Fiction - Page 719

1. Prelouge It all seemed like yesterday. He, bouncing her on his knees, dressing her up in small girlish clothes and buying dolls for her pleasure and she, lovely as any five year-old
It finally stopped raining around 6 a.m. on a Sunday morning. I sat up to look around. I was in a park just blocks away from Disneyland. I stood up to stretch until my chest decide it had other reasons as to not to. I looked across the way to see a convience store open
Ok everyone This is the first story I've written so I would like everyone to be brutally honest and let me know how they like it All comments are appreciated Thanks. As he walked down the dark street, Samuel knew he was in a bit of trouble
Hi. My name is Anna. I am a 41 year old mother of two wonderful adult children. Their father, Jim, and I have been married for 25 years and still have a very healthy sex life
It was the kind of black tie event that is mandatory for the power elite in Washington. The ambassador to Iran was celebrating a new economic treaty and high-ranking officials from the multi-national corporations benefiting most were in attendance
Mr Robert Alexander went through his lesson smoothly without a moment's thought. His lessons were like a memorised script with no alterations, one that he repeated seven times a day. His entire life seemed like deja vu
Part two.. Enter Shelly -- So, last time I had written, Michelle had made it clear to me that she wanted to continue our relationship in this manner
===================================================================== Diamond’s POV: ===================================================================== Heath just left and he wanted us gone
It was a day like any other. I came home from work to my empty house, where it was just me and my rottie. I am a 35 year old divorcee, whose husband left me after we found out that I was sterile. As disheartening as it was for me to learn that, I was devastated when he left
Owning a Dominant Bitch By: Rebelman Chapter 1 My first three year of high school could have been better. I was a pudgy boy and only five foot nine inches with a pimply face
(picking up right where we left off. The next chapter in Mike's descent into being a slut) Mike was bobbing his head up and down on Jamie's strapon cock while they drove. He hated when they stopped because he imagined people seeing into his car, but he just kept his eyes closed
CHAPTER SIXTEEN A little over a year later, I was living a much different life. Of course, I had moved into a new home which was amazing. But due to the fact that Michelle was not there it seemed empty and pretentious
My first attempt of at a story. I've read quite a few here on the site and thought i'd decide to give it a shot. Why not, right? Nothing sexy yet, just a quick starting chapter. Something to get the ball rolling. Don't worry, the good stuff starts next chapter
I woke up in an unfamiliar place, naked. As I opened my eyes, I could see nothing but darkness. The lights were turned off, off course. I had a headache, intoxication. Although I was warm and under some covers, I could feel the cold breath of someone behind me, on my neck
The Violin Teacher Carla put her violin into it’s case. For years she’d been wanting to take lessons and now that’s she just turned twenty nine she finally bought herself a secondhand instrument and looked for a teacher by flipping through the adds in the local newspapers