gail stepped out of the shower, the back of her throat still felt a little rough from deep throating Jack, and her pussy was still tingling from her recent fingering and the vivid memories of the last12 hours
Mary was busy gathering all the cum on her face with her fingers and licking them clean while Brad put his shorts back on. He looked at his mother and he could feel his dick giving signs of getting back to life
A new job with a special duty I had been working at the firm for about three years and really liked my job. I started right out of college. My name is Victor, everyone calls me Vic
I'm posting split off prologues the works. Please read the others before starting this to get the whole feel
Kyle looked at the certificate again, seeing the surname. Tripps. He re-read the name of the person listed as the father. Danny Tripps. Kyle looked back at the lawyer. "Seriously?" Mister Crowler nodded. "Finding out that you're adopted must be a big shock, Kyle
Slippin' . . . Into the Future I sat at my workbench, toying with the headset and doing, pretty much, nothing. After almost a month of, more or less. Constant, very satisfying sex with Jennifer, I was looking at a long dry spell